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Jungkooks pov

I yawn sitting up on the couch rubbing my eyes, I jump when Bo-a starts to whine. I look down and see her led in between jimins legs while jimin was asleep and I giggle and pick her up standing up "good morning baby....did you keep Appa up all night" she smiles and grabs my finger

I walk to the kitchen "do you want a bottle baby?" I make her a bottle and then take her pacifier out feeding her the bottle. I walk back to the lounge and see everyone but jimin awake. Jin looks at jimin "the hell? He's normally the first on up"

I giggle "he was up all night with Bo-a" taehyung smirks "perfect!" I turn around to see him holding a pen in his hand about to draw on jimins face.i smile "I wouldn't do that... he's stressed and when he's stressed you do not wanna piss him off..."

He Huff's and sits on the floor "you're no fun" Mr park walks in and then slaps jimins forehead "wake up!!", Jimin groans "fuck off" he puts a pillow over his head and I giggle and then hand Bo-a to yoongi so he can feed her. I walk to jimin

I move the pillow "hyung?" I kiss his head "I know you were up all night but your father wants you awake" he hugs my leg and shakes his head "he can kiss my ass" I laugh a little and then sit and play with his hair "Aish.... sometimes I question how old you are"

I look at Mr park "he'll wake up soon don't worry" he huffs "he has a meeting today with the princess....he has to have this meeting" jimin groans "with that bitch? No she can fuck off, last time I had a fucking meeting with her she tried to touch my dick!",

I huff "just don't near her...If you do I'm gonna fucking stab her with a blunt still technically a criminal and I won't hesitate to do it" Mr parks eyes widen "you're a criminal?" Jimin sits up "a criminal or love...yes...he steals people's're too old to understand"

He nods "ah I see....well the princess will be here soon so get ready" jimin shrugs "whatever...go away" he sighs and walks away and jimin then leans his head on my thighs closing his eyes again.

I kiss his head "get up and stop being a big baby" he sits up "I'm so fucking tired"
I nod "I know...thank you for taking care of her last can rest later" he stands up and nods "alright..." He then picks Bo-a up from yoongi and walks to me

He hands me Bo-a "you're coming too so get ready" i giggle and nod, we then walk to the bedroom and he changes into a black suit and I change into

He hands me Bo-a "you're coming too so get ready" i giggle and nod, we then walk to the bedroom and he changes into a black suit and I change into

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I get Bo-a dressed into a cute one-piece outfit. There is a knock on the door and jimin Huff's "she's here....her name is miyeon...and I don't like her....she tried to kiss me AND tried to touch my're sitting on my lap no questions asked"

I giggle "I'm sure she's heard about us...she won't try anything" we both walk out and I hold Bo-a, a girl looks at us and smiles "jiminie!~" she runs to him and hugs him. I stare at her feeling my anger rising,

Jimin pushes her away "hello miyeon....what do you want exactly?" She ignores his question and gasps Looking at me "you had someone have a baby for us?! That's so cute jiminie!" I see her father stood next to mr park, she holds her hands out to Bo-a "come here baby!"

She goes to take her but I grab her wrist twisting her arm behind her back making her scream in pain "OW!" I glare at her "don't touch my daughter!" I push her onto the floor and her father glares at jimin "you're allowing a servant to treat the princess like that?!" Jimin shakes his head "I'm letting the queen treat the princess like that"

She looks up at me shocked and I smile "nice to meet you too.... Princess~" she stands up "he isn't the queen!! I am!" Mr park chuckles "miyeon...I'm truly sorry but jungkook is the queen...they got married and have had a beautiful daughter..."

Bo-a starts to cry and I rock her a little putting a finger in her mouth that she can bite down on. Jimin crosses his arms "so let me ask you again....why are you here?" He sighs "I was coming to propose!" She holds out a ring and my eyes widen "you fucking what?!"

Jin gasps "jungkook no! Don't do it...I know what you're about to do...dont!" I look at Bo-a and I calm down. I take a deep breath and jimin then grabs my hand Intertwining our fingers, I smile a little and he sighs " know I have a queen and a leave" she sighs "I just...I just thought that we'd have a you promised"

He scoffs "I didn't promise you shit! I'll make a promise now to you! I promise that if you don't leave me alone then I will suck every drop of blood in your body and leave you on the ground to rot!" Her eyes widen, she looks at me And I smile "bye bye princess"

She turns to walk away but stops "jimin....just think about it?", I huff and jimin takes Bo-a from me. I glare at her "he's getting MARRIED! To me...don't you understand that?!" I walk towards her and she walks backwards "well I've known him longer!"

I scoff "why does that matter?! He fell in love with me!! He LOVES me!!he has had a beautiful baby girl with ME! Can't you see that he isn't single anymore?! HE.IS.MINE!" She falls onto the ground and looks up at me scared

I smirk "now piss off before I really get angry....and you don't wanna see that~" she rushes to her feet and her and her father run out the palace. I huff "fuckin bitch" Mr park looks at me "what was that all about?"

I look at him "that? Oh that was nothing...I just got jealous that's's all okay" he nods. I walk to jimin who smirks "that was hot~" I smirk and kiss his cheek "not in front of our daughter dumbass"

He looks at taehyung who Huff's "yes I'll take care of Bo-a while you two fuck" I blush and Mr park sighs "you kids Disgust me.." he walks away and jimin hands Bo-a to taehyung "let's go baby~"

I giggle and he picks me up over his shoulder and walks to the bedroom

All of this.... because I got jealous?....

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