- Chapter 1 -

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Nobody's POV

★ ⤝—⤠ ★

"I'm sorry, I should do this alone. I don't want anyone hurt okay?" Kipo pleaded.

"Fine. Just don't get killed or get in trouble" Wolf sighed.

"Yeah" Benson and Dave said.

Mandu squealed sadly as she left.

That was the last thing Kipo said before heading off to find her dad.

"Ughhh when will we stop walking?!? I just want to fall asleep alreadyyy" Dave said in a whiny voice.

"Soon. Quit being a baby about it." Wolf said, annoyed.

Dave had started to feel a bit strange in the area they were headed.

"Heyyy.. isn't this the place were those scorpion mutes were?!? Why are we here?!" Dave said frightened.

"I'll tell you later, just calm down before your a target to them." Wolf said, trying to calm herself down before, she too, would be a target.

The four walked silently, trying not to startle any of the mutes. As they successfully got to their desired location, Wolf helped the three up to the rugged boards and through the boarded up window.

"Woah, this is a cool hideout you got here, Wolf!" Benson remarked.

"There's even a karaoke machine!!" Dave exclaimed, wanting to test it out.

"Please don't start that again..." Wolf said, getting reminding of Kipo getting her to sing with it.

"Again? You've used this before? Ooo I wanna hear you sing!" Benson excitingly said.

"Not exactly.. Kipo got me to use it when we were here last time..."


"Well I'm gonna rest now that we've made it, I need my beauty sleep.." Dave said, as he plopped on one of the booths, snoring.

"I'm going to find us some food." Wolf sighed, wanting to get some peace and quiet.

"Can I come? I'm kinda bored." Benson said.

"No, you gotta stay and watch Dave and Mandu." Wolf said, jumping out of the window and into the bushes.

"Why do I have to watch Dave and Mandu?? Mandu's resting and Dave's-.. Aw man!" Benson said whining.

As if on que, Dave morphed into his baby form and started crying.

Benson sighed.

Moving onto Wolf's POV.

As Wolf was walking through a field, she heard a movement in the bushes. She stood back a bit, pointing Stalky in front of her. Just then, a girl that looked around Kipo's age stumbled out of the bushes. She was wearing a jacket with a F/C shirt with a belt and long pants. She also had H/l H/c hair. Wolf stood confused, still holding up Stalky near the girl.

Your POV

"Oh, uh hello.." I said, stunned to find another human after spending a few months on the surface. Also I was a bit scared of this red spiky thing being pointed at me.

"Who are you?" The girl in front of you said.

"I'm uh, Y/n." I said, shyly.

"This might be random but do you happen to know a girl named Kipo? She had told me of her missing friend. And the description she gave me reminds me of you.." The girl questioned.

"Actually- yeah. Is she around here at all?" You asked, wanting to see your best friend.

"Not exactly.. She went to find her dad. But hopefully she'll be back soon. I suppose you can come with me."

"Oh, alrighty then. Where are we going?" i asked.

"Well i don't feel like bringing you back to the hideout so your gonna help me hunt. I promised the others to get food anyways." She said.

"Okay that's fine by me. So uh- what do you want me to call you?" I had asked.

"Wolf. My friends call me by it so i guess you can too. It's better than being called one of Kipo's names." Wolf said, a bit annoyed at the last sentence.

"Alright then." I said happily.

After me and Wolf hunted for some food, she told me to be careful walking around the hideout. Since, apparently, their were mutes that could detect your heart rate so i used a breathing technique Kipo used to tell me.

"In for four.." I inhaled. "Out for eight." I then exhaled. "Keep your cool....Now your great". I recited, it had worked, just like the many times Kipo had gotten me to calm down.

Wolf gestured me to go through this window of a building, so I did. I walked in and saw two mutes and a boy snoring loudly on a couch. Their was a few tvs, a karaoke machine, a bed made out of inflatable guitars, and a couch.

Wolf Sighed. "Well there's Benson, the guy with the backpack, Dave's the bug sleeping near Benson, and Mandu is the pig, also sleeping near them."

"Okayyy, so these are your friends?" i asked.

"Yeah sure." Wolf said.

Wolf poked Benson on the head with her stick and that caused him to jolt up, hitting his head on the wall.

"Owwww what was that for!?" Benson whined.

"I hardly touched you!" Wolf exclaimed.

"Whatever- Oh hey is this ones of your friends, Wolf?" Benson asked Wolf, pointing towards me.

"Uh actually shes more of a friend to Kipo, i kinda just met her."

"Yeah.. By the way, im Y/n!" I stated to Benson.

"Oh cool! I'm sure Kipo we'll be back soon.. Then you too can reunite."

We all chatted for bit, Dave and Mandu eventually woke up and i introduced myself to everyone. We were pretty much getting along like pals. After finishing up our convos, we ate the food me and Wolf had hunted.

"It's getting kinda dark, i should probably sleep.." i yawned.

"Yeah me too. You can sleep anywhere you'd like, just not the floor. You wouldn't want any splinters." Wolf said, a bit tired herself.

"Alright." I laid down on the side of the inflated bed. I looked around and everyone had fallen asleep. I looked at Wolf and giggled to myself quietly at the sleeping position she was in. I then once again fell asleep like everyone else.


1002 words

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