Chapter 2- Floo powder.

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Elliana spun around as fast as possible and jumped onto him, wrapping her arms around him. "Miss me much?" Fred laughed as he rocked back and forth, holding Elliana in a tight hug. She shot a look up at him and giggled, "how could I not!" Fred laughed as they hugged each other just before George came running over. "Well if it isn't Elliana Esther!" He exclaimed, pulling her away from Fred and hugging her. She missed this, so very very much. "How are you both!?" Elliana laughed, pulling away from her hug from George. "We really couldn't be better, " Fred began, "the joke shops doing AMAZING, as you can see." Elliana smiled up at him, "I can see that! I'm so proud of you two!" George and Fred glanced at each other smiling. They were glad to have their bestfriend back after all these years. To be fair, it had only been a year since she last visited the burrow, but that was way too long for all 3 of them. "It's quite loud why don't we go to our office and catch up?" George asked, and began leading them to the office.

"It looks brilliant in here." Elliana stated as she sat on the desk, her dark hair falling to behind her shoulders. She set her beautiful green eyes on Fred. Had he always been this gorgeous? Her thoughts trailed as Fred and George began talking about how long it took to get the shop up and running. Elliana was barely paying attention now; her thoughts and eyes had trailed to Fred. His jawline had gotten stronger along with all the muscles on his body. His beautiful brown eyes gleamed in the sunlight from the office window and his lips looks soft and warm. Why was Elliana thinking like this? She had never had a thing for either of the twins. Yeah, they would all flirt quite often, but it never had her falling for either of them. He's just a friend. Ellianas thoughts continues as the twins talked. A very attractive friend. I wonder if- she cut off her own thoughts and snapped back into reality. "Anyways, that's how we got here! How about you Elliana, been anywhere special this past year?" George questioned, now looking at her. She never realized how different the twins looked to her until now. "Not really. I Finished school a few months ago, and then went back to France to see my parents for the summer, and here I am." Elliana finished simply and the twins smiled. "Why haven't you visited the burrow?" Fred questioned her as she kicked her legs lightly while sitting on the desk.

"Well I hadn't had the chance," Elliana began explaining, "last Christmas I went home to France and that's really the only time I had off of school." She looked at Fred and they made eye contact for a few seconds before George started talking again, " I suppose that's fair. For a second we thought you forgot about us" elliana looked at him and laughed, "oh yeah because I could forget about THE Weasley twins." She laughed as George continued.
"Well I wouldn't be surprised. Busy girl you are," he laughed along with Fred and continued. "Any new jobs?" Elliana smirked as he brought up the topic and then smiled. They both gave her queried looks. "I was going to mention that," Elliana began, simply smiling, "I was wondering if you two idiots needed any new workers." The twins jokingly made shocked faces as she called them idiots. Elliana laughed which caused them to laugh aswell.

Somehow, Elliana's mind travelled back to Fred. His laugh was contagious; along with his smile. Everything about him seemed new and, more attractive? Elliana admired him as they laughed. He must've had a glow up. She thought constantly to herself. It's just a silly little thing. That's all. She convinced herself to let it go and continued talkings. "So what do you guys think?" She asked them nervously. "I say yes! What about you Fred?" George instantly spoke, now looking at Fred for a response. "How could I say no to such a brilliant, beautiful prankster?" He smiled at her. Elliana's heart lit up; she was going to work at the joke shop, like they all planned. Did he call me beautiful? Elliana questioned in her mind. "You're hired miss Esther" Fred laughed as he handed her a uniform. The uniform contained short skirt, a pair of pants and a soft, matching coloured blouse.

"Thank you both, really." Elliana spoke as she placed the clothing next to her on the desk. "It's no problem," Fred began, now smirking, "but only if you call me boss at work" he winked and Elliana let out a soft giggle. She felt Fred's eyes on her, it's almost as if he was staring at her, admiring her. But that couldn't be. Could it? "Got it, boss" she smirked, looking up at him. His cheeks became warm, but Elliana didn't seem to notice. "You start on Monday." George suddenly spoke, as if he was breaking a tension between her and Fred and they both looked at him. Elliana smiled and spoke, "alright, I'll be there."

Suddenly Fred spoke, "why don't we all go to the burrow for the weekend? Harry and Hermione are there. They'd be ecstatic to see you Elli." Did he call me elli? He only ever calls me Esther. Elliana's thoughts flooded her head as they waited for her to talk. "That sounds like fun! Is Molly going to be there?" Elliana replied. Her and molly had always gotten along well. She treated Elliana like one of her own, and Elliana appreciated it. "Her and dad don't come back till Sunday night. You'll probably see them before we leave for work Monday morning." George answered, "we can head there tonight, spend time with Harry, Ginny Ron and hermione." He finished. "Sounds like a good idea. I'll just bring my suitcase there, since I'm already packed. Elliana jumped off the desk and followed the Weasleys up a long set of stairs and into a large apartment. She assumed they lived here when working. There was a kitchen to the right of the entrance and a living room to the left. A dining table set just below the kitchen. Straight across was a hallway with 3 doors, which Elliana assumed to be 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. In the living room sat a beautiful fireplace.

"It looks lovely in here" Elliana complimented the apartment. It really was beautiful, especially for the twins. "Thank you Esther" Fred spoke, walking by her, slightly touching his arm against hers as he did so. Why did that give me butterflies? Elliana began thinking.
"We'll take Floo powder, that alright?" George asked, grabbing a box from above the fireplace. "Better than apparating, isn't it?" Elliana giggled as she walked over and took a pinch of powder from the box George was holding. The twins laughed as they both took a sprinkle of powder.

She glanced back at the twins and they nodded at her. She threw in the powder and spoke clearly, "The burrow" and stepped into the fire and spun, soon landing on a soft carpet. There she was at the burrow, for the first time in a year. Along with that, Ginny, Harry, Ron and hermione were sitting,  all gathered in the living room. They all shot eyes surprised as Elliana stepped out of the fire, before all standing up and hugging her happily, and greeting her.

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