Chapter 6: Dragon's heart

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Important A/N: Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far just a few things before you start this chapter, if you have an oppinion on who Lucy, Gray or Natsu should end up with feel free to comment it. Finally this chapter is set TWO years after the last chapter, the grand magical games happened and it mostly followed like the anime did just without Lucy, Gray and Natsu. Fairy tail won the games and Sting and Rouge were both kicked out of Sabertooth but the dragons DID NOT attack, Raventail also DID NOT play in the games. With that said I hope you enjoy this chapter.

It had been a tough two years for all four of the ex-fairy tail mages as they all pushed themselves well beyond their limits but none of them would ever regret it. Happy now had the ability to take on a human form that looked just like Natsu except that his hair was a little bit shorter and blue, along with his human form he had learnt how to be a fire mage. Gray looked much the same but he now permanently had the ice demon slayer tattoo on his left side and the left of his face, he had also made leaps and bounds of finally letting go of his past with Deliora after Zeref kept his promise and let his father rest in peace but only after he got to talk to Gray again. Natsu still had the demon mark on his left side but now they were in a scale pattern like dragon scales and he also had two middle sized horns on his head and if he focused his magic he could grow two dragon like wings on his back, with Zeref's help Natsu had managed to get his human, dragon and demon sides to all work together. The biggest change though was Lucy, her shoulder length blonde hair had grown out till it reached her hips and she kept it in a high ponytail with the fringe out to frame her face, her left eye was now a golden colour while her right eye was still the normal chocolate brown. She was tanned and she had also gotten more muscular and she could now stand up against both Natsu and Gray in hand to hand combat and she could now summon three zodiac spirits at once and summoning silver keys didn't affect her much at all. Instead of wearing the normal clothes that she had been wearing before the incident she now wore T shirts that had sleeves at least as long as her elbows and she mainly wore denim jeans or shorts that reached just below her knees with her normal leather boots on. While they travelled and trained Lucy had collected quite a collection of bronze and silver keys as well as four other demon books that she could summon and she had three animal summons as well. They also had another surprise when they came across Sting Eucliffe and Rouge Cheney after they had been kicked out of Sabertooth and so they invited the two broken down dragon slayers and their exceeds into their travelling group. 
"You're sure about this Luce? We don't have to do this if you don't want to" Natsu said as looked up from where he was sitting to look at the only female of their group.
"I'm sure it's been two years, I will be fine and it is time that we show our guilds that they were wrong about us, all of us" Lucy said with a small smile as she looked at Sting, Rouge, Lector and Frosch. They had been travelling with each other for a year now and even though Lucy was jumpy around them to start off with, she had soon come to rely on them and see them as friends.
"Lulu is right Natsu, we have gotten strong and now we can finally get back at that Bitch without having the council beating down our door plus you hear what Zeref said" Gray pointed out with a deadly smirk.
"When they get like this there is no stopping them, though I must admit that I would not mind joining them in getting even" Rouge commented.
"Fro thinks so too" beamed the green exceed in a Frog suit.
"Ha they will regret looking down on us as well as kicking us out, just like Fairy tail will regret their choices as well" grinned Sting with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.
"Yeah Sting-kun will make sure that they regret everything" beamed Lector.
"Come on Natsu, please?" Happy pleaded his eyes wide as he was in human form.
"Fine but we will have to work out a few things since we only just have enough members and sending Happy in as a regular member wouldn't be a good decision as he could turn back into his exceed form if it goes on too long" Natsu said with a fond shake of his head. Over the two years that they had been travelling Natsu had settled down a bit, that wasn't to say that he didn't destroy buildings because he did, but he had learnt that there was an advantage of thinking things over as well as when to be calm and collected.
"Perhaps I can help with that? I would be happy to help out" said a voice and they looked to see that Loke had opened his own gate again. All of Lucy's spirits could now open their own gates even if something was blocking them like what had happened two years ago, the humans and exceeds weren't the only ones that had been training over the two years.
"That could work, very well then get ready everyone because the Dragon's heart will be entering the Grand Magical Games this year and we will be bringing home the trophy" Natsu grinned and the others all matched his grin in excitement. Dragon's Heart was a new guild that had only been formed a little over a year ago by Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy since it was before they had found Sting, Rouge, Frosch and Lector but they soon joined later on. Their guild mark was of two dragon like shapes curled together so their bodies and heads made a heart together. So far they hadn't gotten any other members but themselves, Natsu was the Master of the guild while Lucy and Rouge were the second in commands that checked over everything for a second and third opinions. That isn't to say that Gray, Sting or the exceeds didn't get a say because they did since they have a bit of a council system in place where Natsu would get paperwork for something and he would call a meeting when no one was on missions and they would go through it together and all come to a decision.
"We should all pack tonight and get some rest, it's going to be a long train ride tomorrow with the three of you getting travel sickness" Lucy said and the three dragon slayers turned white at that before they all split up to their dorm rooms since they stayed at the guild for now since it was only a small building since they weren't well known. 

The next morning all of them, including Loke all got on the train to Croncos where Natsu went to enter their guild into the elimination round while the others all headed out to do some sight seeing and buying a few things that they wouldn't be able to get anywhere else. 
"Okay, you guys you have to be back at the inn that we are staying in by middle night for when the elimination round starts, two years ago it was a labyrinth but then last year it was a swimming race so be prepared for anything, me, Happy, Lector and Frosch will have to say in the other room so that we aren't accused of cheating" Natsu said and they all nodded. 
"Let's explore a little more and then we can get some food before heading back to our rooms so that we can get some sleep before the challenge begins" Lucy suggested.
"Sounds good, I'm getting hungry" complained Sting.
"That's because you threw up most of your food on the train" snickered Gray making Sting glare at him though it looked more like a pout then a glare.
"Well, well isn't this a sight for sore eyes. Did you come back to beg for your place at Sabertooth back?" a voice cooed sickly making them all turn to see a group that was familiar. Standing in front of them were Minerva, Rufus, Olga, Dobengal and a less familiar woman that they didn't know the name of.
"Tch, like we would ever beg to be in your pathetic guild, last I checked you got your arses handed to you by the fairies didn't you?" Sting scoffed with a glare making sure to move slightly in front of Rouge since he wasn't comfortable around Minerva with all the attempts she had made to take him to bed.
"Let's go we shouldn't waste time around here" Natsu said as they turned to leave. Unfortunately Minerva decided that they wanted to keep talking and made the mistake of grabbing Lucy's shoulder. Natsu's hands instantly called forth his demon flames, frost started roll of Gray starting to freeze the ground around him, Loke started to glow golden as he glared at Minerva, Sting had white light around as he held back on activating dragon force, Rouge had shadows rolling off him and his own shadow started to spread out, Happy took his human form his own fire coming out to play while Frosch and Lecter stayed before them so that they wouldn't be hurt, they haven't been able to take human form yet.
"I will give you only warning, let go of my shoulder" Lucy said looking at them her golden eye glowing slightly.
"Oh and what are you going to do if I don't?" Minerva sneered while Rufus, Olga and Dobangal took a few steps back obviously sensing the hidden threat behind Lucy's words. Sighing Lucy just tilted her head slightly and instantly Minerva was jumping back quickly as a small explosion was set off between Lucy and Minerva.
"Who the hell do ya think ya're? Touching the Princess with ya filthy hands" growled a voice as another person appeared, both his hands glowing with magic power showing that he was the one to make the explosion happen.
"Calm down Jackal, it's okay there was no harm done. Now then if that is all we will be on our way, let's go you guys" Lucy said with a small smile even as she put her hand to her shoulder and dug her nails in.
"They aren't worth it, Luce is right, let's go get some food" Natsu said as he reached up and took Lucy's hand and held it in his own as they walked away.
"If I get put in the ring with her and I am going to make her beg for mercy" Gray snarled.
"You will have to beat me to it first, you holding up Rouge?" Sting asked as he scooped Frosch up and placing them in Rouge's arms since the shadow dragon slayer was shivering.
"Yeah, I just didn't expect to run into them this soon" Rouge whispered.
"Don't worry we are gonna kick their butts and kick Fairy tail's butts as well since they don't stand a chance against us" Happy beamed trying to cheer them up and it worked somewhat as everyone smiled slightly at the optimistic exceed. One thing was for sure though, Fairy tail and Sabertooth were both in for a shock when the Grand Magical Games started.

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