Chapter 15: Water battle

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Arriving at the inn that Blue Pegasus was staying at the Dragon's Heart guild was greeted and welcomed in by Master Bob who was fawning over the boys instantly.
"How is Eve? Rufus was ruthless" Sting frowned, as he clenched his hands with his eyes narrowed. Rufus was never that bad when Rogue and Sting were in Sabertooth but they had to guess that they weren't the only ones that had changed.
"He is fine though he will be out of the games for the remainder of it and he will also have to stay bandaged up for a while but before he went to sleep he said that he was feeling much better" Hibiki explained as he walked into the bar part of the Inn.
"Just the man that we have been looking for, we were wondering if you still wanted to have dinner tonight? We can have it here if you want" Natsu offered with his normal grin that made Lucy smile a tiny bit glad to see that Natsu was starting to get his smile back.
"That actually sounds good, we can roll Eve out here and he can join us once he wakes up" Ren said.
"I just realised but Ichiya isn't here is he?" Lucy asked curious as she looked around the bar for the orange haired man.
"Sir Ichiya had retired to his room to have his bath so we can get started without him and he will join us later. You should really try the strawberry cake, Master Bob is one of the best bakers that I have ever tasted" Hibiki grinned as he sat down next to Lucy but made sure to keep some distance between them when he saw Loke's eyes narrow in on him. It was obvious that the Lion spirit was more protective than ever before but thinking about what Lucy had gone through it was no wonder he was protective of her.
"Oh you flatter me, I'll go ask if I can borrow the kitchen to whip you kids something up" Master Bob blushed as he waved his hand before heading to the kitchen.

The rest of the night was spent joking around with each other, catching up on all the latest gossip, eating delicious food as well as playing different games like Truth or Dare though there were strict rules about sexual or romantic questions and dares since they didn't want to set Lucy off. Because of the different things that were revealed during that game such as the fact that Gray and Natsu actually liked standing near each other since their body temperatures evened each other out, everyone from Blue Pegasus and Dragon's Heart got to know each other. Another thing revealed was that Frosch sometimes slipped up and called Rogue Dad which made everyone coo just thinking of that image while Rogue blushed and Sting patted his friend on the shoulder knowingly.
"We should head back to the Inn so that we can rest up for tomorrow" Sting said with a yawn while he held Lector who was already asleep. Happy and Frosch were the same being held by Natsu and Rogue.
"I guess that is for the best, just because we have become friends doesn't mean that we are going to let you guys win the games" Ren said not meeting our eyes like normal.
"We wouldn't be pleased if you just handed us the win, we are showing Fiore what a true guild can do, not to say that some guilds such as your own isn't a true guild" Lucy said.
"Don't worry about it dear we know what you mean, I still can't believe what that girl did to you. If you have any more trouble with her you tell me and I will handle it myself" Master Bob said with a frown making them all shiver. As nice as the man usually was, they all knew that he was the master of Blue Pegasus for a reason and they for one wouldn't want to be on his bad side.
"See you later" Hibiki said as Dragon's Heart left waving at Blue Pegasus before turning around and heading to the Inn that they were staying at. They were all exhausted and needed a good night's sleep so that they would be ready for the next day of the Grand Magic Games.

When they got back to their room they took turns in the shower before collapsing onto their beds being careful not to squish or wake the sleeping exceed's up.
"So we have two more days of the Grand Magic Games left, what do you guys think the challenges will be?" Sting asked, his voice muffled from where he was laying face down on his pillows.
"I don't know but I hope that they are fun and entertaining seeing as I am going to be participating tomorrow" Lucy yawned her eyes drooping.
"I am sure that they will be entertaining though I am more focused on the magic that keeps on showing up here and there that is like Zeref-onii-chan's as well as why those bandits tried to kidnap Luce" Natsu scowled just thinking about when Lucy had been targeted.
"They both are interesting and I would like to find out the answers behind them but we don't have anything to go on for either of them. I am sure that Jellal, Meredy and Ultear would have told us if they had found out anything about the mysterious magic and for the bandits, the one who hired them hasn't made any other moves so we have no more clues on who they are" Rogue summed up.
"Couldn't have put it better myself, for now we should work on getting some sleep so that we are ready for tomorrow" Gray said, getting muttered good nights in reply.
"Hey Natsu" Gray called after a while, not having fallen asleep just yet.
"What is it?" Natsu asked his arms behind his head glancing at Gray who had rolled over to face the fire mage.
"You think Lucy is going to be able to control herself tomorrow? Her magic has been bubbling at the surface for a while now" Gray said a little worried after all if Lucy were to lose control no one would be able to stop her except for Zeref and even then it would be a 50/50 chance.
"Luce has more self control then that but I can tell what you mean we will have to use the day that they give us between the fourth and fifth day to have a spar so that she can calm down. Plus it's not Luce that you have to worry about, I would be more worried about her spirits" Natsu snorted.
"Yeah I forgot about that, if they are put into the arena with Lisanna it will probably end in a blood bath not that I can blame them since it would be the same thing if I was put in the ring with her" Gray growled.
"It would be the same if any of us were put in the ring with her but for now we should try and get some sleep, we have to believe in Luce and be behind her even if others aren't" Natsu said and the two of them drifted off to sleep.

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