Chapter 36- 10 years later

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Final Authors note.
Wow. This is incredible. Here we are, over a month later. Can't believe how far this story has come. I truly love you all. Here is the final chapter.

Thank you, really.


Here they were, 10 years later. Everything had changed of course. Elliana and Fred ended up have 2 sets of twins though neither identical. They lived in London and sent their kid to Hogwarts as their parents did them.

They had 2 boys and 2 girls. The first set were the two girls, Minerva and lily, whereas the two boys were feorge and Gred. Ironic.

The girls were the younger twins, but only by 2 years.

Elliana and Fred still visited all their friends. They worked at the joke shop with George still. George had married Angelina about 3 years ago now and she was pregnant aswell. They were happy for him.

Harry grew the guts to pop the question to Ginny a little after Ron and Hermiones wedding. They ended up having kids aswell. All of their kids went to hogwarts together now.

Elliana and Hermione spent nearly every weekend together. Their kids would spend time together aswell. They were just as good friends as Hermione and Elliana were.

They all got together whenever they could of course. Harry and Ron were busy becoming aurors and Hermione, well she was minstriss of magic now. Ginny became a famous quidditch player. Elliana was proud of her for that aswell.

Molly and Arthur were ecstatic with all their grandchildren, having around 6-10 in total. Elliana was sure there would be more.

Elliana's parents had 5 grandchildren. Elliana's 4 children and Xaviers. Believe it or not he ended up with Luna Lovegood. He went out with Pansy for awhile; Elliana took awhile to get used to it but when he ended up with Luna, she was much happier. They ended up having a daughter named noelle. Gorgeous name really.

Things were how she wanted them. Working at the shop with Fred and George all week, writing to their children. It was amazing.


"I'll see you at Christmas darling." Elliana kissed her daughter Lily's forehead and stood up.

They were heading off for hogwarts. Elliana loved that they got to go to hogwarts.

Elliana leaned her head against Fred's shoulder and gripped her hand with Hermiones on the other side of her as all of their kids boarded the train.

There they were, Ginny, Harry, George, Fred, Elliana, Hermione, Ron, Xavier and Luna, all standing in a line waving their kids goodbye.

Elliana looked up at Fred and whispered,

"I love you Fred Weasley."

Fred chuckled and held up his wrist, showing the wrist band. He still wore it to this day.

Elliana gripped her Robin necklace with her hand and smiled.

"I love you too. Always and forever Elliana Esther." Fred replied before leaning down and kissing her.

A Robin flew through the station as the train left.

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