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"Uh yeah, I was just looking for-" you fumble around trying to find a reason you would be in here, "a phone charge my phone so I can call an Uber."

"There is one on the side table by the couch." Draco raises an eyebrow at you.

"Thank you." You look away from his gaze, unable to maintain eye contact. "Well, you were in the shower, and I didn't want to bother you." You respond back, not knowing if that excuse worked.

"Yea, okay," Draco responds coldly. "Maybe next time you try to snoop through someone's stuff, don't be so fucking loud."

"I'll remember that for next time," you snap back. You try forcing a smile to lighten the mood, but the air tension is too thick to penetrate.

Walking out of the office with Draco in tow, you curse at yourself for being so stupid. What was I even looking for?

When you're at the door, you turn to Draco. Halfway thinking he might send you off with a kiss, but the thought is quickly diminished by his cold demeanor to you. Just another lay, that's all he is, and that's all you are—nothing more, and nothing less.

All it could take was one trip into her mind or a single drop of Veritaserum in her next cup of tea to know precisely what she was doing there. Draco pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind; he's not that person anymore.

Instead, his face is hardened, his jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed. He grabs your arm, spinning you, so your back is against the wall next to the door, his arm thrown across your chest, putting pressure to keep you there.

Your eyes go wide, your anxiety climbing. His face draws close to yours, but the proximity is dangerous.

"Next time you lie to me, I won't hesitate to find out the truth."


Jade texts you a few days later, telling you that you can return to work, but you're still under a probation period. The days pass in a blur over the next two weeks. Draco texts you, and you text him. Both satisfying each other's needs when possible. He always leaves his shirt on, but you don't mind. You know what hides beneath his sleeve. You've never seen it, but you know it's there. He doesn't bring up your snooping again, and for that, you're thankful. The headaches are almost non-existent at this point. But neither of you dare to say how you may be overusing the arrangement.

Neither of the boys come into the shop, and now your job is just that—another job.


"So you and Y/N, huh? What's going on with that?" Blaise asks Draco on a Monday at work.

"We talked about the situation, made an agreement between us to help each other with the headaches," Draco responds.

"Are you two together? Or what?" Blaise keeps questioning him.

"We have an agreement, and that's it," Draco snaps back. "She means nothing."

Although he's been seeking comfort in you in sinful ways, that's all it is. You both rarely talk outside of a text every few days, and even when you're together, it stays silent. Except for the foreplay and dirty talk, which he notices your wit rivals his own early on.

"Didn't seem like nothing when you punched me in the face," Blaise states amusedly.

"Whatever. We both agreed it's nothing." Draco brushing off the comment. He still doesn't like the idea of you with someone else, but he suppresses his opinion on the matter. Draco dominates most of your free time, so he's sure you're not shagging anyone but him.

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