🔞you're mine🔞

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Jungkooks pov

I sit on the bed waiting for jimin.
I get bored and lay on my back on the bed and humm to myself. I gasp when the door closes with a bang and jimin walks in. I sit up "jimin?" He looks at me, his eyes are bright red making me gulp.

I gasp when he pins me to the bed "you.are.mine!!!" I gulp and nod "y-y-yes o-only yours" he growls "I'm sick of people trying to steal what's mine....I'm changing you" my eyes widen "wait what? Hold up! No!" He growls "did you just tell me no?" I nod "yes! You can't just change me into a vampire because YOU'RE mad"

I see him trying to calm himself down. I sigh and put my hand on his cheek "but if it stops you killing someone...... then okay" he smirks "good boy~" I blush when he kisses me deeply, I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck.

I know if I don't let him do this then he will end up killing someone....and I really don't want that, plus nothing can go wrong.....right???.....

He pulls away from the kiss and pulls my shirt off making me blush more. He smirks "finally I get what I want~" I gasp a little when he moves down and kisses my neck and makes his way down my chest. He starts to lick my nipple and play with the other one making me arch my back a little and moan "a-ah~"

He smirks and pulls away, he stands up straight and pulls me by my thighs to the edge of the bed, he takes his own shirt off.... he's so pale....his muscles are on show.... Holy fuck....

He looks at me "sadly we only have a short amount of time for this because we both have a meeting to go to with my father....but when we have more time...I will make love to you even better, sorry this has to be quick~" I blush more.

He kisses me again and I kiss back while he pulls my pants down. He bites my bottom lip making me open my mouth a little, he enters his tounge into my mouth not leaving one place untouched.
My eyes widen when he pulls my boxers off. I quickly cover myself.

He pulls away from the kiss and growls "don't.you.dare" he pins my hands above my head and looks me up and down. I gulp "s-s-stop s-s-staring...." He chuckles deeply "so gorgeous~" I look away from him so I don't have to make eye contact.

He growls "look at me angel~" I hesitate but look at him, he takes his pants off and my eyes widen when I see the tent in his boxers...there is NO way that is going to fit....no way in hell....it will split me in half.

He moves his fingers to my mouth "open up" I hesitate but open my mouth. He moves his finger inside my mouth "suck" I gulp and then suck on his fingers coating them in saliva.
He pulls them out my mouth after a few moments

My eyes widen when he teases my entrance with his finger. I grip his biceps when he pushes one finger in. I tear up and he starts to move one finger in and out making me moan a little. I wince when he pushes another one in straight away moving that one as well.

I grip his biceps harder and tears start to fall when he Inserts a third one. He thrusts his fingers in and out, I wince a little and then move myself on his fingers, he smirks "you're so fucking tight" he pulls his fingers out. I whine a little.

My eyes widen when he pulls his boxers down and then grabs some lube from the nightstand. He opens it and squirts some on his cock. I gulp when he chucks the bottle next to me on the bed and then moves his hand up and down his cock coating it in lube.

I look at him with fear in my eyes "i-i-it won't fit" he smirks "yes it will...just relax" I hesitate but then relax.
I wince when suddenly he pushes the tip in. I grip his biceps and close my eyes tightly when he pushes in more, I feel him go deeper inside me.

Tears stream down my face "i-i-it hurts!!" He kisses my tears away "it will for a little bit....calm down....it'll be okay after" I take a deep breath. I gasp when suddenly he pulls out and then slams back in "A-ah! G-g-go s-slow!"

Jimin chuckles and continues to thrust hard. Tears roll down my cheeks and I moan his name "f-fuck j-j-j-jimin~" he smirks "you like me pounding your tight hole baby?~" I blush and nod, he growls "answer me properly baby",

I gasp and scream his name when he hits my prostate dead on "y-y-yes! I-i-i l-l-love it!!!" He smirks and continues abusing that same spot.
I wrap my legs around his waist making him go deeper making me moan loudly.

I close my eyes "i-i-im g-gonna-" he cuts me off "cum for me baby.....you need to bite me when I say okay? You need some of my blood understand?" I nod.
He then bites his wrist continuing to pound into me. He sucks some of his blood into his mouth.

He thrusts hard making me moan loudly "A-A-Ah! Y-y-yes!~" I cum all over my stomach and chest.
He leans down to me. I open my mouth and he kisses me deeply so the blood goes into my mouth. It doesn't taste great to begin with.
He then continues to thrust and goes to my neck and breaks the skin making me wince a little, he sucks some of my blood and then pulls away "bite me baby"

I wrap my arms around his neck and use him to sit up a little while he continues to abuse my hole.i wince a little when I feel a pain in my mouth. I feel fangs come through.
I then go to jimins neck and find a spot to bite and then I break the flesh on his neck.

I close my eyes tight and moan against his neck feeling him cum deep inside me.
I suck some of his blood and then fall backwards.
I pant and close my eyes. I whine when jimin pulls out feeling empty.

I open my eyes to see jimin already dressed again, the bite mark on his neck bleeding, I lick my lips.
I sit up and wince a little. He chuckles "you're mine and only mine understand me?" I nod.


Jimin then helps me change my clothes. He picks me up bridal style and walks out the room while I lean my head on his chest.
I can't believe I just did that....now I'm a vampire.....I can't believe this.....I'm so stupid.

Jimin gently hits the back of my head "don't think like that" I look at him "you know what I'm thinking?", He shakes his head "not exactly....but I can feel that you're thinking negative thoughts....it's our bond" I nod "oh....I see..."

He walks into the dining room where his father and there others were sat.
Jimin sits down with me on his lap. I wince a little "be careful jimin that hurt" jimin Huff's "oh shush"

I'm so stupid.......

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