- Chapter 3 -

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★ ⤝—⤠ ★

"Alright to the forest everyone!" I yelled, enthusiastically. Even though i don't like getting up early to do things, i just really wanted to take my mind off that odd dream i had. I shook my head out of my thoughts. Surprisingly, Wolf didn't seem too alert today, i had woken up everyone early to start my training as Wolf wanted to do earlier. But she has just rubbed her eyes and looked a bit tired, weird.

"Hey uh- Benson? Y'know why Wolf seems so un-alert i guess? Isn't she always like the leader and stuff here?" i whispered to Benson.

"I mean..- Shes more of the fighter in the group rather than the leader per-se. Usually it's Kipo leading the group and being all giddy and stuff. Almosttt like you." He said, pointing his finger at me.

"Well what does that have to do with me?"

"Well y'know..-" He awkwardly added. "I don't...actually know.. Maybe she stayed up late?! i honestly have no idea. How about you ask her instead?"

"Ughhh fine."

"Hey Wolf, you seem sleepy today, What's up?" I asked.

"Oh well maybe it was because i woke up to you rambling to yourself, i tried shaking you so you could get the message to, i don't know sleep?! But i don't know if you were sleep talking or what but." She said, clearly a bit annoyed, acting like i knew what happened.

"Look i'm sorry for going after you like that but that was probably one of the only days we'll get a full nights sleep because Scarlemagne's rampage is still going on." Wolf said, sounding a bit apologetic.

"Right, right, i honestly don't know what got over me this morning i just kinda had a weird-ish dream that i couldn't exactly get out of my head and stuff.." I said

"Wanna talk about it? Maybe?" Wolf said

"I mean- i've never thought you out of all people would want to hear me ramble about feelings and stuff.. Not that it's a bad thing! But yeah.. Maybe later.." I said, feeling a bit relieved to get that off my chest. And also possibly blushing after saying 'feelings' knowing that dream i had. Gah! i'm thinking about it again...

Wolf nodded.

"OoooOoo feelings?! Y/n? Are you crushing on someone?! Or is it the other kind of feelings? Like the depressing ones.." Benson said, smirking at the first sentence.

"Oo i bet she is.." Dave giggled. Mandu snorted, which may or may not of been the pig-equivalent to laughing.

"Nonono! It's uh- not like that! I swear!" I said, waving my hands in front my my hands, clearly blushing.

Dave and Benson giggled, Benson's smirk only grew wider. Mandu joined in, snorting. Wolf let out a small smile, probably waiting on the juicy tea shes going to hear from me later. Maybe i shouldn't of taken up that offer..

"Is it a boy? Or a girl, i won't judge.. I don't exactly know anyone else you'd be hanging out with except Kipo so i'm kinda going on a limb here.." Benson said, wanting the tea to be spilled.

"Oh my goddddd." I mumbled, hiding my head in my hands. Just hearing the name Kipo made me think of all the things i had thought about in the dream about her.

"Spill it later, we still have training to do." Wolf said. There's the Wolf  I know! i thought.

"Heh yeah i forgot.."

We headed into the nearby forest and to a sort-of open spot in the woods with a bunch of logs to cut. Great. Work.

"Alright so y/n i want you to cut all 5 of these logs up into equal sections. We will use these for our fire tonight. And probably tomorrow." Wolf said.

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