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A/N:I have no idea what else to write in this fanfic... So the next few chapters might be a load of shit

A month later

Jungkooks pov

I walk into the kitchen and see Mr Park gripping the counter tightly. I rush to him "sir?" he turns to me "j-jungkook" my eyes widen when his eyes turn fully white and he falls into my arms.

I use all my strength to move him to the couch and lay him down "HYUNG!!" in a blink of an eye all the others were stood next to me.
Jimin gasps "appa!" he rushes to the couch and puts his hand on his father's forehead "no no no no no no no no!"

I step back not knowing really what's happening and still worried . Jimin leans his head on his father's chest with tears rolling down his cheeks "y-you can't leave me... Not yet, I still need you... Appa please" yoongi and namjoon look down with tears in their eyes

The whole castle was silence apart from Jimins cries. I look at jin, hoseok and taehyung "let's... Leave them alone" they nod and we then walk to mine and jimins bedroom and I close the door quietly

I sit on the bed "I can't believe it....i didn't think vampires could die" hoseok nods "their father had the blood of their mother to keep him alive because vampires need blood to survive... He must have ran out and didn't tell anyone..."

I tear up "I-I was so confused...his eyes turned white and i-i-" jin kisses my head "it must have scarred you...he died in your arms" taehyung looks down "I feel so bad... We can do anything to cheer them up.."

I sigh and then wipe my tears that had fallen "jimin will be king...officially" hoseok nods "and you'll be queen" I sigh "b-but I don't know how to be a queen....i was a criminal hobi...i-i needed Mr Park to guide me and show me..."

We all look up when the door opens. Jimin walks into the room and the other three walk out the room bowing to jimin who just ignores them, he walks and sits on the bed next to me holding a black box" his ashes are in here..."

He then opens a draw where I see another black box "he can sit with eomma..." he places the black box in the draw and I see tears rolling down his cheeks "I-I'm not ready to be king" I pull him to me and hug him, he sobs on my shoulder and I let a few tears fall

He grips my shirt "I need him jungkook... I don't know what to do" I gently play with his hair "you have two amazing older brothers that will help you" I make him look at me and I smile a little "your father is now with your mother and they are both watching you and will guide you along to make the right decision"

More tears roll down his cheeks. I kiss his nose "and I will always be here..." bo-a babbles, I giggle a little "and bo-a too...its your turn to stand up and do what you were born to do jimin"

I wipe his tears with my thumbs. I then stand up and pick up the Kings crown and I place it on his head "it's your time to be the king... And you will be the best king Korea has ever had" he sighs "what if I mess it up?"

I smile "nobody is flawless...if you mess it up then we just have to work to fix it... Your father is very proud of you jimin and you have to remember that, so walk out that door and tell the civilians and be the king they need....they'll need a king to be strong for them, a king they can trust and a king that can protect them"

I peck his lips "and that is you...and I'll be right by your side every step of the way" I pick bo-a up who looks at jimin and smiles "a-a-appa!" Jimins eyes widen. I smile "bo-a looks up to you already" I pass Bo-a to him and she giggles putting her hand on Jimins nose

I sit next to him, he looks at me "thank you baby" he kisses me deeply and I kiss back. He then pulls away slowly and I giggle "you will be an amazing king..." he looks at Bo-a and smiles but I still see his eyes filled with sadness

He will take awhile to be properly happy again but all I can do is support and be here for him and I will always do that and always be here for him no matter what..

Howver... I'm not ready to be queen... I can't be queen, its impossible... I can't, but I can't tell jimin that because that will just either upset him more or make him stressed, and I don't want to do that to him...

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