Chapter 8: Hidden

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A/N: Okay guys just letting you know that the grand magical games are going to follow the games in the actual anime but if you have any different types of games you want to see comment and let me know. Other then that I am still deciding on pairings so if you have any ideas please comment. Now then please enjoy.

The next day they were all up early to have a shower and get dressed in outfits that for the most part matched. Lucy wore a long sleeved red shirt with the Dragon's Heart symbol on the front in black and a pair of loose black cotton pants that fell to her knees and were easy to move around in, she also pulled her long hair into a high ponytail. Sting's normal half shirt was still the same but his vest was now black with a red Dragon's heart symbol and he had changed his pants to black instead of white. Rouge had his hair half tied up with his fringe still covering one side of his face, and he dressed in what he normally wore but with more red added to it and he had the Dragon's heart mark on the back of his cloak. Gray had a short sleeved red shirt with a black Dragon's heart symbol on the back and much like Lucy he had black cotton pants but they fell to his ankles. Finally Loke had fore gone wearing a suit jacket and instead had a long sleeved red button up shirt, though he had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, black dress pants and of course he had his tinted glasses but the most eye catching thing was the golden lion's head necklace he had on around his neck.
"Right, Me, Happy, Frosch and Lector are going to head to the area to sit in our area and wait so make sure that you make an entrance that no one is going to forget any time soon" Natsu grinned picking up Frosch so that they wouldn't wander off while Lector and Happy walked beside him.
"You guys ready for this? We aren't going to show mercy to anyone" Gray said looking at his friends and teammates.
"Of course we aren't, I hope they put me in the arena with some fairies and tigers" Sting smirked, while cracking his knuckles.
"We shall show the other teams what happens if they dare to cross a dragon" Rouge commented with a slight smirk.
"I'm going to show that take-over bitch what happens when she dares to hurt my master" Loke growled out, his eyes narrowed behind his glasses.
"Let's go and show them what a true guild is meant to be like, we don't need to be the fastest nor do we need to be the strongest, what gives us strength is the bonds of friendship that we have forged and no one can ever beat that" Lucy said with a smile and they headed for the arena since it would soon be time for the first day of the games to begin.

"Okay folks we are moments away from the start of this year's Grand Magical Games, I am lead commentator Chipati lola and I'll be handling the play by play while former council member Yajima provides commentary. Mr Yajima, glad to have you with us sir" Chipati lola announced.
"Glad to be here" Yajime replied.
"And let's not forget our special guest current member of Blue Pegasus and currently second place of Miss Fiore the ravishing Jenny Rely" Chipati lola introduced.
"Blue Pegasus is bringing home the gold this year for sure" Jenny smiled.
"Now then let's get started in eighth place, only just qualifying this year is Quatro Cerberus. Please welcome Jager, Bacchus, Warcry, Nobarly and Semmes" Chipati lola called out. The dog-like members of the group walked out confidently as the crowd cheered for them.
"In seventh place is a guild filled with the fairer sex, it's Mermaid Heel. Their members are Kagura, Arana, Risley, Millianna and Beth" Chipati lola announced. The Mermaid heel guild walked out with Millianna holding their flag and got a lot of cheers mostly for the male audience members.
"Coming in sixth place with looks that put everyone else to shame it's Blue Pegasus. Competing this year is Ichiya, Hibiki, Ren, Eve and a blue rabbit? Well their last member sure is eye-catching" Chipati lola said. Everyone once again broke into cheers this time most of the females were trying to send everyone deaf. 
"Next in fifth place, the sacred destroyer, Lamia Scale. Their members consist of Lyon, Toby, Shelia, Jura and Yuka" Chipati lola said. The crowd once again broke into cheers as Lamia Scale walked out onto the field.
"Our fourth place contestant swooping in from a midnight dreary this dark and gloomy bunch are making their debut in this year's games, give it up for Raven Tail. Their members are Alexei, Flare, Nullpudding, Kurohebi and Obra" Chipati lola said in what was meant to be a spooky voice. Gray, Lucy, Loke, Rouge and Sting all traded looks all thinking the same thing. Raven tail was trying to be a knock off of Fairy tail but seriously failing though they did get them the chills.
"Now then in third place this is a shocker folks it's last years winners and the number one guild in Fiore, Fairy tail. Their team members, Erza, Lisanna, Elfman, Gajeel and Juvia" Chipati lola announced and the cheers were defending.
"Coming in second place last year's runners up it's Sabertooth. Their members are Minerva, Olga, Rufus, Dobalgal and Storm" Chipati lola said and once again the crowd roared but there was also some confused sounds seeing as no one had any idea on who was in first place.
"Now then folks in first place is a guild that will have everyone scratching their heads in either shock or surprise seeing as this guild was only formed a year ago and they only just have enough members to enter but I'm sure that their members are familiar to a lot of people, please welcome Dragon's Heart" Chipati lola yelled out and everyone was silent as they walked out.
"No way!" A person yelled.
"It isn't possible" another said.
"But they" someone protested.
"That's right folks Dragon's Heart members are Ex-Fairy tail members Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfielia and Loke. Also joining them are Ex-Sabertooth members Sting Eucliff and Rogue Chenry. As for the master of the guild, if you look to Dragon's  heart cheering box you will see Natsu Dragneel the master of Dragon's heart as well as Frosch, Happy and Lector who are all members of Dragon's heart as well" Chipati lola introduced.
"No way! Natsu is that really you? I've missed you so much" Lisanna called fluttering her eyelashes and pushing up her chest.
"Don't address our Master like he is an old friend Bitch he wants nothing to do with you, in fact none of us want anything to do with you Fairies" Sting snarled his eyes gleaming as if daring Lisanna to take a step forward.
"You can't talk to me like that!" Lisanna shrieked while Elfman glared at them.
"Gray-sama, you have finally come back to Juvia" Juvia called out with hearts in her eyes.
"I would rather die than ever date a traitor so don't bother trying to flirt with me, I'll freeze you if you dare to come near me" Gray spat out making Juvia start to cry.
"How have you guys been? See you found a better guild to be part of Ryos geehee" Gajeel said with a laugh at the end.
"I go by the name Rogue and I would prefer that you address me as such" Rogue sighed having already gone through this conversation in the last Grand magical games he was in.
"It's good to see you again Rogue, I'm looking forward to going against you" purred Minerva as she walked forward and went to touch Rogue only to find her arm grabbed tightly.
"It would be better if you go back to your own guild, Rogue does not like you and will never like you so don't try and touch him" Lucy scowled before letting go of Minerva's arm who scowled back before heading back to the other Sabertooth members who hadn't moved from where they were.
"Oh my it seems that tensions are high between Dragon's Heart, Fairy tail and Sabertooth, I wonder what is going to happen in this year's games. Don't leave your folks as the first event, Hidden, is about to begin so teams pick who is going to compete before the rest of you head to the viewing area" Chipati lola interrupted.
"Hidden? Sounds like a game where you will need to hide" Loke noted though he was still glaring at Lisanna picturing all the ways that he could hurt her.
"In that case I'll take this challenge if that's fine with you guys" Gray said.
"Hmm, sounds like a good plan, I can't think of a reason that we shouldn't allow you participate" Rogue noted trying to think of all the things that someone would have to do in Hidden.

Once everyone had chosen the member that was entering the challenge the rest of them headed to the viewing area. This left Gray from Dragon's heart, Lyon from Lamia scale, Juvia from Fairy tail, Nullpudding from Raven tail, Rufus from Sabertooth, Beth from Mermaids heel, Eve from Blue Pegasus and Jager from Quatro Cerberus. Once all of them were down there Gray staying far away from Juvia who was still trying to talk to him, a town seemed to appear in the arena.
"So that's the game huh? Hide and seek guess it's to be expected" Gray scoffed looking around at the buildings he had appeared near.
"Now then folks let's hear the rules for Hidden, you will all be hiding and seeking at the same time. The main objective in Hidden is to locate the other players, once you have done that you'll have to land an attack on them. The player that successfully connects their attack, whether or not it does any damage will then be awarded one point" Chipati lola explained before once things in the arena started to change. Now instead of the made town being empty it was full of illusions that looked like all the different players in the game.
"I know they are pretty but those copies aren't just for show folks, attack one of your fake competitors by mistake and it'll cost you one point. It's time to disappear like a black cat in a dark alleyway, think of your surroundings and hide in plain sight" Chipati lola said before the guard rang the gong. The first thing that happened was that Juvia hugged one of the clones, losing one point as well as being thrown into a ten second time out. Next Nullpudding attempted to catch Gray off guard but Gray easily dodged him before kicking Nullpudding getting his first point and putting the Raven Tail member into a ten second time out.
"Seriously if they are going to come after me then I won't have to bother with hiding or seeking, I'll just stay here and rack up the points" Gray shrugged.
"Such self assured words, how do you know that you won't be beaten by the person that comes after you. It's been a while since I last saw you Gray, you didn't even bother telling me anything before you disappeared two years ago" Lyon said with a glare as he showed himself.
"Yeah sorry about that but see my sister needed me and I didn't have time to contact you" Gray said scratching the back of his head.
"Lucy? Is everything okay now? She isn't hurt is she?" Lyon asked worriedly as he glanced up to where Lucy was standing with Happy in her arms.
"Tell you what after today's games we can catch up and Lulu can decide if she wants to tell you" Gray offered.
"Sounds good now then, let's get this over with" Lyon grinned but before they could start their attack on each other Juvia jumped down hitting Lyon and scoring a point. Gray just sighed, not wanting to deal with Juvia so he dodged around her and slammed his foot into Juvia's back making her yelp before she too disappeared.
"Seems like Dragon's Heart Gray is on a roll folks as he takes first place but what's this looks like our city has turned into a wintery wonderland" Chipati lola said. Even was using his snow magic so that he could tell which ones were the fakes and which ones were real seeing as the real ones breaths would show up. Unfortunately for him Lyon and Gray weren't affected by it giving Lyon time to get a hit on Eve. The guilds traded points back and forth though Lyon was the only one that managed to get a hit on Gray and that was because he managed to sneak up on him.
"Well folks everything is going good so far but we are yet to see any movement from Rufus of Sabertooth I wonder where he could be?" Chipati lola said.
"Hm Rufus has memory-make magic, he is more than likely planning on taking out all of the competitors at once so that he doesn't have to worry about losing points" Rogue commented  as everyone noticed Rufus who was standing on top of one of the buildings.
"Gray knows and Rufus won't be able to get a hit on him" Natsu grinned.
"Memory make: Night of shooting stars" Rufus called out and golden beams of magic shot out to hit everyone.
"So that's your game. In that case, Ice demon: Mirror reflection" Gray said as his body started to let off frost and a large slab of ice appeared around Gray. As soon as Rufus's magic hit the ice it instantly rebounded onto Rufus who let out a yell as he got hit.
"Ice demon: Mirror reflection, it's a type of attack that will reflect any attack that hits the ice around Gray, back at the person that used the attack but it will also add's Gray's own magic to it and hurts twice as much" Loke grinned.
"And with that the game is over folks, coming is first it's Dragon's Heart, second we have Sabertooth, third is Raven's tail, next is Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus. Mermaid Heel, Quattro Kerberos and finally in last place are last year's winners Fairy tail" Chippelola announced.
"Now onto the second part of the Grand magical games the one on one matches and first up it's Dragon's Heart celestial mage Lucy Heartfielia Verses Raven's tail crimson intensity Flare Corona" Chipati lola announced.
"Well I'll be back soon" Lucy said as she stood up placing Happy down on the railing.
"Are you going to be okay Princess? I don't trust that Raven tail" Loke said glaring at the mentioned guild.
"Yes I'll be fine, I'm just going to show them that I am not one to be messed with and neither is my guild" Lucy said as she headed down to the arena. The only thought going through Lucy's mind was that hopefully Flare would put up a fight before losing.

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