Chapter 9- Falling hard

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Weeks had gone by since that night. Months actually. Elliana and Fred could not have been better. They went on dates, played quidditch, visited the burrow, gotten drunk, had sex. Lots and lots of sex. It seemed the stress of the joke shop made Fred more and more desperate, but Elliana had no issues helping him relax.

They were falling in love. It was crazy how it had only been 7 months since she showed up at the shop. 7 months since Fred asked her to be his girlfriend. The best 7 months of her life.

Every night, cuddled in with Fred in his bed at the apartment, she would think of the day that she finally told him how much he meant to her.
"I love you." Elliana said breathlessly as the cold January breeze hit her face. Fred was holding her close, not letting her go. The words warmed his heart. His smile grew, eyes sparkled.

"I love you too my love." Fred spoke softly, kissing Elliana gently as the wind hit them.

That was the first time Elliana had told him she loved him, and he told her back. Eventhough it was just over 2 months ago, Elliana still go butterflies thinking about it. His flaming hair, soft smile, gentle touch. She was in love, and so was he.

"Esther! Can you grab me the stock from the back room!" Fred asked from across the crowded shop.

"For sure Freddie!" Elliana smiled, striding to the back room. Work was as busy as it ever was. Her, Fred and George barely had any spare time; last time they went to the burrow was Christmas.

"Here you go." Elliana spoke, handing the box to Fred.

"Thank you." He replied, swiping his hands through his hair. Elliana kissed his cheek.

"I love you." She whispered to him before running off to help a customer. Unfortunately, George beat her to the customer so she walked over to the register; Elliana pulled out her wand, still smiling. She loved hard work, especially at a joke shop. She organized the galleons as customers paid. She greeted and thanked them constantly. They were still hours from closing, but she was alright with it.

"Esther mind if I take my break right now?" George queried, walking up to her.

"Oh course not. You're the boss aren't you?" Elliana replied simply, glancing over at Fred who was in deep conversation with a customer.

"Thanks. I'll be back an hour before closing, then you can cut the day short." George smiled and walked away. Elliana wasn't paying attention anymore. She was assisting customers and mumbling, "thank you," and, "here's your change." She was staring at Fred, still in conversation with A young lady, assisting her in understanding one of the products.

Wow was she ever in love.

Elliana snapped herself back into reality and continued conversating with the customers. Time flew by; Elliana hadn't left the till once. That's how busy they were. Why did George have to leave so early? Elliana felt herself growing exhausted. Not only that, but even when George came back, she continued working because they were so busy.

Ring, ring.

Elliana looked up as the bell on the door rocked. In waked their last customer of the day, Draco Malfoy. Elliana saw both the twins tense up from across the store as Malfoy walked up to the till.

"We close soon, what do you need?" Elliana asked politely, though slightly uncomfortable.

"I was wondering if this workplaces cashier wished to go out for dinner?" Draco smirked, now looking at her from across the counter.

"You cheated on me years ago Malfoy. I've moved on, so grow up." Elliana snapped back, glaring into his grey eyes.

"I see well. I guess I'll live without the taste of mudblood a little longer." Draco snarled, which caused the twins to glare over their shoulders at him. They knew Elliana could stand up for herself though.

Elliana yawned and looked back at Draco, "run along daddy issues. I'm getting bored." And with that, Elliana pulled out her wand. She pointed it at Malfoy and used a non-verbal spell that sent him flying back, and out the door.

"Bloody hell Esther!" Fred laughed, walking up to the door and locking it.

"Bloody boy deserved it." George chimed in.

"That he did." Elliana laughed as the 3 of them walked up the stairs to the apartment. It was finally the weekend. They weren't sure what they were going to do, but Fred and Elliana sure had an idea.

"We're visiting the burrow this weekend right?" Elliana asked the twins as they slouched back on the couch.

"Yeah we'll go tomorrow night. Unfortunately we're only staying one night, but it should be Loads of fun either way." Fred replied, loosening his tie.

"One night with Hermione and Ginny is one night I need." Elliana giggled, pouring herself a water out of her wand.

"Hermione and Ron are officially going out hey." George casually mentioned. Elliana spit her water out and Fred rubbed her back.

"And she didn't tell me! That woman." Elliana jokingly complained, kissing Fred on the cheek. She was always super casual around Fred when George was there. She didn't like being super touchy in front of people, but behind what meets the eyes, she was far from not touchy.

After having dinner, everybody went to bed at 9:00 that night. Well, George went to bed. Elliana and Fred did the usual, it was kind of a thing they loved to do.


Elliana woke up the next day. Her legs were weak and her neck was covered in hickeys. How lovely. Elliana thought, as she sat up.

"Morning Esther." Fred smiled from across the room and winked.

"Good morning Freddie." Elliana said, before attempting to get up. Her knees gave out and Fred managed to catch her before she fell.

Elliana smiled nervously as he placed her back on the bed. "This is your fault Fred." Elliana teased.

"I s'pose it is." Fred laughed.

"You excited for the burrow?" Elliana asked, now standing and being strong enough to support her weight.

"Of course. We'll leave in 30 minutes if that's alright love?" Fred spoke, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Of course," elliana began as she re-did her eyeliner, "I love you Freddie, you know that?" Elliana giggled as he sarcastically made surprised faces.

"I had no idea." He teased sarcastically then spoke once more. "I love you too Esther." He kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.

That sounded quite forced. Elliana thought to herself. He almost said it as if  he didn't mean it. But he does mean it. Right? Of course. Elliana reassured herself. He wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it.

It was decently fair. He hadn't said it back when they were at the shop earlier, but it was just because he couldn't hear her over the crowd. Elliana walked out of the room with her bag and stood in front of the fireplace, grabbing Floo powder from the box.

He's my soulmate, I'll be alright.

Elliana glanced into the fire and threw the powder in. She spoke clearly as she said,

"The burrow."

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