bite mark

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((🛑A/N: slight smut warning🛑))

Jungkooks pov

I scream and run away from jimin who was chasing me around the palace.
I've been running away from him for an hour now and he hadn't stopped chasing me.

We made a deal that if jimin catches me I'll do whatever he wants...but if he doesn't catch me then he has to buy me a puppy....
And honestly I'm scared if he does catch me...I don't know what he'd make me do...

I gasp when i bump into yoongi, I look up and shake my head "don'" yoongi smirks and picks me up over his shoulder, I try and get away "PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!! THIS IS CHEATING!!"
I hear taehyung and Jin laughing.

He walks into the lounge and puts me down on the couch. I gasp when jimin pins me to the couch and smirks "i caught you~"
I shake my head "you cheated!" He chuckles "but I still have you underneath me now.... meaning I won~"

I huff "fine...what do you want from me?"
I gasp when I feel his fangs graze my neck "I think you know what I want~"
I gasp "w-wait!" I push him back a little. He licks his lips "yes?"
I gulp "w-will i-it hurt?" He shakes his head "no... it'll feel like a small needle....but eventually you'll feel something else~"

I tilt my head "what does that me- ah!" He kisses my neck.
I grip his shoulders trying to push him away "s-s-stop i-i-it....i-i-i- never said okay!" I bite my lip when his fangs graze my neck again.

I close my eyes tightly and then wince a little wrapping my arms around jimins neck pulling him closer when his fangs pierce my skin.
I gasp when he starts to suck some of my blood.

It doesn't feels.......good

He moves away and chuckles "it suits you~" I blush and then push him away and run to a mirror, I tilt my head a little and look at the bite mark

I hesitate but touch it but pull my hand away quickly when it feels weird and gasp "w-whoa....w-what was that?"
I see jimin stood behind me in the mirror "oh vampire're now my property~....and everything you touch your bite mark.... it'll make you feel good~"

He smirks "you'll give into me one day...and you won't need to touch the bite mark to feel good-" he walks to me and whispers In my ear "because I'll make you feel good~" I gasp when he pulls me back to him so his member is against my butt "and one day, you'll be begging for me to put this inside you~"

I blush and push him away " got what you now....go away" he smirks "as you wish my princess....but may I remind you....the wolf never stays full forever~" he kisses the bite mark and then walks away.
I bite my lip and look back in the mirror.

I put my hand over the mark sigh "stupid vampire.....I didn't even give him permission to bite me"
I jump a little when i see taehyung....but he doesn't look right...
I turn around and my breath hitches "Tae.... you're a vampire?!"

He nods and stands next to me "yeah

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He nods and stands next to me "yeah...the process is.... amazing~" I groan "ew gross!" He chuckles "Hobi is a vampire as well...."
Speak of the devil...hoseok walks into the room smiling. My eyes widen

Hoseok looks at me and smirks "hey Kookie! Has jiminie bit you yet?" I stare at him and then my eyes widen when Jin walks in

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Hoseok looks at me and smirks "hey Kookie! Has jiminie bit you yet?" I stare at him and then my eyes widen when Jin walks in

Hoseok looks at me and smirks "hey Kookie! Has jiminie bit you yet?" I stare at him and then my eyes widen when Jin walks in

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He looks at me "oh're here"
I step back a little "you're all....all vampires!"
Taehyung nods "it's amazing jungkook! You don't age!....and the process is awesome~"

Hoseok smirks "I agree"
I shake my head and then move my hand "you're all monsters...." I run to the bedroom...that sadly I now shared with jimin.
I run in and close the door and sit on the bed.

I pull a bandaid out the bedside table and put it over the mark.
I sigh when I hear jimins voice behind me "what's wrong with you?"
I look down "they've all changed into vampires....they're monsters....just like you"

Jimin rolls his eyes "what is it with you humans and calling us monsters.... we're the same as you....we just rely on blood...instead of some shitty burgers or pizza...or whatever they're called"
I look at him "why did all of this happen to me?....why didn't you just kill me? And find a beautiful princess?"

He sits next to me "this is really going to your head isn't it?....the reason I didn't kill because I saw that you had a chance at changing....when I first saw immediately caught my attention....I don't care that you have a tendency to be a brat...we can change that.....but if you want to change that... and be like your friends.....then you need to trust me"

He takes the bandaid off the mark and puts his hand over it making me whimper "w-what are you doing?" He chuckles "making you submit"
I bite my lip and then pull his hand away "s-s-stop....look... maybe one day...I'll trust you.... not today...I want to sleep... please leave me alone..."

He raises an eyebrow but then nods "fine... alright...want me to lay with you?"

I hesitate but nod "yes"
I lay down and he lays next to me, he puts one of his legs over me and I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest

I hesitate but nod "yes" I lay down and he lays next to me, he puts one of his legs over me and I roll my eyes and wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest

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I close my eyes and take in his scent.....
For a vampire he has a really nice scent....I've probably said that before....

I don't want to be a vampire....but I want to be with my friends....forever......

But I still don't know if I can trust jimin.......

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