The Reveal

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You rummage through your cabinets looking for the blood-replenishing potion. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Your side is bleeding from the curse to your side. Your breathing ragged as you turn over your shoulder. Your eyes fall on the man on the floor, your cat sniffing his sleeve.

Finally finding the dark red potion, you uncork it, at last lifting your shirt up to assess the damage. You hiss when your hand finds the cut, the blood staining your fingers. You knock back the whole vial in one gulp, feeling the effects of it almost immediately. You then grab the Essence of Dittany from the same shelf, unscrew the top, and drip a few drops onto the wound, watching as the skin heals over and stitches together.

You finally release the breath you didn't realise you were holding. You take a second to check over yourself for any other injuries.

You finally make your way over to the man on the floor. Searching around him for his wand—no one needs him hexing anyone, especially you. You pocket his wand in your robe.

"Rennervate," you point your wand at him, reversing the stunning spell he was hit with.

Harry Potter jumps up with more force than he should have, he winces as he takes in his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he asks, looking around trying to figure out what just happened.

"You're at my apartment. Are you hurt anywhere? I have healing and blood replenishing potions." You start to head back into the kitchen to grab the extra vials. Your hands are shaking slightly.

"Where's my wand?" Harry asks nervously, patting down his pockets searching for it.

"Are you hurt?" You ask again, trying to get him to calm down—and distract him from the fact that you have his wand.

"I'm fine...What the bloody hell was that back there? You know that you aren't supposed to be doing anything except simple household spells with your magic. Are you out of your mind?" Harry starts to raise his voice at you.

"Wait what-" You think for a second looking at his disheveled hair. You didn't actually know who exactly in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement was handing you the files on the captured and undesirable Death Eaters. You think back to several encounters you had, remembering dark disheveled hair. You narrow your eyes at Harry before they go wide. Realization dawns on you. "Are you- are you my contact??"

"Obviously, or you'd be in a cell for kidnapping me right now."

You furrow your brow, looking for a further explanation.

He continues, standing up finally. "I didn't expose myself for your own safety." He looks around your apartment. His green eyes settle back on you. "You're putting everything in jeopardy. You were supposed to observe tonight! Not engage."

You defend yourself. "He-he saw me. He followed me out. What was I meant to do?!"

"You should've disapparated back here before he had the chance to follow you." Harry continues to shout at you.

"Who were they?" You demand answers.

"Mulciber II and Nott Sr. I don't know the others, but I recognized those two." Harry tells you.

Your breath hitches. "Wait—Nott? I thought he was dead."

Harry sighs. "So did the Ministry."

Theo will want to know this, you quietly think to yourself.

Harry finally sits on the couch

"Harry, can I call someone here? Would you mind if one other person knows about you?"

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