Chapter 19- into the fields

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"I love you Freddie." Elliana mumbled. It was now 2:00am. Elliana was laying in the living room cuddling with Fred and watching a movie with Xavier and George. She had changed into a pair of Fred's dark gray sweatpants and a white sweatshirt with a tank top below.

"I love you too darling." He whispered into her ear. He had been kissing her neck and teasing her right in front of his twin and her brother. She had a lot of trouble hiding her reactions.

"Fred you're gonna make a hickey.." elliana mumbled, cuddling into Fred more. Truth is she liked it, but her brother was right there.

"Too late." Fred laughed. George and Xavier looked over and gave them weird looks.

"Shut it will ya. I'm trying to watc-" Xavier began before a spark of light shot directly at Elliana and Fred, causing him to grab her and roll onto the floor to dodge it.

"Bloody hell." Elliana mumbled. Xavier and George were on the ground aswell. They both had their wands out.

Fred was holding elliana tightly next to him. He didn't want to lose her. They both grabbed their wands from their pockets and glanced at each other.

"Came from the kitchen." Fred whispered. Elliana could feel his heart beating heavily next to her. The power had just gone out and everything was nearly pitch dark.

Elliana slowly raised herself to glance over the couch and look. Fred grabbed her wrist tightly, but allowed her to look.

"STUPEFY!"came a voice from behind the island in the kitchen. Elliana rose her wand and blocked the shot before yanking her wrist away from Fred and jumping over the coach.

The person behind the island had risen too. It was Arianna. How did she get in?

The guys in the living room had risen too. Spells were now flying through the room, though none of them getting hit until awhile through.

"REDUCTO" Arianna shrieked. The table in the living room burst into pieces and sent Xavier and George to the walls. They had been very vaguely injured.

Elliana glanced over before turning and pointing her wand back at Arianna. Fred did the same.

"Need your little pet to protect you Elliana?" Arriana laughed, pointing her wand at Elliana.
"You're pathetic! He deserves way better than you and he knows it!"

"SLATIUM!" Elliana screamed, sending a spark directly at Arianna. She dodged it and laughed.

"Fred don't you see? I'm so much prettier, so much smarter, so much better than her. You know I'm right my love." Arianna flirted, now staring at Fred.

Fred said nothing, he knew the wand was still pointed at Elliana and he didn't want to risk it for a second.

Arianna sent a hex directly at Elliana which caused battle to break out once more. Hexes and spells were flying across the room, barely missing the individuals fighting.

Arianna leaped over the counter and jumped onto Elliana, pinning her arms to the ground. Fred directed his wand at Arianna, who was holding hers at Elliana's neck.

"See this Fred. You can't protect her forever." Arianna whispered. The room was silent once more. Elliana was glaring into Ariannas deep eyes. Was she going to die tonight?

"Get off of her." Fred whispered. He was holding his temper. He didn't want Arianna to do anything to Elliana.

"She dies if you don't put your wand down Freddie." Arianna laughed, still staring down at elliana.

"Fred just put your wand down..." elliana muttered, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Fred slowly lowered his wand to the ground and stepped back from it.

"Better?" Fred asked, staring down at Elliana's face.

"Yes. Now, now. Watch this my love." Arianna giggled, poking her wand at Elliana's throat. She was truly insane.


Elliana screamed in pain as Arianna held down her panicking body. She was burning with pain. It was nothing she had ever felt before.

Fred gripped his wand from off the ground and yelled, "EXPELLIARMUS!"

Arianna giggled and yelled as the spell left his wand, "Lets finish this where your boyfriend can't interfere Esther!"

She apparated before the spell hit her, bring Elliana with her. Elliana was away from Fred, she had never felt more unsafe.

Arianna threw Elliana to the side when they landed. They were in the middle of a large field that looked to be on a cliff.

"Come on then, fight for the one you love!" Arianna smirked, pointing her wand at Elliana.

"You're a dirty bitch." Elliana scowled. She was glaring at Arianna with her wand pointed. The stars were shining brightly now.

"I'll at least let you put up a fight before I kill you." Snarled Arianna. She raised her wand and sent a hex directly at Elliana.

Elliana doged it and sent back another hex. The hex just barely missed Ariannas head.

"Levicorpus!"Elliana screamed, the spell was blocked.

"Stupefy!"Arianna yelled. It missed aswell.

"Expelliarmus!" Elliana said, sending sparks out of her wand, Arianna dodged once more.

"CRUCIO!" Arianna yelled. The spell jut barely miss Elliana. She had ducked.

Quickly Elliana pointed her wand and yelled, "Stupefy!"

The spell hit Arianna causing her to fly back and roll to the ground. This gave Elliana enough time to regain her balance. Arianna quickly got up and sent a hex at Elliana. Unexpectedly Arianna sent another curse which hit Elliana straight on her side. She screamed in pain but held her wand in a tight grip.

Blood was starting to cover Elliana's white sweatshirt but she didn't care. She stoop straight once more and sent the incendio spell at the grass around Arianna. It burst into flames immediately.

Arianna glanced around her in panic before pointing her wand at Elliana and firing a hex. Elliana rolled out of the way of it and looked over to see Arianna putting out the fire with water from her wand.

"Stupefy!" Elliana yelled. The spell hit Arianna once more and she fell into the burnt grass.

Elliana gripped her side tightly, cringing in pain. Her sweatshirt was covered in blood and she was becoming dizzy. She couldn't apparate like this, it was too dangerous.

Elliana looked over at Arianna who was getting up slowly now. She was burned pretty badly but not bleeding like Elliana. Elliana was winning the battle, but not by much.

"I'm going to make you wish you were never born Elliana Esther." Arianna growled, pointing her wand once more.

"Come at me then." Elliana seethed through her teeth. She was in a lot of pain, but she wasn't ready to give up.

Arianna sent a hex at Elliana before running at her full speed. Elliana quickly dodged and shot a hex back, which hit Ariannas cheek. Her cheek began to burn slowly, but it was barely bleeding when Arianna pushed Elliana backwards and sent her flying further through the field. Elliana was stnding in front of a cliff now.

"Goodbye Esther." Arianna laughed, pointing her wand at Elliana.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Elli heard the curse leave Ariannas lips. It was the end. She wouldn't see her friends again, she wouldn't see Fred again, the love of her life. She couldn't have that be her fate. She was not going to give up on Fred Weasley.

He meant too much to her.

Without time to attack back, elliana leaned back and fell off the cliff, the killing curse barely missing her head. The wind was howling in her ears as she fell. She couldn't possibly summon a broom, she was in the middle of nowhere.

She had no choice but to apparate. She had just escaped being killed by Arianna, but if she didn't try to apparate, she'd die anyways.

St mungo's hospital

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