💕 Happily Ever After💕

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((A/N:Sorry this fanfic isn't great. In all honesty I had no ideas for it... But luckily I pushed through and forced myself to come up with ideas...
Sorry its a short fanfic💜💜))

A few years later

Jimins pov

I bite my lip seeing jungkook dancing with Bo-a...
He was wearing a white suit while Bo-a is in a short pink dress.

I look at the wedding ring on his finger and smile a little, the music stops and jungkook stands up looking at me. Bo-a runs off over to yoongi.

I walk over to jungkook and smile "you alright baby?" he nods "I'm fine...are you, you seem lost in thought" I brush some hair out his face and shake my head "I'm fine"

He looks around and then giggles "come follow me" he grabs my hand and pulls me away from the ballroom. I laugh a little "where are you taking me?"

He pulls me into the crown room and my eyes widen a little "where we first had our interaction" he giggles and nods "I tried to steal the crowns" he picks up the crown and places it on my head "and you caught me"

I chuckle and nod "indeed I did" I then pick up the tiara and place it on his head "but now...this tiara belongs to you" he giggles and nods "I use to be a criminal but now I'm queen... What a plottwist"

I nod "yeah right...you also use to be a human, you're now a vampire" he nods "mhmm....im also a Park now not a Jeon~" I put my hands on his waist pulling him closer to me "and you're now mine~"

He rests his hands on my chest "why don't we do something" I tilt my head "what?" he giggles and then pulls out two masks. I gasp "the masks from the first day we met" he nods and then puts the mask on me

He then puts his mask on and smiles "let's go!" he pulls me back to the ballroom and my eyes widen seeing everyone wearing masks. I laugh a little "it really is like the night we met.... Apart from one thing" I look at my father's throne and sigh

Jungkook smiles "he's here jimin...he's right next to you" I look at jungkook who grabs both my hands "he's always with us, your eomma as well" I smile "God I love you..."

Music plays and he giggles "and this is the song we danced too on our first interaction" we both laugh a little. I rest my hand on his waist and then hold his hand, he puts his hand on my shoulder and we both dance to the music

I feel everyone staring at us but I ignore it, jungkook smiles "I love you" I chuckle "I love you too"

We both stop dancing and jungkook then takes our masks off and chucks them on the floor, he kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back.

He slowly pulls away and smiles "I have a surprise for you" I pout "you've been surprising me all day.." he laughs a little and then Bo-a walks to us and holds a box up to me "here you go appa!"

I chuckle and crouch down kissing her head "thank you babygirl" I take the box and jungkook jumps up and down a little "open it open it!" I chuckle "you look like a child"

Everyone around us take their masks off also looking at us confused.
I open the box and huff "glitter...i hate glitter" jungkook pouts "but it's red glitter..." i look at him "is this just a box of glitter?"

Jungkook laughs "no...theres something inside the glitter" I whine "so I have to put my hand in?" he nods "yes" Bo-a giggles "come on appa!!! Hurry!"
I groan and then reach into the box into the glitter

I feel something at the bottom of the box. I pull it out and then put the box down on the floor. I shake my hand a little getting a lot of the glitter off "ugh.. Glitter is disgusting" jungkook laughs a little

I then look at what I pulled out and my eyes widen

"you're pregnant?"

Jungkook giggles and nods "yes!" Bo-a smiles Widely "I'm gonna be a big sister!!!" I stare at the pregnancy test "you're pregnant.....are we sure about this?"

His smile fades "w-what?" I look down "I'm still dangerous" he stares at me "no youre not...that was years ago!" I look at him and nod "yeah...you're right. I'm sorry baby"

He huffs "you worried me then!" he slaps my chest making me laugh a little "I'm sorry, I'm very happy" I move my hands to his stomach and smile "we're gonna have another baby" he puts his hands on top of mine

Bo-a runs up to us and I pick her up and hold her up on my hip.
I then gently rub Jungkooks belly "I can't wait to meet you..." jungkook giggles and then wraps an arm around me and leans his head on my chest. I wrap an arm around him and kiss his head

This is the ending I always wanted. I'm so happy...

Jungkooks pov

I giggle a little gently kissing Jimins cheek "everything will be normal from now on" he chuckles and nods "yes...we will be happy and always smile!" I laugh a little and nod "yep!"

We make eye contact "I love you Park jimin" he smiles "I love you too Park jungkook" we both laugh a little and Bo-a smiles hugging us both

This is our ending... I couldn't ask for a better one...
I guess everyone does get a happily ever after


~T. H. E.. E. N. D~

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