It's Just the Same- Dallas Winston (The Outsiders)

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pairing: dally and male!reader
summary: headcanons for dally with a male s/o because i can
genre: fluff w/ a few slices of angst
warnings: dally typical behavior, implied violence (not against u, don't worry), kissing, being close w/ dally, me being cheesy
a/n: god, i haven't even really thought about this story or book or movie since 8th grade but a few months ago i bought the book and recently i've been rereading it and man, i love it so much and i bought the movie a few years ago lol. and honestly, i think all of them would be cool if one of the gang were gay or bi or whatever but also it's like the sixties so 

- Dally is a certified player(TM) lmao, he doesn't care if you're (in his words) a broad or fella, if he likes you he likes you and that's that. No one really messes with Dally besides occasionally Tim Sheperd so, even if someone doesn't like the fact he's with a guy, they're not gonna say anything unless they want Dally to pull a switchblade on them.

- He always has an arm around you, he just likes having you by his side. He also likes to let everyone know you're his no matter what. You should feel safe with the fact no one's gonna mess with you 'cause you're Dally's boy (but god help them if they do).

- He's not clingy but he really likes being near you or by your side, it's just something he's always done with his girlfriends and boyfriends. Occasionally in public he'll kiss your forehead but he strays away from most PDA with boyfriends in public because it is the sixties and people are not only judgemental but violent and the last thing Dally wants is for you to get hurt.

- This is gonna sound weird because it's Dally but he doesn't really like it when you get in trouble unless it's with him. He doesn't actually mind if you're a troublemaker but if you get jailed, he gets lonely, and because god forbid if he gave up his tuff persona he can't really vent to any of the boys. He might say something to Johnny but the boy practically worships him and Dally would never want to let good 'ol Johnnycakes down.

- Speaking of Johnny, since he's basically Dally's kid-brother you can expect to see a lot of him. At first, he's kind of cold to you because he's jealous of all the attention Dal gives you but over time and with some communication (initiated by you because tho johnny is pure, he's petty), you come to understand one another and grow closer. He kind of becomes your and Dal's unofficial son lmao along with Ponyboy, too.

- Dallas Winston does not know how to cook, do laundry, clean dishes, etc. so good luck! Well, he does know how to clean dishes but it's really difficult to get him to do them cause most of the time he's out running around or he's staying at Buck's or the Curtis house or wherever he can sleep without being hassled. But if you ask Darry to tell him to clean dishes, he will. Everyone in the gang usually listens to Darry so, it's a given.

- Depending on whether you're a Soc, Greaser, or neither you probably meet in a number of ways. If you're a greaser you meet him through just associating with one another and soon you start hanging out with his specific gang (Pony, Johnny, Steve, Soda, Two-Bit, Darry) and naturally grow closer. He finds himself looking at you a lot, actually trying to make you laugh because "God damn, you have the laugh of an angel!", and he doesn't like it when you come to rumbles or really any fight so, he watches your back and helps you out no matter how/if you protest. 

- If you're a Soc, you'd meet at the theater. Dally would be short on cash and harassing the worker to give him food and saying he'd pay later, you step up and tell the worker you'll pay for whatever he wants. He looks at you strangely because people, especially Socs don't just do something like that. He asks, "What's your deal, man?" You just shrug, "I don't have a deal. Can't I just buy a cute boy some food?" You raise your brows at him and he just laughs, "Alright, man." From then on he tolerates you which is saying a lot for a Soc and though he makes fun of you (literally only cause you're a Soc lmao), he obviously grows close to you.

- If you're neither, you'd meet him by running into him on the street. You're carrying some papers and documents for your boss and neither you nor Dally are watching where you're going and then crash into each other. You put your hands up, "Hey, I'm sorry about that." You get onto your knees and start picking up papers from the ground. Dally looks around as if he's scared someone will see him before he gets down, too to help you. "Oh, um, thanks," You stutter out. You can't deny he's cute and most people would have just walked off by now. "No problem, handsome," He winks and smiles at you lopsidedly. After this, you two find yourselves running into each other randomly until you decide you're friends and start hanging out and grow closer.

- He's very, very protective and usually overprotective. He can't help it, he knows how people are and he constantly gets reminded of his time in New York. He's got some pretty severe attachment issues (cough, cough Johnny) so, if anything ever happened to you, he would be devastated. He'd do anything to keep you safe.

- Really intimate moments are kind of sparse like just cuddling on the couch alone (because y'all do at the Curtis house but literally everyone is there, too) because he's usually too busy causing trouble. But these moments are very special to him even though he doesn't ever express this. He likes these rare quiet moments between the two of you.

- When you're sitting together he loves to pull you onto his lap. He likes that it's a very casual thing, too and that none of the gang bat an eye at it. He likes to sit back, you sitting on his lap, and his hands resting on your thighs. Occasionally, he'll lean up and kiss your neck or cheek. He also just likes to hold you whether you're in his lap or sitting right next to him.

- When you're laying down, he's usually big spoon cause he likes to hold you and keep you close. It makes him feel safe and it comforts him to know that you're safe. On really bad nights or days, he'll be the little spoon cause he needs the comfort, and your arms around him are grounding.

- He's a deeply sensitive guy but it takes a real lot to ever see it. He likes to be the strong guy or the tough guy. He's got the thinking that a man can't show his emotions or show weakness. So, with the help of yourself and Ponyboy, you slowly chip away at that belief. Especially, if you talk about how you're feeling, it makes him feel like he can. At some point, you sit down with him and Ponyboy (because he's very in touch with his emotions even though he still struggles with them) and talk to him about it. He's very reluctant to actually start talking about anything like that but he does tell you both that he understands what you're saying.

- Sweetheart, doll, baby boy, angel, angel face, doll face, and my boy are common nicknames for you. Like it's rare for him to ever call you by your actual name. He doesn't know why he does it, he just likes seeing your face when he calls you a nickname, especially my boy.

- If you decide to live together (at your place, if you have one or a mutually bought apartment), you're gonna get a dog. He's actually always really liked dogs but he's never been able to have one of his own. He'll either find a stray and it'll start following him and he'll coax it inside or he'll go out and adopt one on his own. He doesn't ask you because it doesn't even cross his mind that he should. If you're allergic, he'll get Darry (with your help) to help build a dog house to keep him there unless of course, it's winter time or the weather's bad. More often than not you'll find him and the dog asleep on your couch together (it's precious). 

- He also might get a snake or few because he likes dangerous things (his words). He loves to get you to hold them and he'll just stare at you as you do. He likes to see you get along with his animals. 

- Dallas Winston loves his boyfriend, that's it. That's the end :))

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