Chapter 14: A lions roar

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A/N: Hey guys sorry for the update being late. I was recently on holidays and didn't have the time to write any chapters so thank you for waiting patiently and I hope you enjoy this new chapter

Once Rogue came back up to the viewing area everyone was still slightly in shock, especially Sabertooth since a year ago Rogue wasn't nearly that powerful but now he could beat even Jiemma by himself and they had thrown him out of the guild.
"Alright folks it's time for the one on one matches and first up with have the kitten with the claws Millianna against Quatro Puppies towering giant Semmes" Chipati Lola announced as the two wizards made their way to the arena. Semmes basically turned himself into a spinning top that made Millianna's attacks bounce straight off like it was nothing. Lucy couldn't help but frown a little as she looked over to Quatro Puppies viewing area since they continued to scream out that they were wild.
"You okay Luce?" Natsu asked, looking at the blonde as Millianna managed to tie up Semmes and win.
"I don't like the shouting, it's annoying but I have to admit that even though they are loud, brash and aren't as strong as the other guilds they still aren't giving up so I give them points for that" Lucy muttered as she grabbed her hair that was down for once and twisted it up into a bun.
"You're getting fussy over small things again Lu, here" Gray said as he passed her a drink since he had just gotten back with them. After one sip Lucy hummed before sitting down on the seats that they had.
"She has been getting more fussy each day, do you really think being here is a good idea?" Sting asked worriedly as he looked over at the blonde that was happily drinking her strawberry milkshake while talking to Happy, Frosch and Lector.
"It's more than likely caused by being around so many people after only being around us for the last few years not only that she is in close proximity to the person that caused her to get attacked" Rogue explained as they all watched the celestial mage. Pretty soon Lucy was going to have a bad day and that could go one of two ways. She could be withdrawn and refuse to leave the room that they were renting or she could go straight for the attack on Fairy tail which wouldn't be good for either guild. Soon enough Millianna won against Semmes after she managed to tie him up.

"Next up we have Rufus from Sabertooth verses Eve from Blue Pegasus" Chipati Lola called out interrupting all of their thoughts as they focused back on the games. Eve tried to use his snow magic on Rufus but Rufus used an illusion memory magic magic to trick him. Rufus then used a dirty trick that had every cringing since it seems that Eve had once walk in on Ichiya bathing and he targeted that memory to distract Eve as Rufus snuck his neck from behind knocking him down. This gave Rufus enough time to charge a starry attack that hit Eve straight on but it turned out that Rufus hit a copy made of snow. Eve then attempted to use his snow blizzard to find Rufus but it seems that Rufus already knew what Eve was trying to do and dodged the attack. Rufus then used another memory-make spell to make it heat up as well as attack Eve with what looked like molten lava rocks. That was what made the end of the match but what got Dragon's Heart attention was that Eve could barely even move other then twitching in pain.
"Maker type magic huh? Forgotten, ancient or whatever you want to call it I don't care, that Rufus guy is my target" Gray glared in anger seeing as Lucy had crushed the cup in her hand with the last of the strawberry milkshake dripping down onto her lap and she had lost all colour.
"It's okay, Luce calm down" Natsu said as he walked over and gently unclenched her hand so that he could take the cup while Loke grabbed a cloth and started to gently clean Lucy off.
"Why do they feel the need to hurt someone so badly? Can't they just knock the person out instead of putting them in hospital?" Lucy asked glaring towards Sabertooth.
"I am not sure if that is what is on their mind but I can guarantee that they will learn that you shouldn't use excessive force by the time that we are done" Sting said as Lucy started to calm down from being angry and scared.

Their attention was once again captured by the next match but they could all feel something was off about the match between Laxus and Alexei from Raven's tail.
"It's an illusion, we aren't seeing the real fight" Loke said as soon as he realised.
"Is there any way that we can see into the illusion? I mean without breaking it with force of course?" Natsu asked.
"Probably not, as soon as we can see through it the person that cast it will be able to tell and that would be more hassle than it's worth" Rogue pointed out.
"So we are going to sit here and watch as fake Laxus get's his butt kicked while inside the illusion real Laxus is probably kicking the whole of Raven's tail's butt? How boring" Gray groaned and they all lost interest in the match. When Makarov called out Laxus's name and put his hand up in an L shape just like always they could instantly tell that the real Laxus was done with playing around and it wasn't long before the illusion was broken showing not only the knocked out members of Raven's Tail but also Alexei was actually Ivan Dreyar, Laxus's Father, Makarov's son and the master of Raven's tail.
"Wait they only just realised that?" Sting asked blinking in shock. All of Dragon's heart had realised as soon as they saw Raven's tail that the Ivan in the stands was an illusion and that Ivan was really Alexei. Since their master had participated Raven's tail was disqualified with a ban for five years from the grand magic games.
"Well it looks like I'm up next though I do feel bad about having to beat up on a little girl" Loke grinned as he stood up and stretched.
"She is also a wizard but just make sure not to take it too far" Natsu said with a grin.
"Have fun out there" Gray said while Rogue and Sting both patted him on the shoulder while Happy, Lector and Frosch promised to cheer their 'big brother' on. Ever since the exceed's found out Loke was the lion spirit they had taken him as an older brother.
"Good luck Loke and if you find yourself backed up against a wall then I don't mind if you the first form" Lucy smiled as she kissed Loke's cheek making his smile widen and he basically skipped down to the arena.

Loke arrived in the arena just after his oppoinate Sheria and he had the women in the crowds squealing over him but he didn't care as he turned and waved towards Lucy.
"Now then Sheria the wind goddess of Lamia Scale verses the Golden lion Loke from Dragon's heart I wonder how this will turn out" Yajima commented, one of his eyes opened.
"I object to this match, how could Loke be allowed to even participate in the Grand Magic Games since he is Lucy's celestial spirit" Lisanna yelled out making everyone go silent.
"Oi you, White haired bitch if you got a problem with me why don't you deal with it when it's your turn. No one cares for your opinions but if they truly want to see a good match then they should put me in a match against you" Loke growled his eyes glowing golden showing his bloodlust and fury.
"Loke that is enough, calm yourself and focus on the oppoinate in front of them. I am not sure if you have read the rule book but there is no rule about spirits participating as their own person so long as they carry the guild mark on their body and as you can see Loke's is on the his back therefore we aren't breaking any rules so long as I don't summon him when it is my turn to participate" Lucy piped up with her golden eye glowing just like Loke's but her brown eye looked dead to anyone close enough to see it and Loke lifted his shirt enough to show the mark off.
"Just as Lucy has said there aren't any rules being broken therefore we will now begin the match between Loke and Sheria" Lahar, who was the guest judge, said.
"I am sorry to do this to you little one but I will make sure to defeat you gently so that you are not harmed" Loke said.
"You seem so confident that you will win but I can beat you easily with the power of love" Sheria said before she unleashed her wind god slayer magic making Loke smile a little before dodging out of the way and crouching down on all fours like a cat.
"As I said I will make sure this is painless, oh regulus lend me your strength" said Loke as his fists started to glow golden like normal as he dashed towards Sheria going for gentle taps on points on her body that would knock her out in one blow but the young girl was doing an impressive job of dodging him.

"This is amazing folks Sheria has been on the defensive for over ten minutes and is starting to tire but it seems that Loke hasn't even broken a sweat" Chipati Lola yelled out as everyone cheered and sat on the edge of their seats.
"How much longer do you think it will take?" Happy asked.
"Maybe a few more minutes after all Loke still has his ace card to play" Lector said.
"Fro thinks so too" beamed Frosch.
"I give it seconds since he has just unlocked his ace" Lucy hummed with a gentle smile, her golden eye once more glowing brighter.
"This isn't fair you're not even giving me time to attack" Sheria pouted as Loke drew back for a moment and his magic increased slightly but no one seemed to notice except for Makarov, Yajima and the other masters.
"I had tried to end it without using this but you give me no choice, I hope that you will know when to give up" Loke sighed as he unbuttoned his sleeves and pushing them up as his form started to morph. Within seconds where Loke had once been standing now stood a giant Lion that was at least twenty feet tall looking down on Sheria. Throwing his head back to ruffle his mane Loke let out a thunderous roar and the sky grew darker with the leo constellation glowing brightly.
"I am not sure what type of magic this is but Loke seems to have taken on the form of a giant lion while calling on the power of his constellation" Chipati Lola said. Sheria who was looking up at the large lion fell to the ground as her legs continued to shake so much that they could no longer hold her up.
"I-I-I give up" Sheria stuttered.
"And Sheria surrenders kabo" Mato announced from where he was standing near her. Loke instantly started to turn back into his human form, thankfully when he took his animal form he kept his pants but sadly (Or luckily) his shirt was destroyed.
"You put up a pretty good fight and I had to use my trump card so hold your head high" Loke smiled as he helped Sheria to her feet who looked about ready to cry.
"R-Really?" Sheria asked and Loke nodded.
"You are still young and have a lot of time to continue growing so don't worry about rushing, before you know it you will be able to take anyone on and win" Loke assured her before they parted ways.
"Well folks it seems that Dragon's heart is in the lead and no one can manage to catch them, not only are they strong but also caring, what a lovely show of good sportsmanship" Yajima commented, getting even more cheers from the crowd, most of them cheering Loke's name.
"Seems that we are rather popular" Sting smirked as Lucy handed Loke another shirt that he slipped on and Chipati announced the scores as well as saying the farewells for the third day of the grand magical games.
"We will have to see if Hibiki is still feeling good enough to go out tonight since Eve will more then likely be in hospital" Lucy said as she stood up and picked up Frosch snuggling into their pink frog suit. Loke had left a lasting impression on the other guilds and everyone that was watching so the Dragon's Heart guild had suddenly become everyone's target but little did they know that the next day would completely blow them out of the water.

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