Any Other Way- Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)

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pairing: eddie munson and ftm reader
summary: strangers to friends to lovers n how eddie is with a trans bf
genre: fluff, angst
warnings: swearing, internalized transphobia, implied homophobia, reader refers to self as a woman once, dated language regarding lgbt topics, stealth reader
a/n: eddie with trans bf :)

- If you're not already into the music he's into, he will introduce you to it. If you are though he's like "you're so cool, babe." Even before you start dating.

- You're both big ol nerds but while you're quiet he's quite the loud mouth.

- AKA he, the extrovert, adopts you, the introvert, kind of...

- He sees you sitting alone at lunch and practically swoops you up. He comes over and introduces himself with the offer of his hand before coming to your side and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. He invites you over to his table before leading you over.

- All the hellfire kids are super welcoming and though you're quiet, they don't mind. they joke around with you like you've always been one of them :')

- Plus eddie has you sit by him to check on you.

- Adding on to that, after you guys are more comfortable he touches you a lot like squeezing your shoulder and stuff to make sure you're good and just cause he needs to touch you all the time.

- Very touchy feely dude.

- Anyway back to the plot ish,, he really wants you to join hellfire. He brings it up whenever he can. He really likes you and he loves DnD so naturally he wants his fav person to like his favorite thing.

- When u finally give in he's so happy!! like dancing around n shit like he was when chrissy recognized him :)) god he's so cute.

- He'll even twirl u around n shit he's fucking adorable.

- So, now that he's convinced you, you guys meet after school to fill out character sheets, come up with ur character, and for him to shamelessly flirt (not that he doesn't do that all the time already).

- Dude is so fucking hyped and he really enjoys explaining everything to you, he gets a real kick out of it.

- Every question you have is answered and in probably more detail than you need tbh.

- Honestly, besides him just being fixated on DnD, he wants to spend more time with you so he goes on and on.

- Then you're late and he's like you wanna ride back? 👀

- You take him up on his offer and he tries not to be too obvious about it but he plays his favorite songs and is watching you to gauge your reaction.

- Man nearly crashes but he's good (?) at being distracted while driving.

- You make it home in one piece and eddie bids you farewell, watching you to make sure you get inside safe  driving back the lonely drive to his house.

- This man loves to shred on his guitar for you, does it to impress you too. It's really cute, he'll get all hyped up and be on his knees, leaning back as he does a solo or honestly just to make you laugh.

- Your laugh is his favorite thing in the world <3

- He LOVES making you laugh, man. He will go out of his way to get you to laugh because everyone at school already thinks he's a freak so what's the harm? (especially if it charms you).

- Dude is a sucker for your approval which isn't like him when it comes to anyone else.

- He's always trying to learn more about you, especially since you're quiet.

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