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Jungkooks pov

I giggle a little watching jimin holding any while making flower crowns together. I sit down with the others and Mr park looks at me "can I ask a question jungkook?" I nod "of course" he smiles "would you ever have kids with jimin?"

I blush "as in....my own kids with jimin?" He nods "yes" I sigh "of course I would love to.....but I don't think jimin wants that....he said he hasn't found the right one to carry his children.....and I don't want to force him...."

I smile and then giggle seeing jimin now with a flower crown on

Amy pouts when a woman yells "AMY HOME TIME!!!" Jimin chuckles "go on princess

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Amy pouts when a woman yells "AMY HOME TIME!!!" Jimin chuckles "go on princess..... we'll see you again okay?" She nods and then kisses jimins cheek and runs off (chase had already gone home)

Jimin smiles and walks to us and sits next to me "hey baby" I smile "I love your flower crown it suits you" he chuckles "thanks....amy made it for me" he takes it off and puts it next to him and then pulls me onto his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

Mr park sighs "you both want kids right?" Jimin gasps "Appa shut up!" Jin rolls his eyes "guys......listen..... jungkook....jimin wants to impregnate you and jimin jungkook wants to have your kids.....so go home....fuck....and then jimin will propose and you'll be a happy family"

Me and Jimin look at one another shocked. Yoongi chuckles "I agree" Mr park sighs "yoongi shut it" I blush "you really want a family with me?" I look at jimin who nods "of course I do....you're the only one who I've ever loved unconditionally and I want to be with you and share everything with you"

I giggle "I feel the same way..." I wrap my arms around his neck and giggle hugging him tightly.
Mr park chuckles "okay you two go home then and what is it the kids say these days?....go and shake the bed?" Me and Jimin stand up "that's not what they say....."

Jimin sighs "sometimes I ask God why I have a father like you" Mr park Huff's "I'm an amazing father shut up" I giggle "of course you are sir..."
Taehyung smirks "don't be too loud though~" jimin glares at them "shut up bitch I'm taking him out on a date....I'm not sure he's ready for that so shut the fuck up!"

I smile "let's go to the fair! It's open today?" He nods "sure...let's go" I smile and grab his hand we walk off.

Jimin looks at me "I'm taking you on a few dates before we actually do... y'know" I nod "yeah....I understand! Let's go!" He chuckles

A few hours later

I cheek against the sheets and my butt up in the air and i was panting with tears rolling down my face and blood running down my neck while jimin lays next to me also panting, I was covered in blood and marks. Jimin sighs "Well....that wasn't our plan.....but you're a vampire now"
I whine and then flop down next to him and cuddle up to him "I love you" he kisses my head and pulls the blanket over our naked bodies "I love you too baby"

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