Sleeper- "Ghost" Simon Riley (CODMWII)

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pairing: simon ghost riley and gn! reader
summary: you fall asleep on ghost's shoulder, he doesn't know how to react
genre: fluff, bit of angst
requested? nop
warnings: COD typical violence themes and topics, sleep deprivation, mentions of violence, trust issues, ghost doesn't know how to have feelings, soap is here, soft ghost
a/n: recovering from top surgery and this man has infected my brain i love him <3

- It had been a long mission. A 78-hour mission to be exact. All 78 hours stuck in a sniper's nest all for one target. But that's a part of your job and at least you had Ghost to take shifts with and Soap watching your and Ghost's six. Plus Ghost and Soap's banter had kept you quite awake and entertained.

- Though there were those long moments where you all had to keep quiet and hold your breath. Those moments that lasted for hours where you just had to stare through your scope in hopes your target would pop his head out. Those moments where you were ready to just jump from the roof.

- But there were also your little breaks with Ghost where you two momentarily stepped down the stairs to stretch out before switching places. Ghost and you would share a look or two and sometimes Soap would chime in over comms usually teasing one or both of you. You'd both roll your eyes before taking your places again.

- There was also Ghost's terrible sense of humor and Soap's incomprehensible accent. But through it all, you made it. And maybe those things are endearing about them. Just a little bit.

- Basically, it was a long mission. And you were extremely tired. So was Soap who was already passed out sitting across from you on the plane and you knew Ghost had to be though he didn't show it. He never did.

- You'd seen him sleep before on those week and month or more long missions. But it was almost rare. He always seemed to be the last to fall asleep, like he had to be. But you had seen him sleep. It wasn't exactly anything special, he looked like any of the other guys sleeping but it was nice to see him get some rest.

- You, too, had that habit of needing to be the last asleep. At least usually. You could go without sleep far longer than most of the squad. And that habit is what gave you the rare view of a sleeping Ghost. Again, it wasn't exactly anything special but it was a nice sight. It helped you sleep, too, knowing that he could. You trust his instincts and if he felt safe so could you.

- But back to the present. Soap snores from the other side as you slowly blink, trying to keep awake just till you get back, you think. But it's not working. Not at all. The hum of the plane mixed with your lack of sleep in the past three days, the presence of two of your closest and most trusted friends, and the mind-numbing boredom taking over hit you like a train.

- You kept blinking, trying to keep yourself awake but you couldn't fight it anymore. You gave in to sleep, closing your burning and dry eyes, immediate relief flooding your body. Soon after that, your body slumps a little, leaning onto Ghost.

- As soon as your head touches his shoulder, he looks over at you. He's not expecting you to be passed out on his shoulder and he's actually at a bit of a loss. He doesn't want to wake you, you deserve the rest but he isn't the greatest at dealing with social interaction. Especially an interaction where someone is so close to him (and he's not stabbing them with a knife or gunning them down).

- At first, he tries to ignore it sort of, just sit there and let you rest without acknowledgment and keeping his eyes forward and on Soap who somehow is just peacefully snoring away. Then again he thinks it's better this way, Soap would just tease him or say something stupid (which really aren't that different from each other).

- Then, seeing as the only other person around beside you and him is asleep, he looks at you for a little while. Ghost thinks it's nice to see you sleep. He knew you were just like him, able to go forever without sleep, and yet in this moment you were slumped against him. He knew you had seen him sleeping before. He knew that some nights, long nights where he could hear you unable to stop moving around or just audibly unable to sleep that you'd watch him, the rise and fall of his chest, and after a little while you, too, could finally fall asleep. He wondered why. He hadn't noticed you do the same with anyone else. So why him?

- He knew probably too much but he couldn't answer his own questions. He didn't feel like he could ask you for some reason. Like leaving it unanswered was better. For the both of you. More for himself. It was difficult being close to people. He wouldn't want to get too close too fast though now that he thought about it, he hasn't thought the same about Soap or anyone else on the squad really—just you. For some reason.

- Ghost looks back over to soap who is still asleep, thank heavens, and then back at you again. He turns away before the pilot can announce that you'll all be back in three hours.

- Ghost sighs and turns to you yet again before accepting his fate. This shouldn't be so bad. You're just sleeping on his shoulder.

- You trust him enough to sleep on his shoulder.

- That hits Ghost like a ton of bricks. He trusts you too of course but- he's gotta let it sink in and he does, pondering in silence as his two partners sleep soundly.

- He won't go to sleep himself. He never can that easily but for another reason too. To protect you and Johnny. Make sure the plane lands where it's supposed to, you get where you're supposed to, and no possible stowaways could surprise any of you.

- So, he gets a little more comfortable -just a bit- as much as he can with you on him and settles in for the plane ride. He is still on alert -as he almost always is- but he smiles beneath that mask of his as you seem to scoot just a little closer. He can't help it. And it's not like anyone else would see it.

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