Loser- Dwayne Hoover (Little Miss Sunshine)

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pairing: dwayne hoover & gn! reader
summary: living with the hoovers means you've got to go on the trip too. while on the trip, you find out you're not a loser.
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, not great parents, socially inept reader, dwayne's in love but he doesn't know it <3
a/n: been sitting in my drafts cuz i was gonna make it longer but i think it's good as is ALSO my god do i love this movie

At first, you were quiet, some could argue quieter than Dwayne on his vow of silence. But as you visited and stayed with Dwayne and his family more and more, you grew close to them and flaunted off that obnoxiously loud side of yourself that was reserved only for your close friends and family. Dwayne knew you had this side before his family did; you two had met about half a year before his vow of silence commenced. You two were pretty much best friends, at least you thought so, Dwayne never made it clear.

At first, his family was somewhat disappointed when they met you in the sense that you were exactly like Dwayne, at least to them you were. Olive was the first to actually try to talk to you and get to know you and she quickly knew you weren't what you advertised; you were much, much more. And she was the first -besides Dwayne- to hear you happily and loudly ramble on about one of your passions; she knew what Dwayne saw in you and she was sure he was probably in love. She had seen you two in his room as you rambled on excitedly, moving your hands around so much and he just happily watched, smiling, nodding, and quickly scrawling responses on his pad.

The first time you let out this other side of you in front of his family you definitely didn't mean to. Mr. Hoover had asked Dwayne about something then Dwayne just pointed at you because you knew far more than he did. You started a little shaky but once you got deep into the topic you were talking so fast and gesturing so wildly Mrs. Hoover thought you were going to knock the big salad bowl off the table. Dwayne, Olive, and their grandfather watched on happily while Mr. and Mrs. Hoover were shocked. Before this, the most they got out of you was a sentence.

But then everything went awry as you realized just how loud and fast you were talking and you stopped yourself from moving your hands which funny enough caused you to knock over the previously mentioned salad bowl. You apologized profusely and way too fast to be understood by anyone other than Dwayne who had gotten used to your quirks long ago. You continue speaking quickly as you try to clean up and Olive tries to help but you end up smacking your foreheads against each other. Then Mrs. Hoover comes over and you nearly impale the woman with a fork. At that moment you've got three options, you think: freeze, flight, or fight. And there's no fucking way you're fighting through this, so you bolt out of there and into Dwayne's room which you'd been sharing with him.

See, your parents as great and awful as they are had left you in the care of the Hoovers. They work overseas and not wanting to uproot you and disrupt your life as much as they had when you were younger had decided this was best. Oh yeah, you didn't get a choice in the matter. You were just glad you had known Dwayne before this decision of theirs. And you've been living with the Hoovers for about 6 months now.

Dwayne stares violently at his mother and step-father. He quickly ignores them though as they realize his eyes were on them. He walks to his room and knocks on the door; it was times like these he wish he could speak. "Please just leave me alone," You croak from the other side of the door. Dwayne sighs, shaking his head. He starts knocking again this time loud and fast just like how you spoke. Dwayne nearly knocks his knuckles into your face when you open the door for him. He catches a quick glimpse of your face before you turn away from him, retreating to your bed, tear streaks staining your cheeks.

Dwayne isn't a touchy-feely guy but man, did he want to give you a hug. His eyes soften as he looks at you and your blanket-covered form. He takes a seat next to you and leans against you, resting his head on your shoulder. After a moment, you lean your head against his. He smiles softly to himself.

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