Chapter 11- Sunday night

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Authors Note:
I am so very sorry for this chapter. I promise it will all come together in the end. Don't hate me just yet.

Elliana and Fred went to bed shortly after their conversation in the kitchen. Unfortunately, they had to sleep in separate rooms because they were at the burrow. It was still a nice sleep either way. Elliana shared a room with Ginny and Hermione, who talked of boys all night, before dozing off. Whereas Fred shared a room with George, Ron and Harry. Fred would have much rather been sleeping with Elliana, instead of near his annoying, snoring brother Ron.

"Good morning my love." Fred spoke gently, causing Elliana to stir awake. She glanced up and saw Fred standing against the wall sipping a tea from a restaurant in diagon alley. "I brought you your coffee." He added simply, handing Elli the plastic cup filled with coffee.

"This is from that restaurant down the street then?" Elliana asked, sipping her coffee. It tasted lovely. The perfect amount of sugar and cream. He knew her too well.

"Yeah, my friend works there." He replied, sipping his tea.

"Have I ever met this friend?" Elliana queried , now looking up at him as she sat up and sipped more of her coffee.

"You've probably seen her around." Fred placed his tea on the desk and continued. "Her name is Arianna."

"Was she that brunette you were talking to at the shop the other day?" Elliana leaned against the wall, still sitting on the bed.

Fred smiled and sipped his tea before speaking, "yeah, that was her."

Elliana knew this girl quite well actually. She had never had a conversation with the girl, all she knew was that the girl was a pure blood who went to beauxtons years before. She was also in the same year as Fred and George.

"I'll have to meet her sometime." Elliana said. She got up, finished her coffee and threw on a sweatshirt and short shorts.

"I'll bring her around the shop tomorrow if you want. She's really sweet." Fred finished his tea aswell and glanced at Elliana.

"Yeah, yeah that'll work." Elliana mumbled. She was now paying more attention to her reflection; her skin was quite tan, and her cheeks were rosy like they always were when she woke up. Her face had no makeup, but Elliana left it like that because she thought it looked prettier.

They walked out of the room to spend time with the Weasleys, before Fred and George went back to their apartment for the night. The day was rather fun, elliana couldn't have complained about anything.

Ginny and Hermione insisted on going shopping. They loved buying muggle clothing. They found it looked more modern. Elliana bought several new outfits, mainly because she couldn't choose.

Fred, George, Ron and Harry played quidditch in the field literally all day. They were exhausted, and had to take turns showering since there were only 2 showers at the burrow.

"And you'll come visit again soon?" Molly questioned, pulling Fred and George into tight hugs. She loved them a lot.

"Of course mum." George blushed, embarrassed as his mom hugged him.

"So will Elli, but she's staying the night anyways." Fred smiled, before walking into the fire close behind George. Elliana was not only excited for tomorrow because of work, but also because it was her and Fred's 8 month anniversary.

"Care for a girls talk all night?" Hermione asked in a whisper to both Elliana and Ginny.

"Of course." Ginny giggled quietly, running up the stairs. Elliana and Hermione followed her up to their room. Hermione shut the door once they were all in.

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