- Chapter 6 -

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After waiting for awhile, we finally spotted them coming near the hideout.

"Wolf! Dave! Benson! Mandu!!" Kipo yelled excitedly.


The four climbed inside the hideout and Kipo had greeted them.

"Since when did you get here?!" Benson asked.

"Uh.. well i kinda found my dad so i came here to let you guys know and i found y/n here instead and yeahh. i got here like maybe a few hours ago?! I don't know." Kipo answered.

"Well i'm glad your finally here. So when do we go to your dad?" Wolf asked.

"Well maybe in 2 days? He said he wanted to get some stuff prepared for us in the second burrow."


"Man! All that searching for nothin'! I need go lay down." Dave said.

I giggled. Kipo smiled, noticing me laughing.

"Yeah, we probably should rest. We've had a longggg day." Benson said, yawning.

"How about you and Kipo to catch up about stuff eh?" Wolf asked me. I tried not to blush knowing what Wolf was trying to do. Maybe i shouldn't of told them i had a crush on her.

"I mean we kinda did that already while you guys were out, but if you want some peace and quiet to sleep i'll give ya that!" Kipo said, motioning me to walk out of the hideout. Wolf looked at me and smiled. Hmph

"I think we should sit on the roof, it's a nice view of the stars tonight." Kipo excitingly smiled. I smiled back.

"Yeah sure!"

We laid down on the roof and Kipo examined the stars, naming each one along with the constellations to me. I enjoyed hearing her. It was comforting to hear her like this. Almost sounds like the dream i had.. I thought. It felt like deja vu almost.

"Y'know what Y/n? I've never given you a nickname before.. Not even in our childhood! Now it's time to decide on a nickname for you.." Kipo said, thinking quite hard on this nickname.

"I guess you've always called me by my real name heh. I've never really had a nickname before by anyone." I said.

"Well i'll be the first to call you one!" Kipo said.

"Oh! I know the perfect one. Sirius. It's the brightest star!

"Mmm that does sound like a cool nickname but what does it have to do with me?" I asked.

"It has to do with you becausee your like my bright star! And i feel like it's a perfect nickname."

I blushed, feeling flattered at what she said to me. Hm, Sirius. It had a nice ring to it. I think i'll enjoy this nickname.

"Hey, it's kinda could out here. Want me to get some pillows and a blanket?." I asked Kipo.

"Sure! That sounds great."

I climbed off the roof and went and retrieved the blanket and some cushions/pillows, making sure not to disturb anyone's slumber. I handed Kipo some pillows and gave her the blanket to share.

"Thank you, Sirius." Kipo said.

I blushed again at the way she said my nickname. Maybe it was her sleepy voice. Why do i have to be like this..

Soon after, Kipo and fallen asleep. I was too lazy and tired to carry her down into the hideout so i stayed with her, cuddled up in the blanket to make sure i didn't get cold and neither would Kipo. I then fell asleep under the moonlight.

shorter chapter | 578 words

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