Chapter 5-The night after

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"That is so stupid!" Elliana exclaimed, taking a shot of fire whiskey. The drinking had started, and Fred and George were telling her about a quidditch game in their 3rd year. She was only a few shots in, but alcohol in the magic world was much stronger than in the muggle world.

"I watched it happen!" Ginny giggled. She was already beyond drunk. Elliana laughed at this. "Elliana wanna see who can take the most shots in 30 seconds?" Ginny added. Oh dear. Elliana was surprised. All the guys insisted they did it, and Elliana wasn't going to back down.

"Alright gin, I won't be going easy on you though." Elliana replied, pouring several shot glasses with fire whiskey. This was a bad idea, but it was fun. Elliana didn't mind the danger of it. She finished pouring the shot glasses and placed them in the middle of the table. Hermione waved her wand, making a timer appear in the air. She was the least drunk, but it was obvious that she was.

"Ready, set, go!" Hermione giggled as Elliana and Ginny began grabbing the shot glasses and downing them; the boys began chanting. Elliana was leading by 2 shots majority of the game. She glanced up at ginny, who was beaming red as she gulped down shot glasses. Elliana got more competitive, now drinking her 10th shot. This fire whiskey was STRONG.

"Time is up!" Hermione exclaimed, lifting Elli's hand in the air, showing she had won. Elliana giggled as she smiled up at ginny. The alcohol was now hitting them both. The only difference was that Ginny had already been beyond drunk as they started, whereas Elliana wasn't. They all watched as Ginny blacked out from being so drunk. "I'll take her upstairs to her room." Harry chuckled as he picked her up, and carried her up the stairs. He didn't come down after that.

"Alright Esther?" Fred gently rubbed his hand along her arm. She was extremely dizzy. Elliana could barely see, everything was truly a bloody blur. She could see Fred glancing at her; he looked worried. She wanted to kiss him, but everybody was there, sitting around them.
"I'll take her up to bed I s'pose?" Fred suggested, helping her up. Elliana was blackout drunk. The whiskey took little to no time to kick in.

"Yeah alright.." Ron spoke softly as he sat next to Hermione and George. "What a night." He added. It was already 2am. They had been drinking since around 9pm and were nearly out of whiskey when Ginny passed out anyways. Fred laughed and guided Elliana up the stairs, making sure she wouldn't fall.
"Almost there," Fred spoke gently, "I've got you love." He helped Elliana onto the bed and pulled off her shirt, switching it with one of his sweatshirts. Elliana suddenly felt more comfort. He climbed into the bed along side her, and pulled off his shirt. He cuddled in next to Elliana and pulled her onto his chest.

"Fred." Elliana spoke quietly. Glancing up at him.

"Yes beautiful?" Fred replied softly, rubbing his hand on Elliana's thigh slowly.

"I missed you, a lot." Elliana sighed as she cuddled into his chest.

Fred had never felt butterflies for anybody as much as he did Elliana. Her smile was contagious, she was the life of the party, her laugh was adorable. He loved everything about her. From her nose, to her eyes, to her hair. Absolutely everything. He was falling in love with her, really.

"I missed you more." He spoke gently as she began falling asleep in his arms. They melted at each other's touch. It was crazy how two bestfriends, had became business partners, and that they were now becoming lovers.


Elliana woke up at noon the next day. She felt exhausted, and extremely hungover. To her luck, somebody had placed a hangover potion on her nightstand. She rolled over, now realizing she was in Fred's bedroom. Did we have sex? Elliana questioned herself as she slowly sat up, grabbing the potion from the side. Eventhough Elliana was in Fred's room, he was nowhere to be found. She sipped the potion and instantly felt her mood and energy rise. This potion is quite the life saver.

Elliana then, rolled out of bed and walked over to the full body mirror on the wall. She examined herself in the mirror; she believed she looked like a mess. It warmed her heart when she saw Fred's sweatshirt and sweatpants on her. He had taken care of her last night, that was for sure. Elliana then threw her hair into a ponytail and walked just outside the door.

"Quit snogging my sister Harry Potter!" Fred yelled over his shoulder. He was walking towards Elliana now.

"Morning Esther. Or should I say afternoon?" He chuckled, then pulled her into a kiss. This kiss was gentle; Elliana kissed back lightly, placing her arm around his shoulders. She felt his hands glide onto her hips as he turned his head, deepening the kiss. This kiss was passionate.

"Morning Weasley." Elliana giggled as she pulled away from him, smiling.

"How did you sleep beautiful?" He whispered softly to her, tucking her hair behind her ear. Elliana's insides filled with butterflies. What was he doing to her. She smiled up at him as he held her hips.

"I slept rather well." Elliana replied as he pulled her into a gentle embrace. Why was he being so soft and gentle today? Elliana thought as she buried her head into his chest. "Did we have-" Elliana blurted suddenly.

Fred chuckled and replied. "No we didn't. I wouldn't do that if you were drunk. I know better" he continued, "plus Esther, you underestimate me. Your knees would be shaking like crazy right now if we had." He whispered into her ear, sending chills straight down her spine. Elliana smirked as she looked up at him.

"I would enjoy that quite a bit." She replied, smirking as he looked down at her.

"Gross Elliana!" He teased and continued, "you would more than enjoy it." he leaned in and kissed right below her jawline. She moaned slightly out of nowhere. Did Fred Weasley just find her weak spot? He smirked into her jawline, as he continued kissing, sucking and nipping at it. Elliana knew he wanted her, and she wanted to same. But not right now.

She tilt her head back as he kissed the corner just before her jawline, and below her ear. She let out a soft, quiet moan. She then stepped back away from him and spoke in a whisper, "Fred we're in the hallway. Later?" She giggled as he jokingly made an offended face.

"I'm busy later." Fred said simply. Elliana's mood slightly dropped. "I'm going on a date." Fred added. Elliana felt her heart drop. Did he see her as just a friend? Really? This all felt so stupid. We nearly slept together! Elliana's angry thoughts began.

"Will you be back in time for work tomorrow? Elliana asked, trying not to show she was upset. This was something she was bad at. Yeah, she was fun and always positive, but when it came to hiding her feelings when she was upset, she wasn't great at it.

"Yeah will you? I heard you've got a date tonight." He leaned against the wall as he spoke, now looking at her.

"I?" Elliana began, though confused. Was this Fred Weasley asking her on a date.

"Would you like to go on a date with me Esther?" He spoke, grinning down at her as he leaned on the wall.

"I would thoroughly enjoy that actually." Elliana smiled up at him and then quickly added, "boss" with a smirk.

"Don't start something you can't finish Esther." He winked and kissed her, before walking out of sight and down the stairs.

Elliana was ecstatic. Fred Weasley had finally asked her out on a date. She had hope, hope for love for the first time since 4th year. For the first time since, him.

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