Important Announcement

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In regards to the current controversy around Tom Felton and his support of JK Rowling:

When one refuses to break silence over such matters it leaves them to believe that one is not in support of said community being discriminated and mocked. 

Both of us recognize that as two cisgender women we do not have the right to project our voices, especially over those who are affected so deeply by such silence and words that JKR has put out there. We are here to amplify trans and non-binary voices, we will never silence them and we will never speak over them.

We want to make it clear that we do not support TERFs, or any form of discrimination against the LGBTQ community.

Kayl is a member of the LGBTQ community herself and Kat is an ally. There is a reason we have placed LGBTQ characters in this fic and we have plans to introduce more. We believe in representation, we believe in equal rights, and we believe that silence is violent.

We have been in the HP fandom for a majority of our lives, we DO NOT condone acts and words against the LGBTQ community-- especially those against trans and non-binary lives.

We will be continuing this fic as planned but we understand if readers are no longer comfortable reading, especially in light of current events. Please remember we are writing about the character, not the actor.

We love and are grateful for each and everyone of you that have read and continue to read our fic.  With love, Kat and Kayl.

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