Chapter 34- surprise!

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That Saturday was the best day of Elliana's life. Her and Fred spent the whole night watching movies. Up until literally 3:00am. They ended up waking up at 11:00 the next day.

Elliana was scared for that Sunday though. Today was the day she was going to tell Fred she was pregnant. She wasn't quite ready, but it had to be done.

Hermione gave Elliana a hug as she slipped the pregnancy test into her pocket. She took a deep breath before walking out of the room and up to Fred's room.

Elliana knocked on the door and leaned against the wall, trying to stay content.

Harry answered the door. Elliana had forgot Fred shared a room with all the guys.

"Oh I hope I didn't wake you." Elliana said, feeling bad.

Harry shook his head though sleepily.

"Is Fred in there?" Elliana asked politely. Harry got knocked to the side and Fred came up to the door.

"Can we talk really quickly?" Elliana asked. Fred looked back at George and nodded before following Elliana down the hallway to one of the empty bedrooms.

"You're not having second thoughts are you?" Fred asked the second the door closed.

Elliana's heart broke at that. She would never take back her marriage with Fred.

"Of course not I just-" elliana began. She thought it would be simpler to explain before saying anything. "So you know how I threw up at the apartment and whatever?" Elliana said, keeping her gaze with Fred's.

He raised his eyebrow but nodded slowly.

Elliana was going to explain how she hadn't had her period but then she decided to just get on with it.

"I'm pregnant Fred." Elliana said, letting out the air she was holding in.

She pulled out the pregnancy test and held it out for Fred to see. She wasn't sure how he would react to be honest. Was he going to be happy or?

"And how do you feel about it..." he asked slowly, biting his lip and staring down at the positive pregnancy test.

Elliana sighed and ran her tongue along her bottom lip as she thought.

"I'm stressed, of course. I'm barely 20, and it was unexpected." Elliana began. Fred nodded, clearly understanding. "But, I've always wanted kids and I couldn't ask for a better father for my kid than you." She finished.

A smile lit across Fred's face. He was clearly overwhelmed but it seemed he was actually excited. He really was going to be a great dad.

"Well. If you want to keep it, I want the same. We can raise it together." Fred said simply, smiling down at her.

Elliana grinned and leaned up, kissing him directly on the lips.

"Wow, I love you so fucking much." Elliana said, still grinning.

"But I love you more. And them." He said, looking down at Elliana's stomach. She felt butterflies for a moment before hugging Fred once more. Things were amazing.


"You're leaving for France already?" Hermione groaned.

It had been 2 weeks since Fred and Elliana's engagement and they hadn't told anybody about the pregnancy yet, other than Hermione of course.

Elliana looked up at Fred and smiled. He nodded subtly and Elliana looked back to the group.

"Before we leave we have an interesting announcement." Elliana said. Fred grinned slightly.

Ginny looked up from her book. She was cuddling with Harry on the couch while Mrs. Weasley cleaned the area. Hermione and Ron were standing to the wall and George was helping his mom.

"What is it?" Harry and Ginny asked in unison. Even Mrs. and Mr. Weasley looked over and stopped doing what they were doing.

Elliana bit her lip nervously. Here goes nothing.

"We're pregnant." Elliana said.

Ginny's mouth dropped open and she looked across the room at Elliana. She then looked to Fred who nodded.

George's mouth dropped open aswell. He looked at Fred with a great smile before running over and hugging him.

Mrs.Weasley was ecstatic aswell actually. She was excited about the engagement but she was also excited to have grandchildren. Though she wondered how long Elliana and Fred had been shagging before that. She didn't want to think about it.

"Congratulations You two." Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny said in unison as they walked over. This was the original group now really. George, Fred, elliana, Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny.

Ginny hugged Elliana tightly. Even Ginny had tears in her eyes.

Everybody bid them goodbye as they stepped into the fireplace. Off to the Esther resident they go.


"There they are!" Xavier yelled from across the living room as Fred and Elliana stepped out of the fireplace.

Elliana's grandparents were sitting in the living room with Xavier Vivienne and Cole, Elliana's parents.

Elliana ran and gave Xavier a hug tightly before walking over to her grandparents and hugging them.

She also hugged her parents before walking over to Fred once more.

"Okay grandma, grandpa, this is my fiancé Fred Weasley." Elliana said.

Xavier let out a dramatic gasp and reached for Elliana's hand to look at the ring.

The room lit up with conversation. Fred was already in conversation with her grandparents, telling them lots about himself when they asked and telling them about the proposal. They seemed to think he was great for Elliana.

"My little girl is engaged!" Vivienne laughed, wrapping her arms around Elliana. Cole, her father, joined in on the hug.

She complimented Fred on the ring choice aswell and thanked him for everything. When Elliana talked to her grandparents, they were ecstatic aswell. They were never too judgemental.

Elliana poured bubbly drinks in glasses and handed them out as everybody sat around the island/bar.

Xavier leaned next to Fred and whispered, "good job bro." Causing Fred to grin.

"Okay okay. I have one more thing to say." Elliana giggled, glancing over at Fred."I'm pregnant." She finished.

Everybody, even her grandparents who had just met Fred, were happy about it. Of course, they were worried if she was too young, but they knew her. She was an Esther and he was a Weasley. Those families could handle anything.

Elliana couldn't have wished for a better reaction from them all.

Fred and Elliana were going to last, and she knew that now, though, she never doubted it.

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