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Jimins pov

Me and jungkook walk out the bedroom and jungkook was holding Bo-a. I look at him "you alright baby?" He nods "I'm fine......I want coffee" I chuckle "I'll get you some" he yawns and then sits at the table holding Bo-a in his arms.

The others walk out one by one and all stop by the sight of Jungkook. Yoongi gasps "its so....small" I chuckle "that's cause she was only just born hyung....her name is Bo-a" taehyung smirks "is she a jeon or a park?" I roll my eyes "we're all parks Tae"

Hoseok nods "ah yeah I forgot jungkook was a park" jungkook smiles and then carefully turns Bo-a so they can all see her face and they all gasp "awwwwwwwwwwe she's so cute" I smile a little and then put Jungkooks coffee on the table for him.

My dad walks out his bedroom and all the others sit down. I walk and stand next to jungkook who smiles, my dad walks into the kitchen and gasps "is this-" jungkook cuts him off "this is your granddaughter" he gasps "oh goodness....she is so cute"

He walks towards Jungkook and jungkook smiles "want a cuddle?" I watch my dad hesitate but nod, jungkook carefully passes Bo-a to my dad and my dad sits down and looks at Bo-a smiling "Aish....I remember when jimin was this so innocent and cute"

Jungkook giggles "oh god what happened" I gasp and gently his his arm "shut up" he laughs and then drinks his coffee and Bo-a starts to whine. My dad looks at me "I think you should take her....I don't want her to be upset"

I nod and then take Bo-a and look at her "shhhhhh baby girl it's okay" I away her a little and she stops whining and I feel everyone staring at me. I look around "what?!" Hoseok shrugs "we've never seen you like that.... usually you're all like...DIE, DIE, DIE!"

I glare at him "shut the fuck up before I slit your throat" he nods "yeah...there you are!" Jungkook huffs "don't swear around our daughter park jimin" I roll my eyes "she's a baby she doesn't understand" he shrugs "you'll be the one I beat when she walks around swearing at people"

I roll my eyes "oh it'll be fine...." I sit down next to jungkook holding Bo-a and we all just talk about random things. Everyone has a cuddle with Bo-a and all say how cute she is

We all end up in the lounge while Bo-a is in her crib all watching scary movies (my dad had things to do so isn't here) jungkook is led on my chest and yawns, I play with his hair and he slowly closes his eyes and whispers "I love you jimin" I kiss his head and whisper "I love you too beautiful"

Bo-a starts to cry making jungkook jump. I lay him on the couch "I'll go....get some rest" he smiles "there's milk in the refrigerator for her" I kiss his head and then walk to Bo-a and pick her up and she stops crying. I huff "Aish really? Is that all you wanted? Was attention?"

I sit at the kitchen table with her and let her bottle cool down, her eyes were open and we were just looking at one another. I chuckle a little "you have your mother's adorable doe eyes already...." I kiss her cheek "my beautiful princess....." I yawn a little

I then feed her a bottle and she falls asleep but every time I go to put her down she opens her eyes making me groan "that's it!" I lay back on the couch and jungkook cuddles up to my side still asleep. I lay Bo-a on my chest and wrap my arms around them both before falling asleep myself

Aish....this child is gonna be the death of me....

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