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Five months later
Jimins pov

"JUNGKOOK BE CAREFUL!!!" I yell while jungkook is sat on the ceiling. He laughs "you didn't tell me vampires could do this!" I huff "no because I knew you would try and do something stupid like this...now get down!" He groans "fine"

He stands up and then walks down the wall and stands next to me "you're no fun!" I huff and cross my arms "you're five months pregnant and you're sat on the ceiling! That's dangerous!" I pout "sorry jiminie" I sigh "just don't do it again"

He nods and then hugs me. I hug back and kiss his head "you've been too reckless during this pregnancy and I don't like it....you have two months left meaning you're very Fragile....so for the last time....go to the bedroom and rest"

He groans "but I don't wanna! That's boring and I have loads of energy!" I huff and then grab his hand and pull him to the bedroom and I then sit him on the bed "right! What do you want to do then!" He thinks and looks around "hmmmmmmmmm I'm not sure"

I huff "that's not helpful...how about sleeping?" He giggles "you're so protective.....the baby isn't gonna die and neither am I....stop being so protective" I growl "you're carrying my baby inside of you and you're the first person I have ever actually loved so of course I'm going to be protective..."

He stands up and hugs me and I wrap my arms around his waist. He smiles and looks at me "why don't we go on a walk?" I huff "but there are fucking weirdos out on the streets and people who might try and hurt you"

Jungkook nods "you'll be with me so you can protect me" he then changes into a shirt and some dungarees

Jungkook nods "you'll be with me so you can protect me" he then changes into a shirt and some dungarees

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I huff and then change into my black suit and style my hair nicely

Jungkook giggles "do you wear anything but suits?" I nod "of course but as a prince I should look respectful" he nods "I see

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Jungkook giggles "do you wear anything but suits?" I nod "of course but as a prince I should look respectful" he nods "I see...let's go!!" He grabs my hand and we walk out the castle after telling my father we were going out.

We walk down the street and I glare at everyone who looks at jungkook. One man grabs Jungkooks hand "you look very- AHHHH!!!" The man screams when in a blink of an eye I smirk seeing his hand now on the floor.
Was cutting his hand off a bit extreme? Yeah probably BUT HE TOUCHED WHAT IS MINE!

jungkook gasps "oh goodness sir I'm so sorry!" The man runs off and jungkook glares at me "park jimin!" I smile innocently "what? I didn't do anything....oh my goodness that poor man got his hand cut off"

He crosses his arms "park jimin" I smile and continue walking. He walks next to me and then grabs my hand "you're too protective sometimes" I roll my eyes "you've said that already today" we continue walking and I groan when it starts to rain.

Jungkook giggles and I then use my jacket to cover him from the rain "I don't want you getting a cold... we're going back now" we start to walk back and I keep jungkook covered with my jacket.

We arrive back at the castle and jungkook walks inside and I chuck my jacket at one of the maids. I sneeze and groan "FOR FUCK SAKE!!" Jungkook giggles a little and then drags me to the shower. He closes the door and smiles "wanna hot shower together?"

I nod and I then get undressed and help him and then we both get into the hot shower and I smile a little..
He then washes my hair making me chuckle a little "thank you baby" he smiles "you'll get sick if I don't help you" I chuckle "that's not true but okay"

He gently hits my cheek making me laugh a little. I then wash his hair and help him with his body. We both them climb out and I put jungkook in one of my hoodies and some shorts and i change into some sweatpants and a hoodie

I'm not too overprotective right?! I was right to cut that man's hand off!!

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