- Chapter 7 -

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"Today is the day guys!" Kipo announced. Today, we were heading off to her burrow where she found her dad.

"So where exactly is this place? You got a map or something or are we winging this?" I asked, seeming a bit concerned about walking out in the open. After all, Scarlemagne is after us.

"No... BUT i have it memorized in my brain! It's like this giant valley with really really tall grass and giant mega mute dogs." She answered.

"So are those dogs going to be a problem or..?" Benson asked.

"Not that i know of. NOW STOP TALKING AND LETS GO!" Kipo yelled, clearly being impatient.

Wolf gave a skeptical look and so did Dave. I shrugged and started following Kipo. The others shortly caught up with us.

We walked through a creepy looking street, it was pretty silent too adding onto the eerie feeling. Though all the streets were pretty creepy anyways.

"Okay here we are!" Kipo said, struggling to stand on a platform.

"This...Isn't a field..?" Wolf said confused.

"Well no, it's where i found one of my dads clues actually. It gives a great view of our surroundings! It's like our own map." She said, scanning the place.

"OH THERE!" She pointed, a bright green field was in view, 3 giant looking dogs tackled each other and play-fought.

"The burrow is out there...? Yeah.. i'm out." Dave said.

"Oh cmon! it's just a giant field! With giant dogs... And really tall grass... But we will make it through!" Kipo said enthusiastically.

"And how do you plan to get there?" Wolf asked.

"I was thinking you could all hop a ride on my mega jaguar form. Though i don't have full control over it despite having my anchor.." She said.

Benson facepalmed.

"Hey how about you guys can ride on my mega mute form. I've been training to control it with Kipo helping." I suggested, thinking more logically than Kipo.

The 4 seemed to not mind the idea and nodded.

I jumped off the platform and used my training to turn into Solaxy. I reached the ground with a large thud and looked up at the others.

The 3 started in awe at my mega mute form while Kipo smiled since she'd already seen it while helping me train.

I roared, motioning them to hop on. I couldn't exactly talk in this form but roaring should do the trick for now. After everyone was situated, i started to run to the field, hopping over buildings and avoiding any mutes i might stomp on.

"Woah this is bigger than i thought.." Benson stated, looking at the field.

"I did say there was very tall grass." Kipo said, as she thought she was clear on the 'very very tall grass' part.

I started to walk through the field, hoping the dogs wouldn't notice me. Two of them looked over at me but continued to romp around with their friends. I let out a 'phew' sound as i realized they wouldn't chase us.

"Okay now time to look for the spot..Hmmmmmmmm" Kipo said, staring intently at the ground.

"Can you get lower to the ground, Y/n?" She asked. I lowered my head and continued walking as she directed me to where she thought the entrance was.

"AHAH!" She yelled, finding the burrow spot.

As long as Kipo was near, it was easier to change back into my regular human form. Just like the goats said, i needed a 'special person'. Which happened to be Kipo, obviously.

I quickly changed back into being a human and the 4 of us, including Mandu, walked to this supposed spot.

There was a circular metal door on the ground with a valve and Kipo went to knock on it, or at least bang on it since knocking  wasn't going to do the trick.

The valve started to turn and out popped Kipo's dad, Lio.

"You've arrived! I finally set up everything for you guys, and is that Y/n? It's great to finally see you again." He smiled, pulling me and Kipo into a hug.

"Like i told Kipo, i'm sure people won't be as welcoming to surface people and mutes..." Lio added.

"Understandable." Benson said.

He motioned us into the burrow and as everyone started to go inside, i heard faint wing-flapping noises above, thinking nothing of it. I shortly followed Wolf inside; Lio behind us, closing the door.

Lio pulled out his walkie talkie and gets the entrance to the burrow opened up.

We were met with a lot of surprised faces and a few weird looks. Kipo met up with a few of her old friends and introduced Dave, Benson, Wolf & Mandu to them. I stood away from everyone, not wanting to catch the attention of anyone. I then noticed Benson taking with another boy, and it seemed like the too we're getting along quite well. I even saw a blush on Benson's face. 'Yes! Something to embarrass him over later!' I thought, since he teased me about my crush.

After a bit more conversations sparking with the others, explosions were heard from above.

"What was that?!" I heard Lio say.

The ceiling started to break apart, concrete falling out of every direction. I saw Kipo quickly zone out and held a piece of ceiling over all of us with her jaguar paw. I decided to help to relive some weight off her arm. Lio looked pleased at Kipo's control with her arm, as well as mine.

Just then, loud squawking & laughter was heard from above. Scarlemagne's troops were attacking the burrow. The flamingos starting taking a bunch of people up into the sky and flying away. Kipo ran off to help her friends and i tried to help some others get away from the flamingos grasp. She then brought her friends back to us and looked back to see her dad was gone. I widened my eyes after seeing him being flown away in a flamingos talons.

Kipo went after the bird who took Lio but ended up getting caught by one of the birds as well. 

"KIPO!" Me and Wolf both yelled.

Wolf broke down in sobs. I too, started crying but said, "We'll find Kipo, don't worry Wolf." I comforted her, and so did the others.

I heard frantic squawks. in the air and saw Kipo riding one of the flamingos that took her away.

"Aw yeah!" I yelled with my fist in the air.

She landed down and slid off the bird and said "Were going after them." With a determined look on her face.

We all nodded. Kipo then started to help Benson, Wolf, Dave, & Mandu onto the flamingo.

I saw 3 shadowy figures make their way behind me, before i could say something, one of them hit me with a dart that made me fall to the ground into a deep sleep.

3rd person POV

Kipo then realized Y/n wasn't with them. She looked into a dark corner of where she was and saw a small tuff of white/red ombré fur laying on the ground from her paw. Her eyes widened as well as her friends did. Y/n had been taken and she hadn't noticed. Kipo now had to make a decision. Go after her dad or go after Y/n?

cliffhanger 😏 | 1229 words

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