Chapter 23- Hermiones suggestion

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"Good morning everyone!" Molly Weasley exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen. It was now 11:00 am and everybody was eating cereal at the table.

"Morning mum!" George replied before taking a bite of his cereal.

"Did everybody sleep well?" Mrs Weasley asked, smiling as she made herself toast.

"I slept realllyyy well." Fred grinned. Both Ginny and Elliana choked on their cereal. Suspicious much?

George glanced over at Fred in confusion and Hermione glanced at Elliana. She raised her eyebrow at Elliana. El simply smiled and then turned to smirk at Ginny.

"That's lovely dear." Mrs Weasley replied, clearly either oblivious or choosing to ignore what just happened. Harry and Ron looked at each other in complete confusion, and both turned to their girlfriends in hopes to find out what was going on. Hermione had clearly caught on, but not completely. Elliana would be having to tell her about it later.


Everybody finished breakfast and headed up to their rooms to relax for awhile. Elliana laid back on her bed and put her hair up in a ponytail so that her light curls we off her neck.

"What the bloody hell was that!" Hermione exclaimed as she walked in the door, Ginny sniggering behind her. They shut the door and sat on their beds.

"Show her your chest!" Ginny squealed laughing, clearly embarrassed for Elliana. Elliana lowered the collar of the sweatshirt and showed Hermione a few of the hickeys. Her mouth dropped open.

"Elliana gray Esther!" Hermione yelled, beginning to laugh and flush red. "Did you two-" she began.

"Clearly they did Mione!" Ginny howled, looking at Elliana's blushing red face. Hermione glared jokingly at Ginny and turned back to Elliana.

"On the couch!" Hermione laughed, causing Elliana to break out into laughter. Once they all calmed down slightly Elliana took a breathe.

"Just relieving some stress." Elliana giggled. Ginny rolled back on her bed beginning to laugh.

"Yeah and when I found you half naked on the couch this morning?" Ginny questioned. Hermiones eyes widened and quickly looked over at Elliana for confirmation.

Elliana's cheeks burst red. "Don't tell anyone," she began, "ESPECIALLY Xavier-" elliana giggled. Her brother was way too overprotective.

"Of course not." Hermione giggled, laying back on the bed.

They continued to laugh and talk all afternoon about their boyfriends, upcoming jobs and schooling, everything like that.

"Have you and Fred talked about Arianna?" Hermione asked politely.

Elliana frowned a bit and replied, "yeah. He doesn't want me going off to fight her but I just can't wait any longer you know?"

Ginny stared at Elliana. Hermione nodded in understanding but Ginny continued to simply stare.

"Have you told him why you want to go?" Ginny asked slowly. She clearly had an opinion but was waiting to share it.

"Yeah I have but-" elliana began before Ginny interrupted.

"You should listen to him El. He really love you you know." Ginny interrupted , sitting back on the bed and relaxing. "I can tell it's stressing him out." She added.

Hermione nodded, clearly following the conversation but agreeing with both sides. It took a few seconds before Hermione spoke.

"Maybe settle things for him. Go talk to him Elliana." Hermione suggested, standing up."Ron and I have a date so I'd better go." She finished.

Elliana smiled as Ginny stood up and yelled "a date! With Ron! You're crazy!"

Hermione and Ginny walked out of the room laughing, leaving Elliana alone with her thoughts.

Ginny had made a good point. Fred loved her deeply; if anything DID happen to Elliana, she'd be breaking his heart. That's the last thing she'd want to do. She also loved Fred with her whole heart; everything about him made her fall deeper in love. But then there was her idea.

Elliana could end this constant worrying and constant bickering by just turning Arianna in herself. She felt like the aurors weren't doing enough. They hadn't nearly been killed by Arianna; they hadn't had their child killed by Arianna. They had no idea how dangerous she was.

What was Elliana going to do? Hermiones suggestion to talk to him was a great one. Could she do that?

Elliana's heart broke at the idea of breaking Fred's heart when she told him she was going to go after Arianna but she also smiled at the idea of Fred's smiling face when she turned Arianna in. What is she going to do.


It was now 9:00pm. The sun had just set considering it was July now. She wished she could be out doing something fun, but was forced to stay inside because of Arianna.

Elliana had been thinking for the past several hours. Simply laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking.

She had to go after Arianna. Fred and Elliana's 1 year anniversary was coming up in around a month and she was not going to still be worrying about Arianna then.

Elliana was going to talk to Fred. Convince him she would be safe.

He wasn't going to take it well of course; he hated the idea of losing Elliana, it broke him, even just the idea. How would he react when Elliana told him?

Elliana questioned if she was being selfish. She knew she was, actually.

She sighed and stared at the ceiling once more. She had to talk to Fred as soon as possible. Elliana really hoped he would understand and not get too upset.

Fuck this was hard.

Elliana's eyes began to tear up and she clenched her fists. Everything was so frustrating. She was stuck, nowhere to go. She just wanted to scream and cry; she also just wished she wouldn't want to scream and cry. She wished she could be happily laying with Fred right now.

She wiped her eyes and sat up. There were nail marks in her palms from clenching her fists but she really could not care less. She picked up a scrunchy off of her nightstand and put her hair into a high ponytail.

She stood up slowly, her face feeling frozen. Everybody was still awake. Hermione and Ron were out on a date, Ginny and Harry were apparently "playing chess" in his room and George was playing quidditch with Xavier in the backyard.

Elliana walked to the backyard of the burrow and shouted at Xavier and George, "Have you seen Fred?"

Xavier glanced over while flying in the cool summer night air and smiled. Elliana was happy he was having a good time.

"In the kitchen with Molly!" Xavier yelled, before continuing batting with George.

Elliana walked back in and to the kitchen where she found Fred and Molly finishing up cleaning the kitchen. They were clearly baking because the room smelt super sweet.

Here goes nothing elliana thought.

"Fred can we talk?" Elliana smiled. Fred glanced over and said goodnight to Mrs. Weasley before following Elliana out of the kitchen.

I hope he understands.

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