just not possible

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Jungkooks pov

I shake my head "not happening,I am not walking inside that place" jimin rolls his eyes "jungkook it's a ball it's not gonna hurt you" I nod "yes it is! I'm a street rat! Not some princess! I'll embarrass myself in front of all the royal people"

Jimin Huff's "come on jungkook you won't make a fool out of yourself....come on please I'm losing my patients", I cross my arms "I'll just stay in the limo while you guys go in" I gasp when jimin pins me to the side of the limo. I gulp

He growls "you do as I say remember? I am your master...now be a good boy and follow my orders...you are my assistant so you do as I say...stop being so disobedient" he leans down, I gasp when I feel his fangs graze my neck. I nod "o-o-okay i-im s-sorry!"
He pulls away and smirks "good boy, now link arms with me and walk nicely"

He steps back, I link arms with him and look down....this is so embarrassing, I hear Jin and taehyung laugh a little. I look up to see Jin linked arms with namjoon and taehyung linked arms with hoseok and yoongi, I smirk "off to see the wizard tae?" He glares at me "shut up you fucking muscle pig"

I stick my tounge out, jimin rolls his eyes "shut up all of you...now walk nicely and be good"
We look down and walk inside the huge palace

now walk nicely and be good" We look down and walk inside the huge palace

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I keep my head down when suddenly we stop walking, jimin sighs "hello.... jeongin" I look up to see a man in front of us

 jeongin" I look up to see a man in front of us

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I tilt my head....he looks so young...the man smirks "I'm jeongin...but you can call me IN...who's this sweet one?" He crouches down a little so he is eye-level with me. I growl a little "I'm jeon jungkook"

Jimin pulls me closer to him "and he's mine" jeongin chuckles "just like how mina was...and Jisoo...and Lisa...and rosé....you didn't quite get Jennie...and taemin...and taeyang...all your little slaves...they were yours weren't they? And this is new replacement?? how cute"

What the fuck does he mean by that??? Another man walks over and wraps his arm around jeongin

What the fuck does he mean by that??? Another man walks over and wraps his arm around jeongin

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"Aha our good friend park jimin! I thought we said no slaves...why can I see three of them?" Namjoon steps forward "they aren't slaves! This happens to be my future husband" Jins eyes widen. Yoongi nods "and this is mine and hoseoks boyfriend" taehyung looks at them shocked.

Jimin steps forward "and this is the new queen of Korea so I'd advise to keep your mouth shut or she can kill you in an instant" my eyes widen and I look at him
is going on?!!!

Jeongin chuckles "well jungkook, meet my husband seungmin...just know we're always here for you when jimin gets bored of you" he ruffles my hair and they both walk away. I huff and fix my hair "asshole.."

Mr park smirks "so boys... were you telling the truth??? Are you all in relationships" I go to shake my head by jimin interrupts me "yes we are, jungkook will be the next queen" I gasp "I never agreed to tha-" Mr park gasps "that's amazing! My beautiful son-in-law!" He grabs my hands and hugs me

I gulp "b-but i-" he stops me from talking and smiles "jimin your mother would be so proud, you've got a beautiful one here" jimin nods and wraps his arms around my waist "I know I have.." I blush "but I don't-"
Yoongi sighs "dad do we have to be here? Jeongin and seungmin don't look to interested in us being here so what's the point"

Mr park shrugs "alright,we can leave" I gasp when jimin pulls me out the palace as we all walk back to the limo....well that was pointless!

We all climb into the limo. I look at jimin "what the fuck was that all about? Why did you take us if you weren't allowed slaves there?" Jimin tilts his head "you aren't a slave, your my significant other" I blush "since when?!" He rolls his eyes "since now obviously....you will be the next queen...you will carry my children an-"

"ILL DO WHAT?! IM A MAN I CAN'T CARRY KIDS!!!" yoongi laughs "jimin you didn't tell him??", Jimin shakes his head "no not yet" I shuffle away from jimin and sit on Jins lap who laughs. Jimin chuckles "I'll change you into a vampire....and you can then get pregnant and we will be a family"

I shake my head "no! STOP THE LIMO!!" The driver pulls over, Jin and taehyung gasp "what are you doing" I scoff "I am NOT carrying children" I open the door and climb out the limo, jimin Huff's "get in the limo" I shake my head "no" I start to walk, the driver slowly drives next to me

Jimin was sat by the window "jungkook get in the limo" I shake my head again "no, I am not going near you again, all you're gonna do is impregnate me and Chuck me out on the streets...so...FUCK OFF!"
Jimin chuckles "you're a drama queen...I said you were the future queen because I love you...now get in the car...I won't impregnate you yet for a couple hundred years so why you worried?"

I roll my eyes and continue walking "what If I don't love you back?" He smirks "we all know that would be bullshit If you said that.... you'll ruin your dress if you don't get in the limo... it's starting to rain" I stop walking making the driver stop fully. I feel drops of rain

I huff and open the limo door and get in,I sit opposite jimin next to hoseok and cross my arms "you are not allowed to touch me understand park jimin?" Jimin chuckles "whatever..."

He can't change me into a vampire...
I'm not his boyfriend.....
I can't ever get pregnant, not now, not ever!....
It's just not possible

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