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"Dr. Moore have you ever made a kids wish come true?" Dr. Wells, our pediatric surgeon, asks me. I shake my head before even thinking about it.

"Today is your lucky day. Do you want to know why?" She asks me another question. I nod.

"Today is the day we get to tell little miss Aurora and her parents that she is finally going home today after being stuck in these same hospital walls for the past two months. Her birthday was last week and her wish was to be able to go home with her mommy and daddy, for good. Come on" she turns on her heels quickly, I follow her down to the little girls room.

A rosy cheeked innocent face smiles up at me when we enter. She wore a cute pink beanie over her head, a babydoll in her arms.

"Hi! You must be Stella! I'm Aurora, it's so nice to meet you" she extends her tiny arm out to me. "Dr. Wells told me another doctor was going to be with her today because she has to teach her. I hope you've been learning a lot with Dr. wells, she's amazing." Not to be dramatic but I swear I can feel my heart slowly melting inside my cavity chest. I reach my hand out and her tiny hand wraps around my slightly larger one.

"The pleasure is all mine sweetheart and yes, she is amazing. How are you feeling today?" I ask her.

"I feel great! And you Dr. Wells, how is my favorite doctor?" The girl beams at Dr. Wells.

"Oh I'm doing amazing today Aurora because today is a special day!" Her voice is softer as she speaks to the little girl. She is the most adorable person I've ever met. Literally. I can't get over how precious she is.

"Please do share Dr. Wells" the little girl looks over to her parents who were sitting by the huge window that overlooked the city. I can see where Aurora gets her beautiful green eyes from. Her mother has the same vibrant ones. Her father had darker features. They're a beautiful family. I'm thrilled I'm able to be here to share the amazing news.

"Alright, we all know these past two months have been exhausting!" Dr. Wells exclaims. "All the tests and bad nights, well... no more of that. Because today, Aurora," Dr. Wells gives Aurora a small poke on her tiny nose, "you are finally going home"

Aurora's mouth falls open as her wide eyes look over to her parents with such excitement. Her mom has her hands over her mouth while her father held the mom, smiling ear to ear and teary eyes.

"It's done? No more cancer?" Her mom asks.
"No more Mrs. Thomas. Now, we of course want to see Aurora in a few months to check up with her but she did it. And that's because she's a strong princess"

"Did you hear that mommy? I'm a Princess" Aurora giggles.

"A strong one baby!" Mr. Thomas says.

"Will I be seeing you again Stella?" The girls asks me.
"Hopefully only for your checkup and nothing else sweetie."

"This calls for a celebration, don't you think baby?" Mrs. Thomas asks Aurora.

"Ice cream??" She squeals causing all of us to laugh. These are the days that make everything worth it. Days where we get to see happy patients react when they find out they get to leave and go home to be with their families. After fighting for their lives, going through difficult battles. Telling them that they won. These are my favorite moments.


"Makes me want to have kids" the words surprise me. Did I just say that? I take another small bite out of my apple.

"Ma'am. Kids? Right now?" Gigi stares at me with crazy eyes. Her reaction makes me laugh.

"No not right now. Aurora is just the most precious angel I've met"

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now