- Chapter 5 -

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★ ⤝—⤠ ★

'Agh! That's right, i have to go to that hideout...' I mumbled to myself. It had already been getting dark so the forest was pretty scary looking. I speed-walked out of it fairly quickly. My sense of direction wasn't that good but i had forgotten that i have Solaxy. I used the technique the goats taught me and then popped out a small nose that covered my human one. I smelled around, hoping to pick up the others scent. I started walking through rundown buildings and dirt paths. Finally, i made it too the Deathstalker territory. I glanced around and saw that none of the scorpions were around. So i made a run for it. I ran close to the sides of the buildings and jumped up on the balcony and in through the window. I heard scurrying noises below so they must've sensed me. As i got up i saw the others waiting.

"Your back, finally!" Dave said, as he went to take a seat.

"Yeah finally is right. Find any clues or anything?" Wolf asked.

"Not exactly.."

Wolf raised her eyebrow. "Does that mean you found something atleast or?"

"I mean i didn't find any Kipo clues but more of stuff about me and Kipo..." I said, unsure if i should tell them.

"Oh. Does it maybe have to do with your arm...?" She said, referring to my ombré fur that had appeared on my left arm. "Are you a mute??"

"Okay okay so this story is long so i'm just going to summarize it. I'm part-mute. So when i was going to look for clues i stumbled upon these 3 magic looking goats with cheese that basically told me i'm this mega mythical looking mute called Solaxy or atleast i can turn into it. Which is like some jaguar, dragon-thing, deer, and some other magical creatures of whatever. And pretty much i can became part-mute all the time but to become the mega it's kinda dangerous and i need some 'special person' to help me turn back. Kipo is also part mute too, i'm pretty sure they said she was a mega jaguar.." I explained.

Wolf stood their shocked but understood what i had said. Benson, too, was in shock but asked, "So is that 'special person' who we're alll thinking?!" He asked, obviously smirking. Wolf let out a sly smile as well. I huffed and walked away to sit on the couch. I could hear Benson & Wolf snickering.

Wolf cleared her throat. "Okay so uh when we were searching, Dave found a possible clue so we may leave early in the morning to search again if that's fine with you? I didn't want to leave without warning."

"Oh- yeah that's fine. Why can't i come thoughhh?" I whined.

"Because we don't want you getting hurt, especially with this going on." She said, pointed towards pointy ears that poked out from the side of my head.

"Whoops-" I said, covering my ears.

"Anyways, we said get rest y'know. Imma bit sleepy myself. We've had a longgg day. Especially you, Y/n." Benson said as he smiled sympathetically. Wolf nodded her head in agreement.

We all found spots to sleep in, with me on the makeshift bed, Wolf &  Benson on the couch and Dave- Wait i can't see Dave. I was too lazy to get up to look but i recognized him snoring as the others couldn't of fallen asleep so quickly.


Someone had been knocking on the window, rather harshly.

"Five more minutes..Kipo..." i grumbled in my sleep, as if Kipo was waking me up at one of our sleepovers.

The knocking had grown intensely. I jolted awake and accidentally hit my head on the wall. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and peeked from the side of the couch to see who it was. I faintly saw pinkish hair from the window. kipo? nah it couldn't be. i'm probably hallucinating. after all i just woke up. i could be seeing things. i thought.

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