New Things- Jake Peralta (B99)

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pairing: jake and gn!reader
summary: jake learns some new things about u :)
genre: fluff
warnings: like one swear word, mention of murder (bc u know), jake's nerd kink, bespectacled reader, cheesy abrupt ending
a/n: this was in my drafts n finished idk why i didn't post it ??

"Woah," Jake raises his arms as he enters the bullpen, "Y/n in glasses!" He looks at you, flashing that boyish smile of his.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" You look up at him, your glasses framing your face and reflecting a bit of light.

"Compliment, of course," He puts his hands up. "But uh, since when are you blind?"

"Since I was 12, Jake. You really haven't seen me in my glasses before?" You question him as he leans against your desk.

"Nope," He pops the 'p', shaking his head.

"Oh, well, I used to wear them all the time but you know our job," You shrug, "and I went with contacts. Anyway," You turn in your chair, grabbing some paperwork, "I need your help with a case."

"'Course, Professor L/n," He grins, looking expectantly at you.

You roll your eyes, "C'mon, Peralta." 


A long day of working the same case all day leads to working it into the night. You two decide to leave the precinct and take your files with you, hoping for some sleep in between mulling over the case. You decide to stay at Jake's -even with all its clear health code violations- because some part of you was more comfortable where Jake was more at home. It was strange but it helped you sleep, not having to worry. You two order in Chinese, talking with full mouths, slightly staining some files along with Jake's floor, and laughing at each other's antics like Jake sucking a noodle through his nose and out his mouth. Eventually, though, you two get tired, and seeing exactly how grubby his couch is, Jake invites you to share his bed. You two shared beds before so it wasn't exactly a big deal but still.

You two get comfortable, Jake more so than you. He dresses in his PJs while you strip down into an old, oversized shirt -courtesy of Jake- and your boxers. Then he gets comfortable and snug under his covers before he pulls your arms over him, insistent on being the little spoon. You agree with a chuckle and an ever-present smile. He playfully argues with you on the importance of cuddling and human contact before he switches topics, anything from Die Hard to Charles' cousins. He goes on for a while, gradually getting quieter and more incoherent simultaneously lulling you to sleep. Soon enough, you're both asleep and snores fill the room.

Your sleep is cut short by some mysterious jolt to the brain. You wake up a bit groggy and look over at Jake who's still peacefully sleeping and holding tightly onto your arm and hand. You chuckle, slipping out of his grip, and sitting up to put your glasses on. You tiptoe out of the room to retrieve your laptop, tempted to go back to the bed's warmth but settling for Jake's grubby couch. You sleuth around, typing in whatever really comes to mind into a dozen different databases, and find yourself reading file after file and case after case. 

Jake wakes slowly, not a hundred percent sure if this is real life or a dream just yet. He feels a strange emptiness and coldness. He rubs his eyes before turning over to see that you're gone. His eyes flick over to the nightstand and your glasses are gone too. You must have gone somewhere. He starts moving faster, stumbling around as he tries to get on a pair of jeans. He practically falls against his bedroom door and finds you in the dark, on his couch, in your glasses and his borrowed shirt with only the light of the laptop illuminating your face. And his heart falls out of his ass.

You jump a bit as you hear something, presumably Jake, slam against his bedroom door and you look over to see it is him. "Jesus, Jake," You sigh then look down at his half-put-on jeans. "You uh, going somewhere?" You meet his eyes again.

"I thought you left," He explains before stepping out of his jeans and taking a seat next to you.

"All right," You look at his bare legs for a moment before focusing your attention on the task at hand. 

"You look like a dad or Holt trying to navigate the internet.. with your glasses and everything."

"Thanks?" You look at him.

"Sorry." He realizes he'd been staring at you for far longer than was necessary or normal. "Did you find anything?"

"Actually, yes," You bring up a file before setting your laptop in Jake's lap, "Read it and weep."

Jake tries so very hard to focus on the file but it's kind of extremely hard when you're all leaned up against his shoulder and your breath just teasingly tickling at the edge of his neck. He swallows thickly trying to make sure his heart doesn't burst out of his chest. He finally finishes reading the file and a lightbulb appears above his head. "Holy..." He turns to look at you.

"I know right?" You look fondly at him, your eyes bright and eager, searching his face just a bit too much, and lips curled in what you wouldn't mind being a permanent smile.

"You're a genius," Jake whispers, his eyes now searching your face. He finds himself leaning in and you seem to be moving in closer too. His lips press against yours for a quick moment before his nose smashes against the bridge of your glasses. "Uh..." He pulls away as do you.

"Ow," You say before taking off your glasses and rubbing your nose. "That was..."

"Can I try that again?" Jake asks softly, his eyes darting from yours to your lips constantly. You nod and he moves in again, just as soft as before. His hands find their way to your face, cupping your cheeks as your noses smoosh against each other in the most soft and pleasant way. Your lips on his, his on yours, soft and gentle, smooth and chapped. Jake can feel his heartbeat pulsing in his fingers while yours pulse through your lips and against his. Jake pulls away, taking in a big breath and a part of you with him. 

"That was-" You look at him, "Woah." 

His lips upturn into that famous grin, "Woah, indeed," He nods, "Very much woah."

You chuckle. "So, do we?" You gesture to him then yourself. "Are we- What was that?"

"I-" Jake falters. "What do you think we are?"

Your eyes widen, staring back at him, suddenly you're rambling and tumbling through your words, "Jake, I- I don't know."

Jake just smiles and takes your hands and in a turn of tables, he's comforting and reassuring you. "We don't have to know." His words allow an instant sigh to leave you. "We can just be us, here, together. We'll figure it out later,"

"Yeah, that's- I like that," You nod, "For now." You look up at him.

"For now," He nods, taking your hand. "But," He raises his index finger in the air, "Right now, we've got a murderer to arrest!"

"Oh shit, I totally forgot about that,"

"Oh, Y/n," Jake playfully shakes his head overdramatically as he looks down at you. 

There were two new things Jake learned about you today: you wore some beautiful yet makeout-preventing glasses and you're in love with each other. What a great day to learn new things.

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