Just This Once

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Draco's head had been pounding for days. It seemed like no amount of caffeine could fix the headache that plagued him. It was like he was having withdrawal symptoms, but from what he couldn't comprehend.

He had tried countless potions and spells, but the relief was temporary. It was noon by this point, and he'd already gone through three cups of coffee. Every sip reminded him of the absence of the cinnamon you had added to his coffee.

He had tried replicating the coffee, but success had been to no avail.

Draco had become more and more irritable as the days passed after his first encounter with you. You were plaguing his mind, like a parasite sucking the life from him.

Only a few hours into his day, his pride had shattered as he found himself standing in the door of the Costa at Victoria Station for his lunch break. He told himself it wasn't to curve the craving he felt when he thought about you, but it reminded himself that you were nothing but ordinary.

When he walked over to the line, his heart sank slightly for reasons unknown when he didn't see you at the counter. It wasn't necessarily that he was looking for you, he reminded himself; it's just for the coffee and reassurance.

"Hey Y/N, can I get a hand upfront, please!" you hear Jade yell from the front.

You quickly hurry up, restocking the walk-in fridge, and make your way upfront through the swinging door.

He stood in line, mindlessly scrolling through his phone, when a scoff from behind him brought his attention up. He gave the man behind him a frown and stepped forward to the counter.

You see, the blond approaches the counter, the fake customer service smile instantly falling from your face. You groan slightly.


"So you do know my name."

"Obviously," you roll your eyes. "Why are you here?"

Draco looks you up and down, noticing the soft turquoise dress draped across your body with your apron tied around your waist. He tries reminding himself that you're just an ordinary muggle, but as his headache recedes and his blue eyes gaze into yours, he's reminded just how beautiful you are.

The smirk falls from his face briefly at the realization of his thoughts. He watches you squirm with irritation at his sudden appearance. His facial expression makes you nervous.

"Don't tell me you're going to become a regular."

Draco scoffs, "I'm not."

"Hmm," your eyes rake over his suit, "what do you want, Draco?"

"Coffee, black."

You quirk an eyebrow, writing down his order on the cup. You smirk as you write his name on the cup, adding a few special characters at the end.

After Draco pays, you add the cup to the line-up, you take another customer's order. The line had decreased enough for you to step away from the register, running over to the hot bar to help make drinks.

Draco observes your movements across the counter. He studies you, how you move and how you're unable to hold in your reactions when a customer is rude or when a coworker is incompetent.

His eyes gaze to your cupid's bow and how it curls and shapes in different ways. He can't help but imagine running his lips over it. He snaps himself out of his traitorous thoughts when he sees your eyes finding his.

You reach the handoff zone, your hand outstretched to Draco's holding his coffee. Draco grabs the cup before you can call his name and takes a sip as he stares at you. His brows furrow when the absence of spice is noted.

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