Dog Days- Jim (28 Days Later)

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pairing: jim and gn! reader
summary: some comfort amid the apocalypse
genre: fluff
warnings: throwing pillows, kissing
a/n: the fact there is like no fanfics or content in general for jim is a goddamned crime,, sorry

Jim huffs, stomping the snow off his boots before stripping them off along with his jacket. He sniffles, his cheeks red and his nose running. He had been outside cutting wood for the fireplace as the weather grew colder. He takes off the beanie you lent him, hanging it on the rack you built together. He holds his sweater paw up against his nose before shuffling into the kitchen.

He sets a kettle on the stove, hovering his hands over it and rubbing them together. He turns with a soft grin when he hears laughter and soft barking. Instantly, he knows it's you and the dog you had both found some time ago. Jim remembers how apprehensive he was at first, after all, anything that made noise was a guaranteed ticket to your grave. You were so attached though and kept pleading about how you'd keep the dog quiet. Jim couldn't help but give in and he was so glad he did.

He strides across the house straight toward your shared bedroom. The door's ajar so, he leans against the door frame. A wide smile spreads over his lips as he watches you and Sully toss around in bed. He watches as you go to sit up but are promptly knocked over by Sully and you throw your head back in laughter. Jim throws a sleeve-covered hand over his mouth to hold in a laugh. God, was he glad that he let you keep that dog.

"Darling?" He calls softly, pushing the door open with one hand. "Love, what are you-" He's cut off when a pillow connects with his face.

Between laughter, you breathe out, "Oh, oh," You push Sully to the side as you try to stop your laughter. "Jim, I'm-" You're interrupted by your own laughter racking through your body.

Jim looks at you with a dead serious look as he holds the pillow in his hands. "Y/n," He chides in a sing-song.

You're still trying to hold back your laughter as you plead, "Jim. Please don't," But your pleas are too late because in the next moment the pillow leaves Jim's hands to crash against your face. Before you can fully recover, Jim jumps onto the bed half landing on your legs and half landing on the actual bed. "Ahh," You let out a squeal as Jim pulls himself up to pin his hands on either side of you.

"What did you think you were doing?" He teases, licking his lips.

"Jim, I didn't mean to-"

He shuts you up with a kiss, laughing against your lips before pulling away. He pulls his hand up to caress your cheek. His half-lidded eyes scan over your face.


Just as the tea kettle squeals, Sully steps over and licks Jim's face. You start laughing while Jim groans and starts rubbing at his face. He lets himself fall onto his back right next to you as Sully walks over trying to lick him again. Between laughs, you say, "He loves you, Jim." You flash a cheeky smile at him while sitting up. You lean over and whisper in Jim's ear, "We should go check on that tea, hmm?"

Jim lifts his head to press a kiss on your cheek. "We should," He agrees, taking your hand in his before intertwining your fingers. He lets you pull him off his feet. Sully pads behind you both as you head into the kitchen.

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