Chapter 24- what if?

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Elli had a short conversation as they walked up to his room. She shut the door and sat down on the bed across from him. Fred sat on George's bed and looked up. He already seemed nervous.

"What's up darling?" He asked gently, though he already saw what was coming.

"I know you told me you didn't want me going after Arianna..." elliana began, Fred looked at her and bit his lip. She continued, "but this is important to me Fred. I'm not going to be spending our 1 year locked up because of her. Plus, what if,"

Elliana paused. He clenched her jaw and met her eyes with Fred's. He was trying his best to understand it seemed.

"What if she decides to hurt you, to get me to give up on you or something. I don't want you getting hurt! I would never give up on you but I can't bare that idea. I want her locked up." Elliana finished, taking a breath. Fred bit his lip once more and sighed. Elliana could tell he was feeling several different emotions.

"And what if she kills you? What if I never see you again? What if I don't get my chance to live my life with you! My soulmate! What if I lose you Elliana." Fred spoke, leaning his elbows on his knees and looking at her. Elliana felt her heart break a little.

Elliana bit her lip once before continuing.

"What if I lose you? What if she kills me and I never see you again? At least I'm prepared if I go after her." Elliana began to grow frustrated. She was beyond stressed about this.

Fred stood up and looked down at Elliana. He took a deep breath slowly before thinking of what he was going to say next.

"You really have no idea how much I love you do you!" Fred began. He was getting evidently angry now. "I can't protect you! It's my fault if you're gone! You're being selfish Elliana!"

Elliana rarely saw Fred yell at her. He was right, she was being selfish, but there was no need to yell.

"Fred I understand that. You just aren't understanding my part of-" Elliana explained before Fred interrupted her

"Elliana ive been trying to understand for the past several weeks! Why can't you understand? You've been nothing but a bitch the past while now!" Fred shouted, staring down at Elliana.

She had been rude. He was right. She suddenly felt horrible. He was trying so hard and she was being insensitive once again. She couldn't get past the fact Fred had called her a bitch though.

"Fred you don't have to yell!" Elliana shouted slightly, her voice breaking as tears filled her eyes. She hated herself in this moment, but was also angry at Fred.

Fred rolled his eyes and continued, "I have every right to yell! You aren't even trying to understand me!"

Elliana hated this. Him yelling at her. It reminded her of when she was dating Malfoy, except worse because she loved Fred so much more.

"Fred I wanted to talk about this calmly." Elliana sighed, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. Her and Fred had never argued this much.

"Calmly? You wanted to tell me that you were going off to get yourself killed CALMLY?" Fred snarled, turning around in anger. Elliana sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Fred you know I love you." Elliana stated in a whisper. Fred turned around and scoffed.

"Not the time to be all buddy buddy Elliana." Fred snarled. Why was he being so rude?

Elliana looked down at the ground as she cried silently. Fred had never been like this to her ever. Had he always been like this?

"Fred I'm sorry I just wanted you to understand where I'm coming from." Elliana apologized, though she only had a few reasons to be apologizing, Fred had many more at the moment.

"You're just sorry I don't understand." Fred bit his lip and glared down at her.

Elliana was done. She was really trying but she was just done.

"Why are you being so rude!" Elliana yelled, rising to her feet and staring up at him. Tears streamed down her cheeks quickly.

Fred stared down at her and clenched his jaw. He was clearly stuck in the moment and not thinking correctly.

"Because you won't understand!" Fred yelled back, he stepped closer and glared down at her. They were quite close now.

"You don't have to yell!" Elliana cried lightly. Once again, she had always been bad at hiding emotions.

"You've already said that." Fred snarled. Literally fuck off.

"I'm trying to do what's best for us." Elliana clenched her teeth together and looked up at him.

"You're trying to do what's best for you El. I'm fed up with your bullshit!" Fred shouted once more.

Elliana let out a scoff and sighed.

"I'm sorry for trying Fred! I'm sorry for falling for you! I'm sorry for you having to fall for me! I'm sorry your life is so hard because you're dating ME. Just tell me I'm the issue next time." Elliana ranted, before yanking open the door and slamming it shut. She ran down the stairs of the burrow and out to the backyard.

It was 10:30pm now and stars were starting to appear. Elliana ran out the door, wiping her eyes and ran through the field. She had a certain spot she wanted to go.

"Sis what's the matter!" Xavier yelled from the air.

Elliana didn't turn but she shouted, "fascination fountain Xavier!" Before apparating.

She didn't care if she was in danger, she just needed to think.

She loved Fred Weasley, but really? She was in the wrong in the original situation yes, but he just. He was horrible to her.

I still love you Fred Weasley. Elliana thought once she landed at her destination.

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