start of the night

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Jungkooks pov

"Ew who is that clinging to jimin!"
"Ew what a slut!"
"Oi go kill yourself he's ours!!!"
"You stole jimin-oppa!!!!"
"Fucking bitch doesn't deserve him!"

I look down and sigh

This was a bad idea.......

I move away from jimin and stand next to hoseok, he looks at me "what's wrong kook?" I shake my head "nothing" I look over to see jimin being flirted with by a group of girls,I cross my arms and look down, hoseok chuckles "you shouldn't listen to those assholes calling you names...theyre just jealous.....and....wait...kook are you jealous?" I shake my head again "no, I'm only just an assistant....I shouldn't care...right?"

I look up when I hear a woman yell "JUNGKOOK!" People join in chanting my name, I look around and then glare at jimin "what did you do" he chuckles "shouldn'tve walked away from me, come here" I hesitate but walk to him "tell them to sto-"
"ITS OUR FUTURE KING AND QUEEN!" My eyes widen and I look down, jimin smirks and wraps his arm around me "shall we go in?"

Mr park chuckles "let's go" we all start to walk inside, I gasp as someone grabs my hand, I stop walking and turn around to see a little girl, jimin growls "jungkook-" I hold my hand up to him "wait a second...please" he sighs and moves his arm off me, I walk to the little girl and crouch down to her "hello little one"

She giggles "hello your Highness!" I blush a little "don't call me that....I'm just the assistant... call me jungkook" she nods "you're very pretty for a boy....people shouldn't say mean things about you..." I giggle "thank you....I don't care what people say... some of it is true.... wait a you wanna see a magic trick?" She gasps and nods, I stand up and walk to jin, I grab his small flower he keeps in his pocket (why? God knows this is Jin we're talking about, he carries about 5 mirrors wherever he goes)))

He tilts his head, I smile and walk back to the little girl hiding the flower, I crouch down again "can you close your eyes?" She nods and closes her eyes, I giggle and hold the flower out in my hand and then tap her shoulder "done! You can open your eyes"

She opens her eyes and gasps "it's so pretty!" I nod and put it behind her ear in her hair "so are you...I should get going before jimin gets angry at me, thank you for being so nice to me little one" she giggles and nods "thank you! And I think everyone should be nice to everyone..." she hugs me, I gasp but then hug back and smile "no problem...I wish everyone had the same opinions as you....." She giggles and lets go, I stand up and wave "bye bye" she giggles and waves

I walk to jimin ignoring the crowd yelling things at me, jimin tilts his head "wow a theif that's good with kids" I cross my arms "I have a soft spot for kids" taehyung nods "he always has, if a child is crying he'll go out his way to make them smile" I giggle "now you know my weakness"

We all walk inside, jimin grabs my hand "remember you have to stay by my side" I nod "I know"
Mr park looks at us "okay the table is over there, please do sit down" we nod and all go and sit down

Tae-jin-jungkook-mr park

I look around....this is all too fancy for me, Jin nudges my arm and whispers "all eyes are on you, say something" I tilt my head "Huh?" I look around to see everyone looking at me, I blush and tilt my head "have I done something wrong??"

Mr park shakes his head "no the opposite actually, you made that little girls were so nice" I nod "I have a soft spot for kids...I think ever kid deserves to be happy whenever they have the chance" Mr park looks at jimin and smirks, jimin rolls his eyes

I look at the both and then look at Jin who was looking at Namjoon with heart eyes, I smirk "jin-hyung?" He looks at me "yeah Kookie?" I giggle "can jiminie-hyung sit next to me?" He glares at me, Mr park gasps "I can move jungkook" I shake my head "no need, my hyung is gonna move"

Jin Huffs, he stands up and switches places with jimin so jimin is now next to me, taehyung looks at me "you evil bitch" I giggle and nod "that's me~" I look at Jin who was blushing whole glaring at me, I cross my arms "having fun hyung?" Jin nods ""

Yoongi tilts his head "am I missing something here?" I shake my head "it's nothing, just jin-hyung being funny" he nods "aha I see..." I jump a little when the waitress walks over and stands behind me and jimin "ready to order guys?" Mr park nods "please ma'am" we all order, she smiles "let me take these menus from you" she leans over my shoulder pushing me out the way

I cross my arms when I see her literally Rubbing her boobs on jimins arm and jimin isn't doing shit about it! I hear Jin giggle and whisper "he's gonna snap~" the waitress then 'accidentily' drops her little notepad thing and bends over basically sitting in jimins lap with her ass on show, I growl a little "I'm going to the restroom"

I push my chair out that hits her in the face where she was bend down, she gasps and looks at me "ow!" I smirk "oops~ my bad~" I giggle and walk to the bathroom, I actually dispise people like her.

I do my business and wash my hands and then walk out the bathroom back to the table, everyone was looking at me, I tilt my head "what?" Namjoon chuckles "why did you hurt the waitress?" I smile "I didn't mean to, she was simply being a desperate bitch in the wrong place and her face said hello to my chair, im sure she's fine"

Jimin smirks "you weren't jealous?" I shake my head "nope, I just pushed my chair out and her ugly face was in the way" hoseok smirks "it wasn't an ugly face right jimin" jimin nods "she was quite beautiful to be honest" I cross my arms and lean back in my chair "make her your assistant then"

Jin rolls his eyes "not jealous my ass" I glare at him "shut it" Mr park chuckles "calm down kids, jungkook accidentally hurt the waitress...will you apologize?" I shake my head "no sir.... because all she was doing is showing her down below area to your youngest son...and in all honesty sir I don't think that's a nice or responsible thing to do, it's just a rather desperate move to you just want to have I right sir?"

Mr park nods "you are right jungkook, maybe you SHOULD be queen, you're do very well when dealing with others and then you give a good explanation why you did it" my eyes widen "what? No no no no no no no no no, no....right jimin?!" Jimin chuckles "maybe one day~"

I shake my head "I won't be alive then... sorry...y'know humans die? Vampires dont...I'll be dead by then....can't sorry....nope...big nope" jimin rolls his eyes "trust me if it gets to that point I won't allow you to die... you're mine now....forever" i look at jin and then at taehyung who were both shocked as well when yoongi and namjoon agree with him

What does that mean....he won't allow me to die??.....every human dies in the end.... nobody can do that....right??

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