The Owl

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"Is there no security in this place?" Draco groans as he spots Theo walking into his office.

His friend only smiles, charming as ever as he plants himself on the lounge in the office. Draco's officemate stares daggers at the two, opening his mouth to speak only to be cut off by Theo. "Mind giving us privacy?"

"This is unacceptable on all accounts. Malfoy, this is also my office. I can't be expected just to leave whenever it is convenient to you. He shouldn't even be in here, he isn't a ministry employee, and he most certainly doesn't have an appointment. I will call secur-" Percy gestures to Theo.

The blond interrupts the tirade. "I will do your paperwork after the Cup for a week if you'd just sod off, Weaslebee."

After a swift exit and the sound of the door clicking closed, Draco is the first to break the silence. "Astoria stopped by last night." He says it casually.

His friend's eyes downturn, a frown accompanying his response. "And what about your soulmate? Did she have anything to say about this?"

Theo knows that you're unaware of this information. He's only prodding—trying to come up with a way to gage Draco's reaction and response to the current situation. He tells himself it is absolutely not a favor to you, and whatever is discussed won't leave this room. However, he finds himself too curious for his own good. There's also the small matter that he has also been withholding information from one of his best mates and needs a way to talk to him about it. Be cunning, the brunet tells himself.

A huff of air leaves Draco, his eyes boring holes into the report on his desk. "We're over."

The lack of response from Theo drones for a second longer than intended. It leaves the blond questioning his friend. Wondering the motive behind this visit.

Theo finally thinks of a response. "What did Astoria have to say?"

Draco leans back into his desk chair, his occlumency guards in place, he begins speaking. "Said her parents are putting pressure on her to marry. She hasn't found her soulmate, so she doesn't know what else to do. You know how the Greengrasses are."

"Isn't that the whole reason she dumped you, though? To find her soulmate?" Theo asks.

Draco gives a noncommittal shrug.

"So you're giving up on Y/N?" Theo ponders.

His jaw clenches slightly at the mention of your name, a pain in his head and a tightening in his chest. Another noncommittal shrug and a cold glaze washes over Draco's hardened face.

"Come on, mate. She's your soulmate." Theo encourages.

"I don't know that she is, though. She could be lying about that too. Besides, even if she is, it doesn't really matter. That bond will be broken if I marry someone else." Draco's gray eyes get lost, looking pointedly at a spot away from his friend.

"But she is your soulmate." Theo hesitates, knowing what he's about to say will bite him in the ass. "I- I knew she was a witch, before all this." He motions in the air with his hands.

The blond is shocked at the admission. His gaze snapping to dark cerulean eyes. "Wait, how did you know?"

"I met her back in May. She was the girl who fell down the stairs outside the apothecary. The one I mentioned being the reason I was late when I first got into town."

Draco's jaw clenches, a beat passes, and a heavy breath is released. "You've known for nearly two months?"

Theo leans forward now on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees. "Technically only since your birthday." He shrugs.

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