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One week later

Jimins pov

I sigh looking at jungkook walking out the room again. Every time I walk into the room he walks out....he's been doing this for a week.

Jin huffs "'ve hurt him badly....I know you're the prince....but he still shouldn't be treated like that" I nod "I know hyung but every time I go near him he runs off!"

Jin sighs "he's in the bedroom now....go in there and talk"
I huff "fine" I start to walk away but stop when Jin growls "but if you hurt him again park jimin....I don't care if you're a prince or not I will make sure you suffer worse"

I gulp a little and nod "yes hyung" I walk to Jungkooks bedroom and knock on the door. I hear him gasp "come in yoongi-hyung! Your sweater is on the chair!" I growl a little and open the door

He looks at me and gasps "o-oh.....jimin......have I got something of yours? Or-"
I cut him off "we need to talk....." He looks down "why?"
I sit on the edge of his bed "because I want to make you my queen"

He shakes his head "jimin....I'm not fit to be a queen....I'm a thief....I'm a nobody compared to all the women or men you could have.....why me?!"
I put my hand on top of his "because jungkook....the moment I saw you I knew something was there between us..... I wouldn't have made you a vampire if I didn't want you to stay with me forever"

He glares at me "you made me a vampire because you got jealous and possessive...." I growl a little "I would never change you JUST because I got jealous.....i........I love you jungkook"

His eyes widen "you...........what?"
I sigh "look....the first time I saw you....yes I did think you were a girl....however when you took your mask off I saw the most beautiful human I have ever seen....and I still think that....I didn't mean to hurt you...."

He looks down "I'm a horrible monster jimin....I didn't want to become a vampire!, Im scared........of myself" I hesitate but then turn my body around so I'm sat facing him with my legs crossed "I understand that jungkook....but you shouldn't be scared...."

He looks at me and sighs "I keep putting eating off because I don't want to drink blood...." I grab his hands "you need to eat or you'll be in a lot of pain...."  He shakes head "I don't want to!! I don't want to suck someones blood jimin!" Tears roll down his cheeks.

I sigh and pull him into my lap and use my thumbs to wipe his tears "if you don't want to drink your friends blood then drink mine" his eyes widen "n-no I don't want to-"
I growl a little "you will be in serious pain jungkook! Just bite me!"

He grips my shirt "but I don't want to hurt you" I shake my head "it's payback for me hurting you....I deserve it" he looks at me and then looks down  and nods "o-okay"
He then hesitates but moves to my neck and I put my hands on his waist and tip my head to the side to give him access to my neck.

He takes a deep breath and I wince when  I feel his fangs pierce my skin and he starts to suck my blood. I grip his waist a little and close my eyes smiling a little.

He pulls away from my neck and looks at me "i-im sorry! I-i- didn-" I cut him off and kiss him deeply, he grips my shirt and then kisses back making me smile a little.


"Okay that was fucking adorable"

We both jump and pull away looking at the door where all the others stood and my father holding his phone in our direction.
I groan a little "Appa what did you just do?"

He quickly puts his phone in his pocket "nothing...." Jungkook giggles a little and then stands up grabbing a sweater that was on a chair and handling it to yoongi "here's your sweater hyung"

Taehyung smirks "Kookie has a boyfriend~" jungkook blushes "no I don' get out....all of you" they all walk out. I stand up to walk out but jungkook grabs my wrist "not you.....we still need to talk right?" I nod "yeah...."
We both sit down on the bed

I hope he forgives me.....

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