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Two months later

Jungkooks pov

I scream in pain when a sudden pain kicks me in the stomach. I sit up from bed and feel a wet patch on the bed. Jimin sits up suddenly and looks at me, I breath heavily "g-get j-jin" he nods and then in under five seconds he's back in the room holding my hand "he's on the way"

I sit on the edge of the bed and grip jimins hand tightly "shit shit shit hurts" jimin nods "I know baby just breath.... it'll be okay" Jin rushes into the room with towels and some other things.

He looks at me "okay....I need you on your back, this is gonna sound really wrong but pants off and legs spread" jimin growls. Jin glares at him "do you want the baby out or not?!" I nod "j-just get it out!!"

Jimin helps me take the shorts I was wearing off and then pulls the hoodie up above my bump. He makes sure the door is locked and I then lay on my back and tears roll down my cheeks feeling the pain hit me again "Ah ow!!!" Jimin holds my hand "hey calm baby....breath"

I nod and then breath with him taking deep breaths and let more tears fall. Jin Huff's "alright....when I need to's gonna be difficult because it's a small space for the baby okay?" I cry more and then nod. I then bite jimins hand making him wince "ow ow ow"

Jin Huffs "suck it up vampire prince!.....okay jungkook one big push!" I scream but it's muffled and I push and then stop and more tears fall.
I taste jimins blood in my mouth making me close my eyes tightly.
Jin nods "okay push!" I scream again and push.

Jimin gasps a little "come on baby you're doing amazing!" Jin nods "the head is out! One more push for the shoulders and the rest should be our easily" I take a deep breath and then bite down on jimins hand again making him wince and then push

I relax for a little bit and let go of jimins hand, Jin then let's him cut the cord and then cleans the baby up and smiles "it's a beautiful baby girl" I smile a little. Jimin looks at his hand that was bleeding and Huffs "Aish you bite down hard" Jin puts our daughter on my chest who was crying and after a few minutes I deliver the placenta and finally it's all over.

Jin covers me with a blanket and Huff's "sometimes I regret going to medical school" I smile "thank you hyung..." He nods and then walks out the room.
Jimin looks at our daughter and smiles "she's already so beautiful" I nod.

I giggle "why don't we call her park Boa?" Jimin nods "I like that....welcome to the world princess" I lean my head against his arm and look at his bleeding hand "is it okay?" He chuckles "it'll heal" I smile and then look at Bo-a who stops crying and opens her eyes

I hold her in my arms and then kiss her head "hello princess...." I look at jimin "wanna hold her?" He gulps "uh....I guess" I smile "you aren't gonna drop her don't worry" I gently pass Bo-a to him and he holds her in the blanket she was wrapped in.

He looks at her and smiles "wow....I can't believe it.....she's beautiful already....I can't believe we have a daughter....." He looks at me, I kiss him deeply and then pull away "you're gonna be the best Appa ever" he chuckles "and you're gonna be the best eomma ever!"

We both look at Bo-a who was now asleep in jimins arms and I smile and lean my head on jimins shoulder feeling so exhausted "welcome to the world princess"

We'll introduce her to the others after I've had a small rest....that was so so painful....but definitely worth it.....
Welcome to the world park Bo-a...our beautiful baby girl

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