Chapter 16- The Killing Curse

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Hey guys! Thank you for all the support:) I'm so very thankful. I'm going to be making plenty more stories once I finish this one. Would you guys like it if I did?

I will probably make Draco ones, Fred ones, Ginny ones, Hermione ones, Harry ones. I hope you guys will like them:)

Big things coming. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter


Fred and George walked into the burrow and assisted Elliana onto the couch. Everybody was probably in bed by now, eventhough it was only 11:00pm.

"I'm going to go get mom and da-" George began before they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Mione!" Elliana shrieked and smiled. Just the person she wanted to see.

"What are you 3 doing here at- oh my goodness Elliana!" Hermione ran over to her quickly and analyzed her ear which was still bleeding.

"She got attacked." Fred spoke simply, now standing next to George and watching the girls. He seemed to be worried.

"By what?" Hermione mumbled as she pulled down Elliana's coverup, revealing the scorched burn.

Hermiones eyes widened and she glanced over at Fred and George who also had their mouths wide open in surprise.

They all seemed to know what the curse that Elliana dodged was, but Elliana had no idea.

"Oh darling..." Fred mumbled, staring at the burn with fear in his eyes

"What? I just dodged a spell you guys should be happy." Elliana sighed, leaning back on the couch and looking at them all.

"Elliana, you nearly got hit by the killing curse." Hermione whispered, just so everybody in the room could hear. Silence went across the room.

"Well good thing I dodged it." Elliana giggled uncertainly. The thought she had almost died scared her, but she'd rather it be her than Fred.

"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed, rubbing his eyes. Ron, Harry and Ginny were now standing at the entrance of the living room.

They all rushed over. Ron and Ginny fortunately didn't know what curse caused the burn, but it was clear Harry did. Out of Harry and Ron, Elliana was closest to Harry. Eventhough she spent most her school years with the twins, who were 2 years above her, she spent the time after they left with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Though, her and Ron never really got along too much.

"Who did it?" Harry snarled. Ginny looked up at him in concern, noticing he was angry.

Elliana glanced up at Fred and sighed. "Arianna Tale. I was in diagon alley and she pulled me into an alleyway. She had her wand to my neck until I kicked her back and we duelled and then..." elliana trailed off and sighed once more. "She's out to kill me because of wanting Fred or something. Complete loony that one."

Harry looked at Fred who was frowning. It was all of their first times hearing the story and it clearly made them worried.

"If she wants a battle that's what she's going to get." Ginny scoffed, rubbing Elliana's back as Hermione healed her burn.

"Elliana showed her who was boss today though." Fred laughed. It made Elliana smile.

"Can we still have a party this weekend?" Elliana blurted, looking up at Fred. She didn't want to cancel it because of one little thing. She knew it was impulsive, but she just missed when they used to constantly throw parties.

"I don't know Elli, it seems pr-" Fred sighed and met her gaze. "If you think it's safe, I trust you. But you're staying by my side the whole night darling."

Elliana giggled and shot up, wrapping her arms around Fred. He hugged back as footsteps came down the stairs. Elliana glanced over Fred shoulder and saw Mrs. Weasley standing there.

"Why are you all still up?" She muttered before looking at Elliana and noticing her shattered ear lobe."my goodness girl what happened?" Mrs. Weasley ran over and looked at the bloody ear lobe. It had been healed up but it was still shattered from the middle to the bottom.

"She got attacked by some girl." Ron answered, leaning against the wall next to Harry.

"And nearly hit by the killing curse!" Ginny snarled once more. She was furious somebody attacked Elliana. She loved that about Ginny, always full of power.

"My goodness Elliana how did this happen!?" Mrs. Weasley questioned as she wiped the blood from Elliana's ear and face.

Elliana told Molly the story in detail over and over again. Mrs. Weasley was absolutely furious.

"I'm so glad you're alright dear. You're very welcome to stay the night here." Mrs. Weasley smiled, hugging Elliana.

"I'm going to actually head to France. I need to warn my parents just in case. The sooner the better aswell." Elliana spoke confidently, glancing over at Fred. "You wanna come?" She asked him.

"I wouldn't let you go alone." Fred smiled. "Plus, then I can meet your parents. Only took you nearly getting killed for me to meet them." Fred joked, resulting in a whack on the back of the head from Molly.

"We'll take the floo network." Elliana giggled. "Then come back here for the night, and head to work tomorrow. Oh and before you say it's too dangerous, I'm not going to hide out because of some psychopath garbage witch." Elliana added, grabbing floo powder from the box.

"A psychopath witch who nearly killed you." Hermione added nervously.

"She's still garbage." Elliana laughed, throwing the powder into the fireplace. "See you all soon." Elliana finished and smiled. She then stepped into the fire and spoke loud and clearly.

"Esther residents."

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