Not a Bloody Muggle

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After all this time, Draco fucking Malfoy finally makes an appearance; you think after he and Blaise leave. As you keep working for the day, you keep flashing back to when Blaise and that little blond shit walked in.

You knew Blaise's history, but Draco's was different. A sympathizer wasn't the same as a known supporter.

You knew that working near the Ministry, there would be a chance of seeing him, but you were hoping his No-Maj hating parents had rubbed off on him, and he wouldn't think of setting foot in here. Even after Lucius 'changed sides,' you were still wary of the youngest Malfoy. The Battle of Hogwarts ended a few years ago, but you know that its effects still plagued all those involved.

"Hey! Y/N, are you just going to stare off into space, or are you going to make those drinks?!" Your coworker snaps at you, which breaks you out of your daze.

"Yea, sorry!" you reply as you begin busting out the multiple different drink orders in front of you.

"Cappuccino for Tyler!"

"Flat white for Michael!"

"Breakfast tea for Lynn!"

Even though working at a coffee shop wasn't your definition of a dream job, it paid the bills, not that you needed the position to do that. The large sum of money you received mysteriously in the form of inheritance when you came of age was enough to get by and then some.

Plus, you have found that you are quite decent at it, and you enjoyed seeing your regulars each day. You were biding your time here, patiently waiting, and your opportunity came in the form of a tall blond with daddy issues. If only you could handle your own emotions long enough around him to try and get answers.

A few hours later, when you are going through your last of your shift duties, your coworker pulls you aside by the elbow entering the backroom.

"Hey, I know that you are going through something, but I haven't seen you this spacey since you went three days without sleeping, trying to get rid of the jetlag," Jade says to you with a worried tone and concern etched across their face.

"I just saw someone I never thought I would see, and it threw me off; it won't happen again," you reply, trying to sound convincing.

"No worries! You know that I'm always here for you if you need anything!"

You nod and smile, another one to add to your repertoire of fake smiles.

You feel guilty about being so vague with Jade. Other than Blaise, they're the only ones here with whom you interact. Your fear that confiding in them could end badly. Finally, punching your numbers in to clock out, your head begins hurting, like a small toy monkey is banging together cymbals in your brain.

As you start your short yet peaceful commute home, you begin to remember the last few years. Living in America was a completely different experience than your current living situation. The most noticeable difference was the lack of Death Eaters just roaming free, unlike in London.

You still can't believe that they just let them walk free after all that they did. Even though you were not in London during the Second Wizarding War, that doesn't mean that the Dark Lords' effects returning just a few years did not travel over to America.

You were on your second to last year, and it was more challenging than ever. Between studying non-stop and trying to figure out what was next in life, the whole school was under constant watch, wondering if the Dark Lord would somehow make his way here.

The staff kept the protection charms up year-round. Students were not permitted to leave the grounds and had to travel in pairs to and from class. That was the first year that everyone also wasn't allowed to go home over any holiday breaks, especially the No-Maj-born students like yourself, or so you thought. That turned out to be a lie, but it didn't mean you were any less safe. The headmaster and staff knew that the safest place for you was Ilvermorny.

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