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One week later

Jungkooks pov

I walk into Jimins office holding Bo-a and some food for jimin. He doesn't even look up "get out!"
I huff "you've been in this office for a week jimin! You havent eaten or been with me and your daughter!!"

He looks at me "well I have a lot of paperwork to do... So GET. OUT!" I place the food on his desk "you need to take a break jimin this isnt healthy"

I gently Place bo- a in a small crib in the office and walk to him making him look at me "jimin I know you're stressed and you're upset but this isn't the way to deal with it"

He stands up and his eyes turn red making me gasp and step back, he growls "and how would you know?! You're just some pathetic criminal who has nothing better to do with his time than steal things!!! GET OUT!"

I trip over something on the floor and land on my butt. He growls louder showing his fangs "GET. OUT!... NOW!" I rush to my feet and then rush to Bo-a but he blocks my path "just you"

I look up at him with tears in my eyes and then rush out his room quickly, I close the door and start to cry when I hear a plate smash.

I slide down the door and sob hearing the door lock

Jimins pov

I chuck the plate of food at the door so it smashes. I then sit back at my desk and continue with the work I was doing.

Bo-a starts to cry making my eyes turn red.

I gasp and snap back to reality, I stand up and look at Bo-a and then at the floor seeing food everywhere along with blood and a smashed plate "shit....what have I done.."

I walk to Bo-a and pick her up, she stops crying and then grabs my wrist and I feel her small fangs pierce my skin so she drinks blood

My eyes widen a little....shes drinking my blood...which means jungkook isn't in the building

Fuck!... What have i done?!?!

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