- Chapter 10 -

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Y/n's POV

It's been a few days since the kidnapping incident and me and Kipo have been chasing after Scarlemagne after he took control of the mega monkey, or as we've found out, Kipo's mother. Benson seemed to be trying to get her to turn back using the anchor but Kipo was too driven by angered to notice and I had to keep chasing after her. After a few tries, I noticed Kipo's jaguar form decrease until she was human again. I, too, changed back and walked over to Kipo to make sure she was alright. Just then, 3 cloaked figures walked over to us.

"Who are you?" I heard Kipo ask.

"My name is Dr. Emilia. I am part of what we call the Human Resistance. We are trying to take down Scarlemagne and from what i've observed, you guys are too. We were wondering if you guys would like to help us, I can take you back to our headquarters so that you can get some rest and train." The leader of the 3 answered.

I squinted my eyes at her, trying to remember why she looked familiar. Though I had a feeling that i did know her in someway and that feeling wasn't a good one.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea, we'll join you!" Kipo said. She looked back at the others for approval. Wolf shrugged and both Benson & Dave nodded. I shrugged as well, unsure of the feeling i had.

Once we got to the headquarters, i still wasn't sure about the situation so i told Kipo,

"Hey do you think it would be fine if i just stayed out here and waited for you guys? I don't feel like going inside...."

"Oh, any particular reason? Or are you too shy to talk to other people?" She asked, joking at the last bit.

"Well uh- not really i just y'know don't feel like it.." I mumbled.

"Okay! Fine by me. I'll let you know when we're done talking."

She walked inside with the rest of the group and i could've sworn i saw Dr. Emilia glancing at me but thought nothing of it. I sat down, my back against the building and took a small nap, hoping Kipo would wake me up when she saw me.

Kipo's POV

"So you want me to take down the mega monkey?" I asked. I didn't really want to do this since i would be fighting my mom. It didn't feel right to me.

"Yes, only you are able to take down the monkey as of now." Emilia said.

"What about Y/n? She has a really cool mega mute form." I said, wondering why Y/n wasn't included in this plan, though I don't know if she would do this either.

"Right... Y/n... We already have a plan for her, don't worry." She answered. It seemed a bit.... off though. I'd have to mention that to Y/n later.


"Hey, Benson, has Roberto woken up yet?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I uh talked to him for a bit and I think he knows where your mom is being kept." He answered.

"Really?! Where is he now, I need to get her back?" I asked, hoping to save my mom once again.

Benson pointed over to a bed on the other side of the room where I saw Roberto sitting.

"So you know where the mega monkey is being kept?" I said, walking over to him.

"Yeah, I can take you to her if you want?" He asked.

I nodded and we headed out of the building. I glanced to my right and saw Y/n leaning against the building, sleeping. Guess i'll have to take her back in, i didn't want her getting hurt out here. I told Troy's dad to wait a second while I brought my friend back inside. After setting Y/n on a bed, I walked back outside to find my mom.

We arrived in the forest and Roberto went back to the headquarters so he could leave me with my mom. She noticed me and motioned towards her chains.

"Don't worry, i'll get you out of these." I said to her. She nodded.

Just as I was about to bring out my jaguar paw, a claw of some sort grabbed me and carried me away.

"Hey!" I yelled. I looked up to see that i was being carried away by one of Scarlemagne's flamingos.

"Now now Kipo, you wouldn't want to hurt your dad, would you?" The voice of Scarlemagne said. He had been controlling the flamingo and I saw my dad next to him. My eyes widened.

Y/n's POV

I woke up and I noticed I was sleeping in a small cot which seemed to be in the headquarters. ' Did Kipo bring me here?' I blushed at the thought. I looked over to where Benson, Dave, and Wolf were and I walked over to them.

"Hey have you guys seen Kipo recently?" I asked.

"Last I saw she went to rescue her mom, why?" Wolf answered.

"It's just that I was sleeping for awhile and shouldn't she be back by now?" I questioned.

"Good point... Maybe go talk with Roberto? I think he went to go see her." Benson said, also noting that Kipo hasn't come back yet.

I went over to who I assumed was Roberto and I asked, "Hey have you seen Kipo recently, I thought she would be back by now?"

"No but I was just going to go back there if you wanted to come with?" He asked. I nodded, following him out into the forest.

We went to what seemed like a giant tree and there wasn't a sign of anyone except for a struggling mega monkey.

"Where did she go..? I thought she was going to rescue the mute.." I heard him say.

I thought for a bit and noticed some pink feathers on the ground. Kipo was captured by Scarlemagne.

"I have to go back to the others! I think she was captured!" I ran while yelling to Roberto. He seemed to notice my panic and ran with me and we headed back got the building. Time for another mission.

1041 words

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