Chapter 30-expecto patronum

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Authors note:
Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you so so much for all the support! This story is almost to an end and it's kind of breaking my heart! I will be starting both a new Fred story and a new Harry story! For now, this story and my "slytherins" story will be the only ones on my page(until I finish this one). I'm very excited for you all to see what's coming, especially my new story's.

Now, enjoy:)


"Wow." Came a voice from the kitchen.

Elliana looked up from her feet and looked into the kitchen. Fred was standing dressed quite nicely, waiting for her.

Fred stared at her, breath taken away by how beautiful she looked.

Elliana herself found herself staring at Fred completely breathless. He always looked perfect to her though.

"You look beautiful." Fred said, walking around the island and over to Elliana.

Elliana stared up into his gorgeous eyes as he pulled her in my the hips, kissing her gently. She kissed back slowly, completely breathless by how in love she was with him.

She wrapped her arm around his neck as they kissed, tilting her head to deepen the moment. Fred slowly pulled away and Elliana lowered to the ground. She stared up into his eyes once more. Everything that happened in the past 10 years, especially the past year, it was all coming together now.

"I love you." Elliana breathed. Fred placed a gentle kiss on her lips once more.

"I love you more." Fred replied.


Fred and Elliana were walking down diagon alley now. They hand their fingers intertwined and elliana was smiling constantly, as was Fred.

"Where are you taking me?" Elliana giggled. Fred still hadn't told her where they were going.

He stopped walking and turned to look at her. She looked up in response. He was smirking now.

"Remember the night we met?" He asked.

Elliana remembered the night perfectly. She was sitting on the astronomy tower by herself late at night. Fred happened to come up, looking for George. Her and Fred ended up sitting on the tower all night, talking about pranks and inventions and spells. Fred had to pull her into a hug to hide around the corner from one of the teachers. They were kids then, but even then, they were everything to each other.

"How could I forget?" Elliana replied. Fred's smile widened.

He then, gripped her hand and apparated. They spun for a couple of minutes before landing. Elliana opened her eyes and realized where she was. A smile lit across her face when she saw a blanket and candles set out on a blanket. They were on top of the astronomy tower at hogwarts.

"How did you-" elliana began but Fred interrupted.

"McGonagall lowered the barrier just so I could do this." Fred said, pulling elliana gently down to the blanket.

Elliana's heart melted. Fred planned all of this just for her. She couldn't have been more in love with somebody.

"This is amazing Freddie." Elliana said, laying back on the blanket and staring up at the stars. The sun had gone down awhile ago now.

Fred laid down next to her and pulled her to lay her head on his chest. He stroked her hair and stared up at the stars. Stargazing was something they seemed to do on a lot of dates; this was probably because Fred knew how much she loved astronomy.

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