- Chapter 12 -

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★ ⤝—⤠ ★

Y/n's POV

We were at the coronation and on the way there, Wolf informed me that i had passed out while fighting with Emilia. I kinda zoned out when she was telling me about the fight and realized that the cage kind of looked familiar in a way to me. My head started to hurt and an image flashed in my eyes of me being in the same cage while Emilia seemed to be trying to make some sort of deal with me. After this 'headache' was gone, i wondered if it was some sort of hallucination or if it was something that had happened before. Wolf noticed me holding my head in pain.

"Hey are you okay?! Did I say something bad?"

"No, no. Just had some weird headache.. Maybe i'll tell you later." I said, recovering from the pain.

She just nodded and we arrived at this arena-like place. There were a bunch of mutes grouped in the stands.

We walked into the stands and Scarlemagne released what looked like pheromones into the crowd, nothing seemed to happen, except for confused faces. I hear Kipo's voice from a balcony above the stands, she seemed to be explaining why the pheromones weren't working. I don't know if it was because i hadn't seen her in a bit or what but i got lost in the sound of her voice and zoned out, staring at her.

"Hey you okay...? Oh no you have that dreamy look on you face.." Wolf groaned, motioning Benson to come over.

"Earth to Y/n! This isn't time to be daydreaming about Kipo! We have a mission here!" He yelled, waving his hand near my face.

I was then brought back to reality, a blush covering my face. I huffed. "Okay whatever... Don't let me catch you daydreaming about Troy then." I grumbled at Benson. He looked away, probably mad i got back at him.


We then got down the bottom of the arena place and Song had ripped off a roof from some building and Wolf was directing the people from the burrows to get inside of it. Once they were carried away, a bunch of flamingos started to attack us.

Wolf & Kipo seemed to be fending them off but then some of Scarlemange's followers started to attack us as well. Kipo brought out her claws and so did I, also bringing out my horns. She started clawing at them while I ran into one with my horns, throwing them into the stands.

I saw Benson's backpack fly off his back, and into the molten gold. I then saw Kipo's frantic look on her face, realizing she lost her only anchor. Dave and Benson went over to her to fight Scarlemagne while I stood there, unsure of what to do. On one hand, I could turn into Solaxy and fight Scarlemagne that way, but that could hurt others in the process since there are mutes filling the stands, and on the other, my mute powers hadn't been working recently and i wasn't sure on if i should try again. My anxiety got the best of me and I decided not to try out Solaxy again.

The gold started to rise from the small area it was in and it broke out into the stands, Wolf started to urge everyone to higher ground while we struggled to get up the stands. I heard a loud noises and looked over to see that Kipo turned into her mega jaguar form, despite losing the anchor. I got anxious, wondering if she'll ever be able to turn back. She runs over to a tree that had been holding the gold and started to push on it, her mother went over to help. Kipo's determination seemed to help her become an even bigger version of her mute form and the tree was knocked down, stopping the rising gold from pretty much killing everyone.

Her mom seemed to comfort her, knowing the anchor was lost. I then heard Wolf start to sing 'Heros on Fire'.

"When the night is dark, and the outside so cold.."

"I needed a hero, if I only knew that the hero was me" Benson joined in.

"Fear pulls me down, reckless and hot
It tells me I'm nothing, when I know that I'm not..!" I also joined in, i wasn't very good at singing but Kipo enjoyed when i sung to her so hopefully it would help.

We all started singing the song and Kipo's eyes seemed to sparkle at us.

"Standing alone in my fire
You're not alone
Future's hanging on a wire
Just take my hand
Standing alone in my fire
You're not alone"

"Heroes on fire...." We all sang.

Kipo then finally transforms and said, "Miss me?" We all hugged her and when she let go, she turned to me.

"Hey, I guess i needed a special person to turn me back too.." Kipo smiled at me. I swear I could see a small blush but my eyes may of been deceiving me.

My face turned bright red and I stuttered while trying to get a sentence out. Benson was squealing in the back, something about his 'ship starting to sail'. Wolf rolled her eyes.

"Did i do something to her?!" Kipo asked.

"I think you broke her..." Wolf said. Benson agreed.

I fell back a little, with Kipo catching me in her arms. I looked up at her concerned face and fainted.

"Dang it Y/n!"

946 words
two chapters in one day, hell yeah! probably going to finish this book either this week or next week so be prepared for a *hopefully* spicy ending 👏

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