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You linger in the doorframe, watching Draco hurry down the steps. You touch your fingers to your lips in shock at what just happened. He kissed me goodbye? He's never done that before. Why start now? You think to yourself as you shut the door.

Heading to the bathroom, you start the shower to wash away any bodily fluids before getting into bed. A smile forms on your face as you dream of those soft lips pressing onto your own.


"Almond milk latte for Emily!" You shout out to the crowded cafe the next morning. As you're hurrying through the morning rush, you think back to that kiss again, smiling at the thought of his silky lips—while steaming the milk for the next order.

"What's got you so smiley this morning?" Jade questions you, almost as if they know already.

"Oh nothing, just glad to be back to work," You respond back, trying to avoid the subject.

They lean their hip on the counter, a knowing smirk on their face. Jade cocks an eyebrow at you, "it's the blond, isn't it? Your soulmate, right?"

"Uhh, Draco? If either of us goes too long without each other, we get headaches. So we have been hanging out, you know, trying to help each other not feel like shite all the time." Deciding to tell them the truth.

"Headaches, huh? Well, it's a good thing I gave him your phone number," Jade smiles at you with a wink.

"That was you?! I was wondering how he got my number!" You shout at them, but not with anger, while a smile spreads across your face. The ring of the doorbell takes your attention to the register.

"You're welcome! " Jade shouts back while you walk to the register.


The next day, you find yourself once again in your green cloak, walking past the shops on the northside of Diagon Alley. Your hood is pulled up, once again concealing yourself from prying eyes. Your bag is draped across your body.

Waltzing into Slug & Jiggers, you are still overwhelmed just past the threshold. Vials upon vials of potions and ingredients, a witch and/or wizard could ever want or need. Not only varying in all shapes and sizes but spanning up at least two floors all the way to the ceiling.

You lower your head and start walking up the steps to the second floor. Double-checking your list, you begin to pull the vials that you are low on.

You gather everything you need and are thankful that you can convert Muggle money to galleons

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You gather everything you need and are thankful that you can convert Muggle money to galleons. An ice cream from Florean Fortescue's sounds good right about now, you think as you pay for your potion ingredients.

You walk out the door, your bag with an expanding charm containing the new stock of ingredients. With your eyes looking down as you descended the steps, you aren't paying much attention to anything else. A loud crash to your right startles you. You look up, trying to find where the noise came from, and in your haste to find the source of the noise, you miscalculate your last step on the stairs.

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