Just Friends

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After coming to work with a Costa coffee cup in his hands for the fourth day in a row, Blaise notices his best friend in a less sour mood. But today, in their morning meeting, he can't help but be suspicious of Draco. He seems distracted and deep in thought—his face switches from a small smile to a harsh scowl. The dichotomy is astounding.

Percy Weasley's nasally voice echoes in the room. "Malfoy, pay attention." His fingers are snapping in his face.

Blaise finds himself smiling, thanking whatever god is out there that he didn't get stuck with the annoying ginger as his desk mate. His eyes follow Draco, a note in his hands.

"That concludes the meeting for the day; the Quidditch World Cup will take place in August this year. Thank you, Draco, for volunteering to take the lead on organizing it. You're dismissed."

Draco stands, Blaise following him from the conference.

"Draco! Wait up!"

Draco slows his pace to allow Blaise to catch up. The blond perking up an eyebrow when Blaise turns to him.

"You want to tell me about the girl?"

Draco narrows his brow, trying to decipher Blaise's line of questioning.

"Whoever it is, your shagging?" Blaise continues, seeing Draco's confusion.

Draco responds. "It's no one."

"Mhm sure," he replies while rolling his eyes at Draco. "I'm glad you and Astoria are working things out. You needed a good lay."

"Astoria?" Draco cocks an eyebrow at him before shrugging, "yea sure." Draco abruptly turns and leaves, ending the conversation pulling the note out of his pocket again.

Blaise notices a phone number written on it. He recognizes it but doesn't know from where.


"Hello there, muffin."

Your brows raise, "Oh... Hi Blaise." You contemplate for a minute; your resolve comes in full force. "I haven't seen you in a while." You bat your eyelashes at him, trying to feign innocence. "I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."

Blaise smiles at you, and his cockiness is as charming as ever. "You left me on read. Didn't think you wanted to see me."

You pout your lip out, trying to get him back in your circle so you can keep spying on the Ministry. "I'm sorry. It hasn't been fun without you."

"What time are you off?"

"One-ish depending on when the rush dies down."

You begin writing his regular order on his cup; Blaise was a sucker for a mocha.

"Let me take you out."

Your marker pauses on the cup, and you roll your eyes. "We aren't dating."

"Just as friends. Let me show you around London. You've been here, what, six months?"

You nod your head, placing the cup in line.

"And you still haven't been on the London Eye."

"You know I'm scared of heights, I tell you every time you mention the eye," you respond with a huff of frustration.

"Fine, no Eye, but at least dinner, just as friends, promise no funny business," Blaise says, still egging you on.

Going to dinner with Blaise would help you with your plan. Maybe he would let slip details about his job or the other Death Eater families who walked free. He could probably even provide a distraction from the blond that plagues your thoughts most of the time these days.

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